Digestorum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 22,1,47Scaevola libro nono digestorum. Respondit paratum iudicium accipere, si ab adversario cessatum est, moram facere non videri.
Ad Dig. 22,1,47ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 263: Voraussetzung der mora, wenn zur Erfüllung der Verbindlichkeit die Mitwirkung des Gläubigers erforderlich ist. Durch Mittheilung der Klage wird der Schuldner noch nicht unbedingt in Verzug gesetzt.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 281, Note 4.Scævola, Digest, Book IX. It is held that where a party is ready to join issue in a case, and his adversary fails to file his complaint, he will not be held to be in default.
Dig. 22,3,29Scaevola libro nono digestorum. Imperatores Antoninus et Verus Augusti Claudio ApollinariaaDie Großausgabe liest Apolinari statt Apollinari. rescripserunt in haec verba: ‘Probationes quae de filiis dantur, non in sola adfirmatione testium consistunt, sed et epistulas, quae uxoribus missae allegarentur, si de fide earum constet, nonnullam vicem instrumentorum optinere decretum est’. 1Mulier gravida repudiata, filium enixa, absente marito ut spurium in actis professa est. quaesitum est an is in potestate patris sit et matre intestata mortua iussu eius hereditatem matris adire possit nec obsit professio a matre irata facta. respondit veritati locum superfore.
Scævola, Digest, Book IX. The Emperors Antoninus and Verus stated in a Rescript to Claudius Apollinaris the following, namely: “It is decreed that proofs given with reference to children shall not consist of the mere statements of witnesses, but also of letters which are alleged to have been sent to wives, if their authenticity is established, and they can be introduced as documentary evidence.” 1A wife, who had been repudiated while pregnant, brought forth a son during the absence of her husband; and, in the course of the proceedings instituted in consequence, confessed that the child was illegitimate. The inquiry arose whether the son was under the control of his father, and if when his mother died intestate, he could enter upon her estate by order of his father, or whether the confession made by his angry mother would prejudice his rights. The answer was that, in cases of this kind an opportunity always existed for ascertaining the truth.
Dig. 24,1,66Scaevola libro nono digestorum. Seia Sempronio cum certa die nuptura esset, antequam domum deduceretur tabulaeque dotis signarentur, donavit tot aureos: quaero, an ea donatio rata sit. non attinuisse tempus, an antequam domum deduceretur, donatio facta esset, aut tabularum consignatarum, quae plerumque et post contractum matrimonium fierent, in quaerendo exprimi: itaque nisi ante matrimonium contractum, quod consensu intellegitur, donatio facta esset, non valere. 1Virgini in hortos deductae ante diem tertium quam ibi nuptiae fierent, cum in separata diaeta ab eo esset, die nuptiarum, priusquam ad eum transiret et priusquam aqua et igni acciperetur, id est nuptiae celebrentur, optulit decem aureos dono: quaesitum est, post nuptias contractas divortio facto an summa donata repeti possit. respondit id, quod ante nuptias donatum proponeretur, non posse de dote deduci.
Scævola, Digest, Book IX. Seia, when about to marry Sempronius on a certain day, before she was conducted to his house, and before the marriage contract was signed, gave him a certain number of aurei. I ask whether this donation is valid. I answered that strict attention should not be paid to the time, that is, whether the donation was made before she was conducted to his house, or before the marriage contract was signed, as very frequently this is done after the marriage has been celebrated; for unless the donation was made before the marriage was contracted, which is understood to have been done by the consent of the parties, it will not be valid. 1A girl was conducted to the country-seat of her intended husband three days before the ceremony took place, remaining in a separate room from that of her husband, and upon the day of the marriage before she passed under his control, and before she was received under the rite of water and fire, that is to say, before the nuptials were celebrated, he offered her ten aurei as a gift. The question arose that if a divorce took place after the marriage was solemnized, whether the sum donated could be recovered. The answer was that what had been donated as a gift before marriage could not be deducted from the dowry.