Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVII
Dig. 20,1,34Scaevola libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Cum tabernam debitor creditori pignori dederit, quaesitum est, utrum eo facto nihil egerit an tabernae appellatione merces, quae in ea erant, obligasse videatur? et si eas merces per tempora distraxerit et alias comparaverit easque in eam tabernam intulerit et decesserit, an omnia quae ibi deprehenduntur creditor hypothecaria actione petere possit, cum et mercium species mutatae sint et res aliae illatae? respondit: ea, quae mortis tempore debitoris in taberna inventa sunt, pignori obligata esse videntur. 1Idem quaesiit, cum epistula talis emissa sit: ‘Δανεισάμενος παρὰ σοῦ δηνάρια πεντακόσια παρεκάλεσά σε μὴ βεβαιωτὴν ἀλλ’ ὑποθήκην παρ ἐμοῦ λαβεῖν· οἶδας γὰρ ἀκριβῶς, ὅτι καὶ ἡ ταβέρνα καὶ οἱ δοῦλοί μου οὐδενὶ κατέχονται ἢ σοὶ καὶ ὡς εὐσχήμονι ἀνθρώπῳ ἐπίστευσασ’: an pignus contractum sit an vero ea epistula nullius momenti sit, cum sine die et consule sit. respondit, cum convenisse de pignoribus videtur, non idcirco obligationem pignorum cessare, quod dies et consules additi vel tabulae signatae non sint. 2Creditor pignori accepit a debitore quidquid in bonis habet habiturusve esset: quaesitum est, an corpora pecuniae, quam idem debitor ab alio mutuam accepit, cum in bonis eius facta sint, obligata creditori pignoris esse coeperint. respondit coepisse.
Ad Dig. 20,1,34Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 137, Note 8.Scævola, Digest, Book XXVII. Where a debtor gave a shop in pledge to his creditor, the question arose whether the transaction was void, or whether it should be held that under the designation of “shop” all of the property contained therein was pledged. And if the party should sell the said merchandise, from time to time, and purchase other goods and place them in said shop, and then should die, could the creditor recover by an hypothecary action everything found there, as the merchandise had been changed, and other articles substituted? The answer was that whatever was found in the shop at the time of the death of the debtor was held to have been pledged. 1It was also asked, where a letter, such as the following, was sent, namely: “When I borrowed five hundred denarii of you, I requested you not to take a surety but to accept a pledge from me, for you know absolutely and with certainty that my shop and my slaves are not encumbered to anyone else but yourself, and that you have confidence in me as an honest man.” Is the obligation of a pledge incurred? Or is this letter of no force, because it has no date, and no reference to the consul? The answer was that, as an agreement with reference to pledges seems to have been made, the obligation derived from a pledge is not void, merely for the reason that the date and the name of the consul do not appear, and no seals are attached to the document. 2A creditor accepted from a debtor, by way of pledge, all the property which he had or might have subsequently. The question arose whether the money which the said debtor had borrowed from the other party, as it was included in his property, would be bound to the creditor by way of pledge? The answer was that it would.
Dig. 20,4,21Scaevola libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Titius Seiae ob summam, qua ex tutela ei condemnatus erat, obligavit pignori omnia bona sua quae habebat quaeque habiturus esset: postea mutuatus a fisco pecuniam pignori ei res suas omnes obligavit: et intulit Seiae partem debiti et reliquam summam novatione facta eidem promisit, in qua obligatione similiter ut supra de pignore convenit. quaesitum est, an Seia praeferenda sit fisco et in illis rebus, quas Titius tempore prioris obligationis habuit, item in his rebus, quas post priorem obligationem adquisiit, donec universum debitum suum consequatur. respondit nihil proponi. cur non sit praeferenda. 1Negotiatori marmorum creditur sub pignore lapidum, quorum pretia venditores ex pecunia creditoris acceperant: idem debitor conductor horreorum Caesaris fuit, ob quorum pensiones aliquot annis non solutas procurator exactioni praepositus ad lapidum venditionem officium suum extendit: quaesitum est, an iure pignoris eos creditor retinere possit. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur posse.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXVII. Ad Dig. 20,4,21 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 246, Note 2.Titius hypothecated to Seia all the property which he possessed or might subsequently acquire, on account of a judgment that had been rendered against him for a sum of money which he owed because of his guardianship. Afterwards, having borrowed money from the Treasury, he encumbered all his property to it, and paid Seia a portion of what was due to her, and promised to pay her the remainder after having renewed the obligation; and as before, an agreement was made concerning pledges. The question arose whether Seia should be preferred to the Treasury both with reference to the property which Titius had at the time of the first obligation, as well as to that which he had acquired after said obligation was contracted, until his entire indebtedness was discharged. The answer was that there was nothing in what was stated to prevent her from being preferred. 1Ad Dig. 20,4,21,1ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 281: Pfandrecht des Vermiethers an den eingebrachten zum Verkaufe bestimmten Waaren des Miethers. Zeitweise und dauernde Bestimmung der Verwendung.A creditor made a loan to a dealer in marble on a pledge of tombstones, the price of which had been paid to the vendors out of the money furnished by the creditors. The debtor was the lessee of certain warehouses belonging to the Emperor, and, as the rent for the same had not been paid for some years, the officer charged with its collection proceeded to sell the tombstones. The question arose whether the creditor had a right to retain them on account of the pledge. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, he had that right.
