Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 22,1,48Idem libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Maritus uxori suae usum fructum tertiae partis et, cum liberos habuisset, proprietatem legavit: eam uxorem heredes falsi testamenti et aliorum criminum accusaverunt, qua re impedita est legatorum petitio: interea et filius ei mulieri natus est eoque condicio legati exstitit. quaesitum est, cum testamentum falsum non esse apparuerit, an fructus etiam mulieri praestari debeant. respondit praestandos.
The Same, Digest, Book XXII. A husband bequeathed to his wife the usufruct of the third part of his property, and the ownership of the said third part if she should have children. The heirs accused the wife of forging the will and of other crimes, by which they were prevented from claiming the legacies. In the meantime, a son was born to the woman, and the condition of the legacy was thereby fulfilled. The question arose, if it was established that the will was not forged, should the crops be delivered to the owner? The answer was that they should be.
Dig. 32,41Idem libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Uxorem et filium communem heredes instituit et uxoris fidei commisit in haec verba: ‘peto a te, domina uxor, ne ex fundo Titiano partem tibi vindices, cum scias me universam emptionem eius fundi fecisse, sed beneficio affectionis et pietatis, quam tibi debui, eandem emptionem, cum nummis meis comparassem, tecum communicasse’: quaesitum est, an eum fundum in solidum filii esse voluerit. respondit eum, de quo quaereretur, perinde rationem in fundo haberi voluisse ac si universus hereditarius esset, ut pro dimidia parte et uxor et filius agrum ut hereditarium habeant. 1In testamento ita scriptum fuit: ‘domum meam cum horto applicito libertis meis concedi volo’ et alio capite: ‘Fortunio liberto meo ex domu mea, quam libertis dedi, diaetam, in qua habitabam, item cellarium iunctum eidem diaetae ab herede meo concedi volo’. quaesitum est, an heres testatoris oneratus videatur in praestando legato Fortunio, quamvis domus universa libertis sit praelegata. respondit non esse oneratum. 2Codicillis confirmatis ita cavit: ‘omnibus autem libertis meis et quos vivus et quos his codicillis manumissi vel postea manumisero, contubernales suas, item filios filias lego, nisi si quos quasve ad uxorem meam testamento pertinere volui vel ei nominatim legavi legavero’. idem postea petiit ab heredibus suis, ut regionem Umbriae Tusciae Piceno coheredes uxori suae restituerent cum omnibus, quae ibi erunt, et mancipiis rusticis vel urbanis et actoribus exceptis manumissis. quaesitum est, cum Eros et Stichus servi in diem vitae testatoris in Umbria in Piceno actum administraverint, sint autem Damae, quem testator vivus manumiserat, filii naturales, utrum eidem Damae ex verbis codicilli ab heredibus praestandi sint, an vero ad Seiam uxorem ex verbis epistulae pertineant. respondit ex codicillis ad patrem eos naturalem pietatis intuitu pertinere. 3Felicissimo et Felicissimae, quibus libertatem dederat, fundum Gargilianum legavit cum casa, et alio capite Titio filio, quem ex parte quarta heredem scripserat, praelegaverat in haec verba: ‘Titi fili, hoc amplius de medio sumito legata mea, quae mihi tam pater tuus praesens quam Coelius Iustus frater patris reliquerunt’. quaesitum est, cum fundus Gargilianus testatrici a marito eius, id est a patre Titii filii legatus sit, cui fundus ex causa fideicommissi debeatur, utrum Titio filio tantum an Felicissimo et Felicissimae an tribus. respondit non esse verisimile eam, quae nihil aliud Felicissimo et Felicissimae nisi haec quae specialiter legavit, ad filium, cui et hereditatis suae partem reliquit, legatum generali sermone transferre voluisse. 4Testamento pueros ita legaverat: ‘Publio Maevio dominulo meo ab heredibus meis dari volo pueros quinque ex meis dumtaxat intra annos septem’: post annos complures, quam fecit testamentum, moritur. quaesitum est, cuius aetatis Maevio mancipia debeantur, utrumne quae testamenti facti tempore intra septem annos fuerunt an quae mortis tempore intra eam aetatem inveniantur. respondit eam videri aetatem designatam, quae esset, cum a testatore relinquerentur. 5Concubinae inter cetera his verbis legaverat: ‘fundum in Appia cum vilico suo et contubernali eius et filiis dari volo’: quaesitum est, an nepotes quoque vilici et contubernalis eius testator ad concubinam pertinere voluit. respondit nihil proponi, cur non deberentur. 6Legaverat per fideicommissum Maeviis ita: ‘et quidquid in patria Gadibus possideo’: quaesitum est, an, si quam suburbanam adiacentem possessionem haberet, haec quoque ex causa fideicommissi Maeviis debeatur. respondit posse ad hanc quoque verborum significationem extendi. item quaesitum est, an, si calendarii, quod in patria sua vel intra fines eius defunctus exercuit, instrumenta in domo, quam in patria sua habebat, reliquit, an id quoque kalendarium propter verba supra scripta Maeviis ex causa fideicommissi deberetur. respondit non deberi. item quaesitum est, an pecunia, quae in arca domi Gadibus inventa esset, vel ex diversis nominibus exacta et ibi deposita, ex fideicommisso debeatur. respondit supra responsum. 