Digestorum libri
cum Notis Tryphonini
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 28,3,20Scaevola libro tertio decimo digestorum. Lucius Titius integra mente et valetudine testamentum fecit uti oportet, postea cum in valetudinem adversam incidisset, mente captus tabulas easdem incidit: quaero, an heredes his tabulis instituti adire possint hereditatem. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur non ideo minus adiri posse.
The Same, Digest, Book XIII. Lucius Titius, while of sound mind and in good health, made a will in the proper manner, and afterwards became ill, and while insane mutilated the instrument. I ask whether the heirs appointed by the said will can enter upon the estate. The answer was, that in accordance with the facts stated, they will be prevented from doing so.