Digestorum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 26,2,34Scaevola libro decimo digestorum. Cum codicillis ideo alios tutores dare significasset, quoniam testamento datos quosdam defunctos aut excusationem habere posse comperisset, an nihilo minus qui eorum viverent nec excusati essent, tutores permanerent? respondit nihil proponi, cur non permanerent.
Scævola, Digest, Book X. A testator appointed other guardians by a codicil because those whom he had appointed by will were either dead, or had offered good excuses for declining to accept the trust. Shall the surviving guardians, who were not excused, still remain in office? The answer was that there was nothing in the facts stated to prevent them from continuing in office.
Dig. 26,7,57Idem libro decimo digestorum. Chirographis debitorum incendio exustis cum ex inventario tutores convenire eos possent ad solvendam pecuniam aut novationem faciendam cogere, cum idem circa priores debitores propter eundem casum fecissent, id omisissent circa debitores pupillorum, an, si quid propter hanc cessationem eorum pupilli damnum contraxerunt, iudicio tutelae consequantur? respondit, si adprobatum fuerit eos tutores hoc per dolum vel culpam praetermississe, praestari ab his hoc debere. 1Ab eo, qui sententia praesidis bonis ademptis relegatus erat, cum ex permissu principis appellatio eius recepta sit, quam is qui pronuntiaverat non receperat, fundum emerat pupillus intervenientibus tutoribus et appellatione iniusta pronuntiata fundus ei ablatus est: quaesitum est, an tutelae iudicio pretium fundi pupillus consequi a tutoribus possit. respondit, si scientes emerunt ab eo, qui in ea causa esset, ut obnoxius sententiae priori esset, tutelae iudicio eos teneri.
The Same, Digest, Book X. The written obligations of certain debtors having been destroyed by fire, can the guardians sue the said debtors for the payment of the money on account of the obligations having been mentioned in the inventory; or can they compel them to renew them, even where they have done this under similar circumstances with other debtors, but have neglected to do so with reference to those of the ward, and if they have injured the latter in any way, on account of this failure to act, can proceedings be taken against them in an action on guardianship? The answer was that, if it should be proved that the guardians have failed to act through fraud or negligence, they will be responsible to the ward on this account. 1A ward, with the authority of his guardians, purchased a tract of land from a party who had been banished, and whose property had been confiscated by a decree of the Governor, and he having obtained permission of the Emperor to appeal, the judge declined to entertain the appeal, and it having been pronounced ill-founded he was deprived of the land. The question arose, could the ward recover the price of the land from his guardians in an action on guardianship. The answer was that if they knowingly made the purchase from one who was in such a condition as to be liable to the former decree, they could be held responsible in an action on guardianship.
Dig. 26,8,20Scaevola libro decimo digestorum. Inter pupillos paternae hereditatis divisio facta est praesente tutore, sed non adsignante instrumento divisionis: quaesitum est, an ei stari oporteret. respondit, si tutor auctor fuisset, non idcirco minus standum esse divisioni, quod non adsignasset.
Scævola, Digest, Book X. A division of the estate of their father was made by certain wards in the presence of their guardian, who, however, did not sign the instrument of partition. The question arose whether they must abide by it. The answer was, if the guardian authorized it, the partition must stand, even if he did not sign the instrument.