7Testamento, quo filium et uxorem heredes instituerat, filiae per fideicommissum centum, cum in familia nuberet, legavit et adiecit ita: ‘fidei tuae, filia, committo, ut, cum in familia nubas et quotienscumque nubes, patiaris ex dote tua, quam dabis, partem dimidiam stipulari fratrem tuum et Seiam matrem tuam pro partibus dimidiis dari sibi, si in matrimonio eius cui nubes sive divortio facto, priusquam dos tua reddatur eove nomine satisfactum erit, morieris nullo filio filiave ex eo relicto’. pater virginem filiam nuptum collocavit eiusque nomine dotem dedit et post divortium eandem recepit et alii in matrimonium cum dote dedit et stipulatus est eam dotem sibi aut filiae suae reddi: manente filia in matrimonio secundo mortuus est eodem testamento relicto eique heredes exstiterunt filius et uxor: postea marito defuncto puella dote recepta nupsit alii praesentibus et consentientibus fratre et matre, quae etiam dotem eius auxit, et neuter eorum stipulati sunt dotem: mox matri filius et filia heredes exstiterunt: deinde in matrimonio filia decessit marito herede relicto. quaesitum est, cum puella non ex causa legati pecuniam in dotem ab heredibus patris acceperat, sed mortuo secundo marito mater familias facta dotem reciperaverat, an heres eius ex causa fideicommissi fratri defunctae teneatur in eam pecuniam, quam percipere posset, si dotem stipulatus esset. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur non teneri. 8Eius heres vel legatarius rogatus est, ut quendam adoptet, his verbis adiectis: ‘si alias fecerit, exheres esto’ vel ‘perdat legatum’. quaesitum est, si non adoptaverit, an ei qui adoptatus non est actio quaedam ex fideicommisso competit. respondit fideicommissum, quo quis rogatur ut adoptet, ratum non esse. 9‘Agri plagam, quae est in regione illa, Maeviis Publio et Gaio transcribi volo, pretio facto viri boni arbitratu et hereditati illato, duplae evictione expromissa reliquis heredibus, ita ut sub poena centum promittant eam agri plagam partemve eius ad Seium posterosve eius non perventuram quaqua ratione’. quaesitum est, an legatum valeat, cum Publius emere velit, Gaius nolit. respondit eum, qui fideicommissum praestari sibi velit, posse partem dimidiam eius agri qui legatus est petere, quamvis alter persequi nolit. item quaesitum est, cautio, quae interponi debeat, secundum voluntatem, pro quota parte cuique heredum praestanda sit. respondit pro ea portione, quae ex fideicommisso praestatur. 10Sorori legavit homines quos nominavit testamento eiusque fidei commissit, ut eadem mancipia filiis suis cum obiret restitueret. quaesitum est, adgnata ex his an defuncti filii heredibus restituenda sint post mortem legatariae an remaneant apud heredes eius. respondit ea, quae postea adgnata essent, verbis fideicommissi non contineri. 11Pater naturalis filiae suae ex testamento mariti eius fideicommissi debitor, cum ea mulier alii nuberet, non mandatu mulieris dotem marito eius dedit et sibi reddi eam stipulatus est, si sine liberis filia moreretur: mulier filiam suscepit: quaesitum est, an fideicommissum a patre exigere possit. respondit, si nec ratam habuisset dotem datam, superesse fideicommissi petitionem. idem quaesiit, an si pater accepto facere stipulationem velit, mulieri persecutio fideicommissorum deneganda sit. respondit supra responsum, eumque patrem, de quo quaereretur, si ita dedisset, ut mulier ratum haberet, posse condicere. 12Seium maritum scripsit heredem eique substituit Appiam alumnam fideique heredis commisit, ut post mortem suam hereditatem eidem alumnae restitueret aut, si quid ante contigisset alumnae, tunc Valeriano fratris filio restitueret eandem hereditatem. quaesitum est, si Seius vivus, quidquid ad eum ex hereditate pervenisset, alumnae restituisset, an secundum voluntatem defunctae id fecisse videretur: praesertim cum haec idem substituta esset. respondit, si vivo Seio Appia decessisset, non esse liberatum a fideicommisso Valeriano relicto. 13Scaevola respondit: cum heres scriptus rogatus esset, cum volet, alii restituere hereditatem, interim non est compellendus ad fideicommissum. Claudius: post mortem enim utique creditur datum. 14Heredis scripti fidei commisserat, ut Seiae uxori universam restitueret hereditatem et uxoris fidei commisit in haec verba: ‘a te, Seia, peto, ut quidquid ad te ex hereditate mea pervenerit, exceptis his, si qua tibi supra legavi, reliquum omne reddas restituas Maeviae infanti dulcissimae. a qua Seia satis exigi veto, cum sciam eam potius rem aucturam quam detrimento futuram’. quaesitum est, an statim Maevia fideicommissum a Seia petere possit. respondit nihil proponi, cur non possit.