Dig. 44,4,17Scaevola libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Pater pro filia dotem promiserat et pactus erat, ut ipse aleret filiam suam eiusque omnes: idem homo rusticanus genero scripsit quasi usuras praeteritas ex dotis promissione: quaesitum est, cum ipse filiam suam exhibuerit et maritus nullam impensam fecerit, an ex chirographo ex stipulatu agenti genero exceptio obstare debeat. respondit, si, ut proponatur, pater, cum exhiberet, per errorem promississet, locum fore doli mali exceptioni. 1Avus nepotibus ex filia legavit singulis centena et adiecit haec verba: ‘ignoscite, nam potueram vobis amplius relinquere, nisi me Fronto pater vester male accepisset, cui dederam mutua quindecim, quae ab eo recipere non potui: postremo hostes, qui mihi fere omnem substantiam abstulerunt’. quaesitum est, an, si avi heres ab his nepotibus patris sui heredibus petat quindecim, contra voluntatem defuncti facere videatur et doli mali exceptione summoveatur. respondit exceptionem obstaturam. 2Ex quadrante heres scriptus a coherede ex dodrante instituto emit portionem certa quantitate, ex qua aliquam summam in nominibus ex kalendario uti daret, stipulanti spopondit: defuncto venditore hereditatis falsum testamentum Septicius accusare coepit et hereditatem ab emptore petit et ne quid ex ea minueret, impetravit: quaesitum est, cognitione falsi pendente an heredes ex stipulatu petentes doli exceptione summoventur. respondit heredes venditoris, si ante eventum cognitionis pergant petere, exceptione doli mali posse summoveri. 3Marito et filio communi ex parte dimidia scriptis heredibus filiam suam ex priore matrimonio ita heredem instituit: ‘Maevia filia mea ex sex unciis heres mihi esto, si cum coheredibus tuis parem rationem feceris pro mea portione in diem mortis meae eius actus, qui pendet ex tutela tua, quam Titius pater meus, avus tuus administravit’. quaesitum est, an, quia sub condicione instituta filia esset, si omitteret hereditatem, uti salvam tutelae actionem haberet, legata sibi a matre data consequi possit. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur eam, de qua quaereretur, contra voluntatem petere et ideo exceptionem doli obstaturam.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXVII. A father promised a dowry for his daughter, and entered into an agreement that he would support her and all her family. This foolish man made a note payable to his son-in-law in lieu of the interest due on the promise to give a dowry. As he had supported his daughter, and her husband had been at no expense on this account, the question arose whether an exception on the ground of bad faith could be pleaded in bar against the son-in-law, if he brought suit under the stipulation for the purpose of collecting the note? The answer was, that if her father had supported her, as was stated, and had made the promise by mistake, then an exception on the ground of bad faith could be interposed. 1A grandfather bequeathed a hundred sesterces to each one of his grandchildren by his daughter, and added the following words, “I ask you to pardon me, for I could have left you much more if your father Fronto had not treated me badly, for I lent him fifteen aurei-which I could not collect, and finally, the enemy deprived me of almost all my property.” If the heir of the grandfather should bring an action to collect the fifteen aurei from the said grandchildren, who were the heirs of their father, the question arose, would he be considered to have acted against the will of the deceased, and could he be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud? The answer was that the exception would operate as a bar. 2An heir who was appointed to the fourth of an estate purchased for a certain sum of money the share of his co-heir who had been appointed heir to three-fourths of it, executed promissory notes for the deferred payments, and bound himself by a stipulation. The vendor of the estate died; Septitius attacked the will as being forged, and having brought suit to recover the estate from the purchaser, obtained an order of court to prevent him from disposing of any part of it. The question arose whether the heirs who brought suit under the stipulation, while a case involving the genuineness of the will was pending, could be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud. The answer was that the heirs of the vendor could be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud if they persisted in demanding payment of the notes before the case relating to the will was decided. 3A woman, having appointed her husband and her son heirs to equal portions of her estate, also appointed a daughter whom she had had by a former marriage her heir, as follows: “Let my daughter, Mævia, be the heir to six-twelfths of my estate, if she accounts to her co-heirs for what I shall owe her at the time of my death, growing out of the accounts of her guardianship, which my father, Titius, her grandfather, administered.” As this daughter had been appointed under a condition, if she should reject the estate in order to preserve the right of action on guardianship, the question arose whether she could claim the legacy which had been bequeathed to her by her mother. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, she made the claim in question contrary to the wishes of her mother, and therefore she would be barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith.