Digestorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 8,5,20Scaevola libro quarto digestorum. Testatrix fundo, quem legaverat, casas iunctas habuit: quaesitum est, si hae fundo legato non cederent eumque legatarius vindicasset, an iste fundus aliquam servitutem casis deberet aut, si ex fideicommissi causa cum sibi dari legatarius desideraret, heredes servitutem aliquam casis excipere deberent. respondit deberi. 1Plures ex municipibus, qui diversa praedia possidebant, saltum communem, ut ius compascendi haberent, mercati sunt idque etiam a successoribus eorum est observatum: sed nonnulli ex his, qui hoc ius habebant, praedia sua illa propria venum dederunt. quaero, an in venditione etiam ius illud secutum sit praedia, cum eius voluntatis venditores fuerint, ut et hoc alienarent. respondit id observandum, quod actum inter contrahentes esset: sed si voluntas contrahentium manifesta non sit, et hoc ius ad emptores transire. item quaero, an, cum pars illorum propriorum fundorum legato ad aliquem transmissa sit, aliquid iuris secum huius compascui traxerit. respondit, cum id quoque ius fundi, qui legatus esset, videretur, id quoque cessurum legatario.
Scævola, Digest, Book IV. A testatrix owned some houses adjoining a tract of land which she bequeathed; the question arose, whether, if these were not included with the land and the legatee should bring suit to recover it, the said land would be subject to any servitude for the benefit of the houses; or if the legatee claimed that the land should be conveyed to him in compliance with the terms of a trust, whether the heirs ought to reserve a servitude in favor of the houses? The answer was that they should do so. 1Several citizens of a town, who owned different estates, purchased a tract of woodland, to be held in common for the enjoyment of the right of pasturage, and this arrangement was carried out by their successors; but some of those who had this right subsequently sold the separate estate above mentioned. I ask whether, after the sale, the right follows the said estates, since it was the intention of the vendors to also dispose of this right? The answer was that what had been understood between the contracting parties must be observed; but if their intention was not evident, that this right would also pass to the purchasers. I also ask, if when a portion of the said individual estates has been conveyed by the legatees to anyone else, whether it would carry with it any part of the right of pasturage? The answer was, that as this, right must be considered to be attached to the estate which was bequeathed, it would also go to the legatee.
Dig. 11,1,22Scaevola libro quarto digestorum. Procuratore Caesaris ob debitum fiscale interrogante unus ex filiis, qui nec bonorum possessionem acceperat nec heres erat, respondit se heredem esse: an quasi interrogatoria creditoribus ceteris teneatur? respondit ab his, qui in iure non interrogassent, ex responso suo conveniri non posse.
Scævola, Digest, Book IV. Where the Imperial Procurator was conducting an examination with reference to a debt due to the Treasury, one of the sons of the deceased who had not obtained possession of the property of the estate and was not an heir, answered that he was the heir; can he be held liable by the other creditors as having answered the interrogatory? The reply was that a party cannot be sued on account of his answer by those who have not interrogated him in court.
Dig. 18,5,9Idem libro quarto digestorum. Fundus qui Lucii Titii erat ob vectigale rei publicae veniit: sed cum Lucius Titius debitor professus esset paratum se esse vectigal exsolvere solidum, cum minore venisset fundus, quam debita summa esset, praeses provinciae resciditaaDie Großausgabe liest rescindit statt rescidit. venditionem eumque restitui iussit Lucio Titio: quaesitum est, an post sententiam praesidis, antequam restitueretur, in bonis Lucii Titii fundus emptus esset. respondit non prius, quam emptori pretium esset illatum vel, si pretium nondum esset ab emptore solutum, in vectigal satisfactum esset.
The Same, Digest, Book IV. A certain tract of land which belonged to Lucius Titius was sold on account of a public tax. Lucius Titius, having acknowledged that he was the debtor, said that he was ready to pay the whole of the tax; and, as the sale of the property was not sufficient to pay the entire amount, the Governor of the province rescinded the sale, and ordered the land to be restored to Lucius Titius. The question arose whether, after the decision of the Governor and before the land was restored, it was included in the property of Lucius Titius? The answer was that this was not the case before the price had been refunded to the purchaser, or if the price had not yet been paid by him before the claim for taxes was satisfied.
Dig. 26,7,56Scaevola libro quarto digestorum. Tutor rerum et animalium pupilli venditionem fecit, sed quaedam animalia emptoribus pretium non solventibus retinuit et apud se habuit, pretium idem rationibus pupilli accepto tulit: ex his aliquot nata sunt: defuncto tutore heres eius eandem tutelam administravit et animalia annis plurimis possedit: quaesitum est, an, cum is cuius tutela administrata est annis viginti quattuor esset, iure animalia vindicaret. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur pupillum ea vindicare non posse.
Scævola, Digest, Book IV. A guardian sold property and animals belonging to his ward, but retained and kept in his possession some of the animals, for the reason that the purchasers did not pay for them; and he entered the price as paid in the accounts of the guardian. Other animals were produced by these, and the guardian having died, his heir administered the same guardianship, and kept the animals in his possession for several years. The question arose whether the minor, whose guardianship was the subject of administration, could legally claim the said animals after he was fourteen years old? The answer was that, according to the facts stated, the ward could not claim them.