The Same, Digest, Book XXII. A husband appointed his wife and a son whom he had by her, his heirs, and charged his wife with a trust as follows: “I ask you, my wife, not to claim any share in the Titian Estate, as you know that I myself bought all of said property, but on account of the affection and respect which I owe you, I have let it be understood that we had equal shares in this purchase which I made with my own money.” The question arose whether he intended the said land to belong entirely to his son. The answer, with reference to the clause in question, was that the testator intended the said land to be included in his estate, as constituting a portion of all of it, so that his wife and son should each be entitled to half of the land as constituting part of the same. 1Where the following provision was inserted in a will, “I wish my house, with the garden adjoining it, to be given to my freedmen,” and under another head was written, “I wish my heir to transfer to my freedman Fortunius, in the house which I have given to my freedmen, the room in which I was accustomed to live, and the storeroom connected with the same,” the question arose whether the heir of the testator was obliged to pay the legacy to Fortunius, although the entire house had been previously devised to all the freedmen. The answer was that he was not required to do so. 2A testator made the following provision in a codicil, which he confirmed by his will: “I bequeath to all my freedmen, including those whom I have manumitted during my lifetime, who are manumitted by this codicil, or whom I may hereafter manumit, and their wives, sons and daughters, except such as I have specifically bequeathed, to my wife by the terms of my will.” He afterwards charged his heirs as follows: “I desire my heirs to give to my wife, their co-heir, my lands in Umbria, Etruria, and Picenum, together with all their appurtenances, including the country or city slaves, and those who transact my business, with the exception of such as have been manumitted.” The question arose whether Eros and Stichus, his slaves who had transacted the business of the testator in Umbria and Picenum until the death of the latter, and who were the natural sons of Damas whom the testator had manumitted during his lifetime, should be delivered by the heirs to Damas, in compliance with the terms of the codicil, or whether they belonged to Seia, his wife, according to the terms of his letter. The answer was that, under the codicil, they belonged to their natural father, in conformity with the dictates of natural affection. 3A testatrix left to Felicissimus and Felicissima, to whom she had granted freedom, the Gargilian Estate, including the house, and, in another part of her will, she bequeathed to her son Titius, whom she appointed heir to a fourth of her estate, a legacy, as follows: “My son, Titius, in addition to your share of my estate, take the legacies which your father, Præsens, and Cælius Justus, your father’s brother, left me.” The question arose, as the Gargilian Estate had been devised to the testatrix by her husband, that is to say, by the father of her son Titius to whom the land was due under the terms of the trust, whether the said land should belong only to Titius, the son, or to Felicissima, or to all three of them. The answer was that it was not probable that the testatrix, who left nothing to Felicissimus and Felicissima except what was contained in a special bequest, intended that the legacy should, by a general statement, be transferred to her son to whom she had also left a portion of her estate. 4A man left certain slaves, who were children, by will as follows: “I wish five of my young slaves to be given by my heirs to my little lord Publius Mævius, the said slaves to be under the age of seven years.” The testator died many years after he executed the will. The question arose of what age the slaves that were due to Mævius should be, whether they were those who, at the time when the will was made, were under seven, or whether those should be given who were ascertained to be under that age at the time of the death of the testator. The answer was that those seemed to be designated who were of that age when they were bequeathed by the testator. 5A testator made a bequest to his concubine of the following legacy, among other things: “I wish the tract of land which I have on the Appian Way to be given to her, with the steward in charge of the same, and his wife and his children.” The question arose whether the testator intended that the grandchildren of the steward and his wife should belong to the concubine. The answer was that there was nothing in the case stated which would prevent them being given to her. 6A certain man left a legacy in trust to Mævius as follows: “I bequeath whatever I possess in the city of Gades.” The question arose whether, if he had any property in the suburb adjoining the city, this also would be due to Mævius under the terms of the trust. The answer was that the meaning of the words will also permit this extension. It was also asked, in the same case, certain notes having been found in the account-book of the testator, he being in the habit of loaning money in his native city of Gades, or in the environs thereof, and having left the property which he had in said city, whether Mævius would be entitled to the said notes on account of a trust having been created by the words above mentioned. I answered that he would not be entitled to them. The question also arose whether money found in a chest in his house at Gades, or which had been obtained by the collection of different notes and deposited there, would be due under the terms of the trust. The reply was that this question had already been answered. 