Digestorum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 5,3,58Scaevola libro tertio digestorum. Filius a patre emancipatus secundum condicionem testamenti matris adiit hereditatem, quam pater, antequam filium emanciparet, possedit fructusque ex ea possedit, sed erogationem in honorem filii cum esset senator fecit ex ea. quaesitum est, cum paratus sit pater restituere hereditatem habita ratione eorum quae in eum erogavit, an filius nihilo minus perseverans petere hereditatem doli mali exceptione summoveri possit. respondi, et si non exciperetur, satis per officium iudicis consuli.
Scævola, Digest, Book III. A son who was emancipated by his father in compliance with a condition of his mother’s will, entered upon the estate which his father had possession of before he emancipated his son, and of which he had also obtained the profits, and expended some of them in honor of his son, who was a Senator. The question arose, as the father was prepared to surrender the estate, after having reserved the sum which he had expended for his son, whether the latter, if he still persisted in prosecuting his action for the recovery of the estate, could be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud? I answered that even if the father did not avail himself of the exception, the duty required of the judge could sufficiently dispose of the matter.