Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXV
Dig. 33,2,36Idem libro quinto vicesimo digestorum. Sticho testamento manumisso fundi usus fructus erat legatus et, cum is uti fruique desisset, fidei heredum testator commisit, uti eum fundum darent Lucio Titio: sed Stichus testamento suo eiusdem fundi proprietatem nepotibus suis legavit et heredes Stichi ex testamento eius legatariis nepotibus eum fundum tradiderunt. quaesitum est, cum nepotes legatarii ignoraverint condicionem fundi supra scripti priore testamento datam et plus quam tempore statuto possederint, an eum fundum sibi adquisierint. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur legatarios sibi adquisisse. 1Idem quaesiit, si aliquo casu legatariis auferri possit, an repetitionem ab heredibus Stichi eius nepotes habere possint. respondit supra quidem de adquisitione responsum: verum si ex alia causa adquisitio cessasset, videri Stichum, si post mortem eorum, quibus proprietas legata esset, testamentum fecisset, potius quod habere se crederet, quam quod onerare heredes vellet, legasse.
The Same, Digest, Book XXV. The usufruct of a tract of land was left to Stichus, who was manumitted by the will, and after he had ceased to enjoy it, the testator left it to his heirs in trust, to be delivered to Lucius Titius. Stichus, however, by his will, left the ownership of said land to his grandchildren, and the heirs of Stichus, in accordance with the terms of his will, transferred the said land to his grandchildren, who were his legatees. The said grandchildren, not being aware of the condition under which the land was devised by the former will, and having possessed it for a longer time than that provided by law to give title by prescription, the question arose whether they acquired the ownership of the land for themselves. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, the legatees had acquired it. 1It was also asked, if, in any event, the legatees should be deprived of the land, whether an action in favor of the grandsons would lie for the recovery of the same against the heirs of Stichus. The answer was that, according to the opinion previously rendered where the property for some reason had not been acquired, if Stichus had made a will after the death of those to whom it was left, he would have been held to have intended to bequeath something which he thought belonged to him, rather than to have burdened his heirs.
Dig. 41,4,14Scaevola libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Intestatae sororis hereditas obvenit duobus fratribus, quorum alter absens erat, alter praesens: praesens etiam absentis causam agebat, ex qua hereditate suo et fratris sui nomine fundum in solidum vendidit Lucio Titio bona fide ementi: quaesitum est, cum scierit partem fundi absentis esse, an totum fundum longa possessione ceperit. respondit, si credidisset mandatu fratris venisse, per longum tempus cepisse.
The Same, Digest, Book XXV. The estate of a sister, who died intestate, passed to her two brothers, one of whom was absent and the other present. The one who was present acted for the absent one, and sold to Lucius Titius, a bona fide purchaser, an entire tract of land in his own name and in that of his brother. The question arose whether the purchaser, knowing that half of the land belonged to the absent heir, could acquire the entire tract by prescription. The answer was that he could do so, if he believed that it had been sold by the authority of the brother who was absent.
Dig. 41,9,3Scaevola libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Duae filiae intestato patri heredes exstiterunt et mancipia communia singulae in dotem dederunt et post aliquot annos morte patris familiae herciscundae iudicium inter eas dictatum est. quaesitum est, cum mariti bona fide mancipia in dotem accepta ut dotalia multis annis possederunt, an usucepisse videantur, si qui accipiebant, dantis credidissent esse. respondit nihil proponi, cur non usucepissent.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXV. Two daughters became the heirs of their father who died intestate, and each one of them gave slaves belonging to them in common by way of dowry, and then, some years after the death of their father, they brought suit in partition. As the husbands had for many years held possession of the slaves given by way of dowry as dotal slaves, the question arose whether they could be held to have acquired them by usucaption, if they believed that they belonged to those who had given them as dowry. The answer was that there was nothing in the case stated to prevent them from being acquired by usucaption.
Dig. 42,1,64Scaevola libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Negotiorum gestorum condemnatus appellavit et diu negotium tractum est: quaesitum est appellatione eius iniusta pronuntiata, an, quo tardius iudicatum sit, usurae pecuniae in condemnatum deductae medii temporis debeantur. respondit secundum ea quae proponentur dandam utilem actionem.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXV. A certain man employed in transacting the business of others having had judgment rendered against him, appealed, and the case was not disposed of for a long time. The appeal, having been held to have been taken on insufficient grounds, and the execution of the judgment prolonged, the question arose whether interest should be calculated for the time of the original judgment until the appeal was decided. The answer was that, according to the facts stated, a prætorian action should be granted.
Dig. 49,1,28Scaevola libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Creditor cum fideiussoribus egerat: sed post iudicium acceptum ad agendam causam ipse non adfuit et, cum absoluti essent fideiussores, servus eius appellavit. quaesitum est, an appellatio, quam servus interposuit nomine domini, nullius momenti esset. respondit eiusmodi appellationem non esse observandam. 1Iussus a iudice exhibere secundum praeceptum praesidis provinciae rationes, quas apud se esse caverat, instrumentorum gratia data dilatione nec postea exhibuit ideoque secundum constitutionem recitatam, quia per contumaciam instrumenta non exhibuerat, cum petitor quanti sua interesset exhiberi iurasset, facta erat condemnatio. quaesitum est, an post iusiurandum appellationem interponere possit. respondit nihil proponi, cur denegandum esset appellationis auxilium. 2Substituti tutores in locum legitimi tutoris experti cum eo tutelae iudicio, cum arbiter inique condemnavit, quam rei aequitas exigebat, a sententia eius provocaverunt: pendente causa appellationis iuvenes adoleverunt. quaesitum est, cum omnis exsecutio huius ad adultos pertineat et causam ad se pertinentem idonee tueri possunt, an postulatio eorum, contra quos appellatum erat, dicentium illos debuisse causas appellationis reddere, qui primi sunt experti, admittenda non sit. respondit eos, quorum tutela gesta esset, si vellent causam exsequi, non prohibendos. idem et in curatoribus observandum est, si interim adultus ad legitimam aetatem pervenit.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXV. A creditor who had brought suit against the sureties was not present at the trial of the case, after issue had been joined, and when the sureties were discharged his slave appealed. The question was asked whether the appeal which the slave interposed in behalf of his master was of any force or effect. The answer was that such an appeal should not receive any attention. 1A man having been ordered by a judge to appear in court, in accordance with the command of the Governor of the province, and produce certain accounts which he alleged were in his possession, did not do so, even after delay had been granted him for this purpose; and therefore, after the constitution had been read to him, for the reason that through obstinacy he had failed to produce the documents demanded, and the plaintiff proved the amount of his interest in having them produced, by taking an oath, the defendant was convicted. The question arose whether he could file an appeal after the oath had been taken. The answer was that nothing had been stated to show why the benefit of an appeal should be denied him. 2Guardians who had been substituted in the place of a legal guardian, having brought an action on guardianship against him, the arbitrator appointed condemned him unjustly, and because the equity of the case required it, they appealed from his decision. While the appeal was pending, the young men grew up. As the entire procedure had reference to persons who were grown, and they were in a condition to protect their own interests, the question arose whether the demand of those against whom the appeal had been taken, who alleged that the ground of the appeal must be stated by those who first brought the suit, should be admitted. The answer was, that if those whose guardianship had been administered desired to proceed with the case, they ought to be prevented from doing so. The same rule should be observed with reference to curators, if, in the meantime, the youth should arrive at lawful age.