7A testator, by his will, in which he appointed his wife and his son his heirs, left a hundred aurei to his daughter in trust, to be paid when she married in the family, and he added the following provision: “I charge you, my daughter, when you marry in the family, and as often as you may marry, to permit your brother, and your mother Seia, each to stipulate for the return of half of the dowry which will be bestowed, if you should die during your marriage without leaving either a son or a daughter, or a divorce should take place before your dowry is returned, or satisfaction is otherwise given you with reference to it.” The father gave his daughter, who was a virgin, in marriage, and presented her with a dowry. A divorce having taken place, he received the dowry, and gave her with it in marriage to another man, stipulating that the said dowry should be returned either to himself or to his daughter. The testator died during her second marriage, leaving the same will, and his son and wife became his heirs. The husband of the girl having subsequently died, she obtained her dowry, and married a third time in the presence, and with the consent of her brother and mother, who even increased her dowry, and neither of them made any stipulation with reference to it. The son and the daughter afterwards became the heirs of their mother, and then the daughter died, leaving her husband her heir. The question arose, as the girl had not received the money composing her dowry as a legacy from the heirs of her father, but, being the mother of a family, had recovered it after the death of her second husband, whether her heir could be held liable to the brother of the deceased, under the terms of the trust, for the money which he could have received if he had made a stipulation with reference to the dowry. The answer was that, according to the case stated, he would not be liable. 8Where the heir or legatee of a testator is requested to adopt someone, and the following words are added, “If he should do otherwise, let him be disinherited,” or, “Let him lose his legacy,” the question arose, if he should not adopt the person mentioned, whether an action would lie by virtue of the trust in favor of the person who was not adopted. The answer was that a trust by which a party is requested to adopt anyone is not valid. 9“I wish the tract of land which is situated in such-and-such a district to be transferred to Mævius, Publius, and Gaius for a price fixed by an arbiter, and, the purchase-money having been added to my estate, that my remaining heirs shall promise, under the penalty of a hundred aurei, to be liable for double the amount in case of eviction, in order that the said land may not either wholly, or in part, ever pass into the hands of Seia, or her descendants, in any way whatsoever.” The question arose whether the legacy was valid, because Publius wished to purchase it, and Gaius refused to consent. The answer was that he who wished to profit by the trust could claim half of the land which was devised, even though the other declined to avail himself of his right. Inquiry was also made as to what security ought to be furnished, in accordance with the will of the testator, for the amount to be paid to each of the heirs. The answer was that security should be given in proportion to the share to which they were entitled under the terms of the trust. 10A testator bequeathed to his sister certain slaves whom he designated in his will, and charged her to deliver the same slaves to his children when she died. The question arose whether the children born of said slaves should be delivered to the children who were the heirs of the deceased, after the death of the legatee, or whether they would belong to her heirs. The answer was that those which were born afterwards were not included in the terms of the trust. 11A father owed his daughter a certain sum of money under a trust created by the will of her husband, and, when the girl married again, her father gave a dowry to her husband without having been directed to do so by her, and stipulated for the return of the dowry to himself, if his daughter should die without issue. The woman had a daughter, and the question arose whether the father could be required to execute the trust. The answer was that if the daughter had not ratified the dowry which was given her, the right to demand the execution of the trust would survive. Inquiry was also made, if the father should be willing to release the obligation arising out of the stipulation, whether the right to demand the execution of the trust would be denied to the woman. I replied that this had already been answered, and if the father had given the dowry in order that the woman might sanction it, and she did not do so, he could bring suit to recover the dowry in question. 12A woman appointed her husband Seius, her heir, and substituted her foster-child, Apia, for him; and charged her heir to transfer her estate to her said foster-child after his death, and if anything should happen to her foster-child before that time, she directed him to deliver her said estate to Valerian, her nephew. The question arose, if Seius, during his lifetime, should deliver to the foster-child whatever he had obtained from the estate, whether he would be held to have done this in accordance with the will of the deceased; especially when the said foster-child had been substituted for him. The answer was that, if Apia should die during the lifetime of Seius, the latter would not be released from the execution of the trust which had been left for the benefit of Valerian. 13Scævola held that when an appointed heir is asked to deliver an estate to another person, when he wishes to do so, he will not be compelled, in the meantime, to execute the trust. Claudius: For a trust of this kind is considered to have been created after his death. 14A testator requested his appointed heir to deliver his entire estate to his wife, Seia, and charged her as follows: “I ask you, Seia, to deliver to Mævia, our dear child, everything which may come into your hands from my estate, except what I have bequeathed to you as above mentioned; and I forbid any security to be taken from Seia, as I know that she will rather increase, than diminish my estate.” The question arose whether Mævia could immediately demand the execution of the trust by Seia. The answer was that there was nothing in the case stated which would prevent her from doing so.
Dig. 33,1,21Idem libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Liberto suo ita legavit: ‘praestari volo Philoni, usque dum vivet, quinquagesimam omnis reditus, quae praediis a colonis vel emptoribus fructus ex consuetudine domus meae praestantur’. heredes praedia vendiderunt, ex quorum reditu quinquagesima relicta est: quaesitum est, an pretii usurae, quae ex consuetudine in provincia praestarentur, quinquagesima debeatur. respondit reditus dumtaxat quinquagesimas legatas, licet praedia vendita sunt. 1A liberto, cui fundum legaverat ferentem annua sexaginta, per fideicommissum dederat Pamphilae annua dena: quaesitum est, si lex Falcidia liberto legatum minuerit, an Pamphilae quoque annuum fideicommissum minutum videatur, cum ex reditu legata sint, qui largitur, etiamsi Falcidia partem dimidiam fundi abstulerit, annuam Pamphilae praestationem. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur non videri minutum, nisi si alia mens testatoris probaretur. 2Filium ex dodrante, uxorem ex quadrante instituit heredes et filii fidei commisit, ut novercae restitueret hereditatem: ab ea autem petit, ut infirmitatem filii commendatam haberet eique menstruos aureos denos praestaret, donec ad vicesimum quintum annum aetatis pervenerit, cum autem implesset eam aetatem, partem dimidiam hereditatis ei restitueret. filius deducta dodrantis parte quarta, ex qua institutus erat, novercae hereditatem restituit et postea implevit vicesimum quintum annum aetatis. quaesitum est, cum noverca universae hereditatis haberet dodrantem semunciam et sicilicum, an eius partem dimidiam privigno suo restitueret. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur tantum restituendum, quantum cum eo, quod Falcidiae nomine filius deduxisset, semissem faceret. idem quaesiit, an, quod infirmitati filii pater consulere voluerit, fructus quoque medii temporis noverca ei restituere deberet. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur debere. 3Lucius Titius testamento patriae suae civitati Sebastenorum centum legavit, uti alternis annis ex usuris eiusdem certamina sub nomine ipsius celebrarentur, et adiecit haec verba: ‘quod si condicione supra scripta recipere legatam sibi pecuniam civitas Sebastenorum noluerit, nullo modo heredes meos obligatos ei esse volo, sed habere sibi pecuniam’. postea praeses provinciae ex nominibus debitorum hereditariorum elegit idonea nomina et in causam legati rei publicae adiudicavit, post cuius sententiam res publica a plerisque adiudicatis sibi pecunias percepit. quaesitum est, an, si res publica condicionibus testamento adscriptis postea non paruerit, legatum ad filios heredes pertineat. respondit rem publicam voluntati testatoris parere compellendam ac, nisi faciat, in his quidem summis, quae per numerationem vel novationem solutae sunt, utili repetitione heredes adiuvandos: ab his vero nominibus, quae neque solverunt rei publicae neque novatione abscesserunt a pristina obligatione, non prohibendos, quo minus debitum petant. 4Largius Eurippianus consuluit alumno certam pecuniam patronum testamento legasse deque ea re testamento ita cavisse: ‘pecuniam, quam Titio liberto et alumno meo legavi, esse volo penes Publium Maevium usque ad annum vicesimum quintum aetatis eius proque ea computari cum eo usuras quadrantes: quantum autem in sumptum ei statuendum sit, tu, publi Maevi, cum patris affectum ei praestare debeas, aestimabis’. quaesitum est, an heredes a Publio Maevio satis accipere debuerint solventes eam pecuniam. respondit, cum testamento nulla exigendae satisdationis commemoratio fiat, satis habuisse heredes secundum voluntatem defuncti Publio Maevio pecuniam numerare: et ideo nec Titius alumnus vel heredes eius audiri debeant adversus heredes patroni agentes, quod satis non exegerunt: ex ea enim numeratione etiam a Titio ac proinde etiam ab heredibus eius liberatos esse supra scriptos heredes, nisi vivente testatore Publius Maevius solvendo esse desierit: tunc enim cautio ab eo exigenda est. 5Pater duos filios aequis ex partibus instituit heredes, maiorem et minorem, qui etiam impubes erat, et in partem eius certa praedia reliquit et, cum quattuordecim annos impleverit, certam pecuniam ei legavit idque fratris eius fidei commisit, a quo petit in haec verba: ‘a te peto, Sei, ut ab annis duodecim aetatis ad studia liberalia fratris tui inferas matri eius annua tot usque ad annos quattuordecim: eo amplius tributa fratris tui pro censu eius dependas, donec bona restituas: et ad te reditus praediorum illorum pertineant, quoad perveniat frater tuus ad annos quattuordecim’. quaesitum est, defuncto maiore fratre herede alio relicto utrum omnis condicio percipiendi reditus fundorum, anniversaria praestetur alia, quae praestaturus esset, si viveret, Seius, ad heredem eius transierint, an vero id omne protinus ad pupillum et tutores transferri debeat. respondit: secundum ea quae proponerentur intellegitur testator quasi cum tutore locutus, ut tempore, quo tutela restituenda est, haec, quae pro annuis praestari iussisset percipiendisque fructibus, finiantur: sed cum maior frater morte praeventus est, omnia, quae relicta sunt, ad pupillum et tutores eius confestim post mortem fratris transisse.
The Same, Digest, Book XXII. A certain person left the following bequest to his freedman: “I desire the fiftieth of my entire income derived from the tenants of my lands and the purchasers of the crops, according to the custom of my household, to be paid to Philo, as long as he lives.” The heirs sold the land from which the said fiftieth of the income was derived. The question arose whether the fiftieth of the interest on the price, which, according to the custom of the province, was ordinarily collected, was due? The answer was that, although the land had been sold, only the fiftieth of the income thereof was bequeathed. 1A testator charged his freedman, to whom he had left a tract of land that returned an income of sixty aurei a year, with the payment of ten denarii to Pamphila annually, under the terms of a trust. The question arose, if the Falcidian Law should diminish the legacy of the freedman, whether the annual allowance bequeathed to Pamphila under the trust would also be considered to be diminished; as the bequest to Pamphila was derived from income which would have to be paid, even if the Falcidian Law reduced the tract of land by half. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, the bequest to Pamphila would not be diminished, unless the intention of the testator was proved to be otherwise. 2A certain testator having appointed his son heir to three-fourths of his estate, and his wife to one-fourth, charged his son to deliver his estate to his stepmother, and requested her “to take good care of his young son, and pay him ten aurei until he reached his twenty-fifth year, and, after he had attained that age, to transfer to him half of the estate.” The son having deducted the fourth part of the estate to which he had been appointed heir, delivered her share to his stepmother, and afterwards reached the age of twenty-five years. As the stepmother was entitled to the three-fourths, and one twenty-fourth, and one forty-eighth of the entire estate, the question arose whether she should surrender half of this share to her stepson? I answered that, according to the facts stated, she would have to deliver to him enough to make up half the estate; in addition to what the son had deducted by reason of the Falcidian Law. Since the father seemed to have had in view the tender age of his son, inquiry was also made whether the stepmother would be required to deliver to him the profits for the intermediate time. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, she would be required to do so. 3Lucius Titius, by his will, bequeathed a hundred aurei to the city of Sebasta, his birthplace, in order that athletic contests might be celebrated there every other year in his name, with the interest of said sum, and added the following words: “If the city of Sebasta is unwilling to accept the money which I have bequeathed under the above-mentioned condition, I desire that my heirs shall, under no circumstances, be liable for the same, but that they keep it for themselves.” The Governor of the province afterwards selected certain good notes from the assets of the estate, and delivered them to the city as its legacy, and, after his decision, the city collected the money due on most of the claims. The question arose, if the city should not subsequently comply with the conditions of the will, whether the legacy would belong to the sons who were the heirs of the deceased. I answered that the city could be compelled to obey the wishes of the testator, and if it did not do so, the heirs could demand the amounts which had been settled by the debtors either in cash or by renewal, and so far as those claims which were not paid to the city, and of which the former obligation was not released by renewal were concerned, the heirs were not prevented from demanding from the debtors what they owed. 4Largius Euripianus rendered an opinion, after his advice had been requested in a case where a patron had left a certain sum of money to his foster-child, and afterwards made the following provision with reference to it in his will: “I wish the money which I have bequeathed to my freedman and foster-child, Titius, to remain in the hands of Publius Mævius, until he reaches the age of twenty-five years, and that, for the use of the same, interest shall be collected at the rate of three per cent. As for the amount of the expenses to be paid to him, Publius Mævius will estimate them, for he should entertain for him the affection of a father.” The question arose whether the heirs, when they paid Publius Mævius the money, should require him to give security. The answer was since no mention of security being required was made in the will, the heirs would be sufficiently safe if they paid the money to Publius Mævius, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased. Therefore neither Titius, the foster-child, nor his heirs should be heard, if they brought an action against the heirs of the patron on the ground that they did not exact security for, by the payment of the money; and the above-mentioned heirs will be released from liability to Titius, as well as to his heirs, unless Publius Mævius should cease to be solvent during the lifetime of the testator, for, in this case, security must be required of him. 5A father appointed his two sons his heirs to equal portions of his estate, an older one, and a younger who was still under the age of puberty, and he left to the latter certain lands as his share, and also bequeathed him a certain sum of money payable when he reached the age of fourteen years, which he placed in the hands of his brother, as trustee, in the following words: “I charge you, Seius, to give to your mother a certain sum of money annually, to enable your brother to pursue his studies from his twelfth to his fourteenth year, and, in addition to this, to pay the taxes assessed against him until you deliver him the property; and I desire that the income of said lands shall belong to you, until your brother reaches the age of fourteen years.” The elder brother having died and left a foreign heir, the question arises whether the condition of receiving the income every year, as well as the charge of paying the annual allowance which, if Seius had lived, he would have been compelled to pay, will be transmitted to his heir; or whether the entire amount of the legacy must be immediately delivered to the minor and his guardians. The answer was that, according to the facts stated, the testator is understood to have, as it were, addressed the guardian, so that, at the expiration of the guardianship, the allowance which he had ordered to be paid, and the income which was to be collected, should terminate; but as the elder brother was overtaken by death, everything that had been left by the testator would, at the time when his brother died, immediately pass to the minor and his guardians.
Dig. 33,2,35Idem libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Uxori usum fructum villae legavit in quinquennium a die mortis suae, deinde haec verba adiecit: ‘et peracto quinquennio, cum eius usus fructus esse desierit, tunc eum fundum illi et illi libertis dari volo’. quaesitum est, cum uxor intra quinquennium decesserit, an libertis proprietatis petitio iam an vero impleto quinquennio competat, quia ‘peracto quinquennio’ testator proprietatem legaverat. respondit post completum quinquennium fundum ad libertos pertinere.
The Same, Digest, Book XXII. A man left to his wife the usufruct of his country-house for the term of five years after his death, then he added the following words, “After the said term of five years has elapsed, and the usufruct is extinguished, I wish the said land to belong to So-and-So and So-and-So, my freedmen.” The wife having died within the five years, the question arose whether the said freedmen were entitled to claim the ownership of the property immediately, or after the expiration of the five years, because the testator had left it at the expiration of that time. The answer was that the land would belong to the freedmen after the expiration of the five years.
Dig. 33,5,21Scaevola libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Filium et uxorem heredes scripsit, filiam exheredavit et ei legatum dedit, cum in familia nuberet, centum et, cum in familia nupserit, his verbis: ‘insuper arbitratu Semproniae matris eius mancipia decem, quae confestim post aditam hereditatem meam a Sempronia uxore mea eligi volo: quae mancipia, cum in familiam nupserit, dari volo. et si antequam nupserit, aliquod ex mancipiis decesserit, tunc in locum eius arbitratu Semproniae matris eius dari volo, dum ad eam plenus numerus perveniat. quod si Sempronia mater eius non elegerit, tunc ipsa sibi quae volet eligat’. quaesitum est, cum mater elegerit, an ea, quae ex his mancipiis ante nuptias adgnata sunt, ad puellam supra numerum decem mancipiorum pertineant. respondit, cum mancipiorum legatum in tempus nuptiarum testator transtulit, id quod medio tempore ancillae enixae sunt ad filiam non pertinere. idem quaesiit, ante nuptias eorundem mancipiorum fructus et usus an ad Semproniam matrem pertineant. respondit nihil proponi, cur ad matrem pro solido pertineant.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXII. A testator appointed his son and his wife his heirs, and disinherited his daughter, but left her a legacy of a hundred aurei, payable when she married in his family, and made the following provision in his will: “In addition to this, I bequeath to her ten slaves, to be selected by her mother, Sempronia, whom I wish to be selected by the said Sempronia, my wife, immediately after my estate is entered upon. I desire the said slaves to be given to my daughter when she marries in the family, and if any of the slaves should die before she marries, then I wish others, also to be selected by her mother, Sempronia, to be given in their stead, until the full number of said slaves come into her hands, but if her mother, Sempronia, should not select them, then she herself can choose those whom she may desire.” The mother having made the selection, the question arose whether the offspring of the slaves born before her marriage would belong to the girl, in addition to the original ten. The answer was that, as the testator had deferred the legacy of the slaves until the time of the marriage, any of the offspring of the female slaves born in the meantime would not belong to the daughter. It was also asked whether her mother, Sempronia, would be entitled to the use and enjoyment of the said slaves before the marriage of the daughter. The answer was that there was nothing in the case stated why they should not entirely belong to the mother.
Dig. 33,7,7Idem libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Tabernam cum caenaculo Pardulae manumisso testamento legaverat cum mercibus et instrumentis et suppellectili quae ibi esset, item horreum vinarium cum vino et vasis et instrumento et institoribus, quos secum habere consueverat. quaesitum est, cum vivo testatore insula, in qua caenaculum fuit quod ei legatum erat, exusta sit, et post biennium eodem loco constituta nova, et horreum, quod eidem legatum erat, a testatore venierit, vini autem venditio dilata sit, ut ex eo commodo venirent, an universa legata Pardula consequi possit. respondit ea, in quibus voluntas mutata esset, non deberi.
The Same, Digest, Book XXII. A certain person left to Pardula, whom he had manumitted by his will, a shop and an apartment, together with the merchandise utensils and furniture contained therein, and also a warehouse for wine, along with the wine, vessels, utensils, and slaves in charge of the same, which he had been accustomed to have with him. The question arose whether Pardula could claim the entire legacy, as the house which contained the apartment that had been devised was burned during the lifetime of the testator, and had been rebuilt in the same place, after the lapse of two years, and the warehouse which had been left to the same party had been disposed of by the testator, but the sale of the wine had been deferred in order to obtain a higher price. The answer was that that portion of it with reference to which the testator had changed his mind was not due.
Dig. 34,1,19Idem libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Testamento ita cautum fuit: ‘libertis meis cibaria quaeque alia praestabam ab heredibus meis praestari volo’: unus ex libertis ex voluntate patroni negotii sui gratia quadriennio ante diem mortis afuit: ex hac causa cibaria, quae ante acceperat, mortis tempore non accepit: cui tamen liberto eodem testamento patronus, sicut et aliis, quos vivus manumiserat, legatum quinque dederat. quaesitum est, an isti quoque cibaria et reliqua, quae ceteris libertis legata sunt, debeantur. respondit: cur non?
The Same, Digest, Book XXII. The following provision was inserted into a will, “I desire that food, and whatever else I was accustomed to give my freedmen, shall be furnished them by my heirs.” One of the said freedmen, with the consent of his patron, was absent for four years before the death of the testator, for the purpose of transacting his private business, and on this account he did not, at the time of the testator’s death, receive the food which he formerly had received. Nevertheless, the patron left him a legacy of five aurei by the same will, just as he did to the others, whom he had manumitted during his lifetime. The question arose whether this freedman was also entitled to the food and other articles which were bequeathed to the remaining freedmen. The answer was, why not?
Dig. 34,2,18Scaevola libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Qui uxori suae legaverat bonorum suorum decimam et mancipia et species argenti quas expresserat, eidem anulos et vestem reddi ab heredibus petit, quasi propria uxoris fuissent: quaesitum est, si uxoris non fuerint, an praestari ex causa legati deberent. respondit legandi animo dedisse ea videri, nisi contrarium ab herede approbetur. 1Idem testator fidei commissit uxoris, ut quidquid ad eam ex testamento eius pervenisset, alumno communi restitueret: quaesitum est, an etiam eas res, quas proprias uxoris suae fuisse testator sciat eique reddi praecepit, alumno praestare debeat. respondit, si propriae fuissent, non debere, si legato adquirerentur, debere. 2Mulier testamento et postea codicillis multas species vestis argenti, quas vel ipsa se confecisse vel habere significavit, specialiter per fideicommissum reliquit: quaesitum est, an non aliae legatariis cederent, quam quae in hereditate inventae essent. respondit eas cedere, quae inventae essent.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXII. A testator left the tenth part of his estate, his slaves, and certain silver articles which he specified, to his wife, and he charged his heirs to give her his rings and his clothing, just as if they were her own private property. If these things did not actually belong to her, the question arose whether she would be entitled to them by virtue of the legacy. The answer was that it appeared that the testator intended to bequeath them to her, unless the contrary could be proved by the heir. 1The same testator, under the terms of a trust, charged his wife to transfer to their common foster-child whatever came into her hands by his will. The question arose whether the heir would be compelled to deliver to the said foster-child any property which the testator knew belonged to his wife, and which he directed to be given to her. The answer was that, if the articles were her own property, the heir would not be required to deliver them, but if they were acquired by virtue of the legacy he would be compelled to give them up. 2A certain woman under a trust inserted in her will and afterwards by a codicil, left specially several kinds of clothing and silverware which she stated that she had made herself, or had in her possession. The question arose whether any other articles not found among the assets of the estate would belong to the legatees. The answer was that only those which were found there would belong to them.
Dig. 48,10,24Scaevola libro vicensimo secundo digestorum. Aithales servus, cui testamento Betiti Callinici per fideicommissum libertas et portio hereditatis relicta erat ab his, qui ex undecim portionibus heredes erant instituti, professus est indicium apud Maximillam filiam testatoris ex parte duodecima heredem scriptam: se posse probare falsum testamentum Betiti Callinici. et apud magistratus interrogatus a Maximilla professus est probaturum, quemadmodum falsum sit factum testamentum. et cum in crimen falsi subscripsisset Maximilla in scriptorem testamenti et Proculum coheredem, acta causa praefectus urbi falsum testamentum non esse pronuntiavit et maximillae partem duodecimam a fisco cogi iussit. quaesitum est, an Aithaleti libertas et fideicommissum post haec facta debeantur. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur deberi.
Scævola, Digest, Book XXII. Aithales, a slave, to whom freedom and a portion of his estate was left by the will of Vetitus Callinicus, his master, under the terms of a trust, with which the heirs appointed to eleven-twelfths of the estate were charged; stated to Maximilia, the daughter of the testator, who was appointed heir to a twelfth of the estate, that he could produce evidence to show that the will of Vetitus Callinicus was forged; and, having been interrogated by Maximilia before a magistrate, he declared that he would prove in what way the will had been forged. Maximilia signed an accusation of forgery against the writer of the will and Proculus, her co-heir, and the case having been heard, the Prefect of the City decided that the will was not forged, and ordered that the twelfth of the estate belonging to Maximilia should be forfeited to the Treasury. The question arose whether Aithales was entitled to his freedom, and if the trust should be executed after this decision. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, this was the case.