Epistularum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 2,14,36Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si cum fundum meum possides, convenisset mihi tecum, ut eius possessionem Attio traderes: vindicantem eum fundum a te non aliter me conventionis exceptione excludi debere, quam si aut iam tradidisses, aut si tua causa id inter nos convenisset et per te non staret quo minus traderes.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where you are in possession of land belonging to me, and I make an agreement with you that you shall deliver possession of the same to Attius, and I bring suit to recover the property from you, I cannot be barred by an exception based upon contract, unless you have already delivered possession of the property, or the agreement between us made for your benefit, and it is not your fault that you did not deliver it.
Dig. 8,5,13Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Fistulas, quibus aquam duco, in via publica habeo et hae ruptae inundant parietem tuum: puto posse te mecum recte agere ius mihi non esse flumina ex meo in tuum parietem fluere.
Dig. 17,2,76Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Societatem mecum coisti ea condicione, ut Nerva amicus communis partes societatis constitueret: Nerva constituit, ut tu ex triente socius esses, ego ex besse: quaeris, utrum ratum id iure societatis sit an nihilo minus ex aequis partibus socii simus. existimo autem melius te quaesiturum fuisse, utrum ex his partibus socii essemus quas is constituisset, an ex his quas virum bonum constituere oportuisset. arbitrorum enim genera sunt duo, unum eiusmodi, ut sive aequum sit sive iniquum, parere debeamus (quod observatur, cum ex compromisso ad arbitrum itum est), alterum eiusmodi, ut ad boni viri arbitrium redigi debeat, etsi nominatim persona sit comprehensa, cuius arbitratu fiat.
Ad Dig. 17,2,76ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 173: Unterschied zwischen Schiedsspruch und arbitrium boni viri bezüglich der Anfechtbarkeit.ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 429: Unterschied zwischen Schiedsspruch und arbitrium boni viri bezüglich der Anfechtbarkeit.ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 91, S. 345: Arbitrium merum, boni viri. Anfechtung propter magnam improbitatem.Proculus, Epistles, Book V. You formed a partnership with me under the condition that Nerva, our common friend, should decide with reference to the shares thereof; and Nerva decided that you should be a partner to the extent of one-third, and I to the extent of two-thirds of the capital. You ask whether this should be ratified in accordance with the rights of the partnership, or whether we are equal partners, nevertheless? I think that it would have been better for you to have made the inquiry whether we were partners to the extent of the shares which he had established, or whether to the extent of those which would have been apportioned by a good citizen; for there are two kinds of arbiters, one whose award we should obey whether it be just or unjust, which rule must be observed when recourse is had to arbitration by common consent of the parties. There is another kind, whose award must be compared with that which would be rendered by a good citizen, although the party who is to give it has been expressly selected;
Dig. 17,2,78Proculus libro quinto epistularum. in proposita autem quaestione arbitrium viri boni existimo sequendum esse, eo magis quod iudicium pro socio bonae fidei est.
Dig. 17,2,80Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Quid enim si Nerva constituisset, ut alter ex millesima parte, alter ex duo millesimis partibus socius esset? illud potest conveniens esse viri boni arbitrio, ut non utique ex aequis partibus socii simus, veluti si alter plus operae industriae gratiae pecuniae in societatem collaturus erat.
Ad Dig. 17,2,80ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 173: Anspruch eines Socius auf nicht bedungene Vergütung für geleistete Arbeiten.Proculus, Epistles, Book V. What would be the result if Nerva decided that one party should be a partner to the extent of one thousand shares, and the other to the extent of two thousand shares? The decision of a good citizen could not fail to be that we are not partners to the same extent; for example, just as if one of us should bring into the partnership more labor, skill, credit, and money than the other.
Dig. 23,3,82Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Cum uxor virum suum quam pecuniam sibi deberet in dotem filiae communis dare iusserit et id fecisse dicatur, puto animadvertendum esse, utrum eam dotem suo an uxoris nomine dedit: si suo, nihilo minus uxori eum debere pecuniam: si uxoris nomine dederit, ipsum ab uxore liberatum esse.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where a woman directed her husband to give a certain sum of money which he owed her as dowry for their common daughter, and he did so, I think it should be considered whether he gave the dowry in his own, or his wife’s name. If he gave it in his own name, he will still owe the money to his wife, but if he gave it in his wife’s name, he will be released from liability to his wife.
Dig. 24,3,60Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si filia familias nupta decesserit et pater funus ei fecerit, tametsi ei dotem post aliquod tempus gener reddere deberet, tamen continuo socer agendo consequetur, ut impensam funeris praesentem recipiat, cetera dotis statuto tempore solvantur.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where a daughter under paternal control, who was married, dies, and her father pays her funeral expenses, he can immediately recover them by means of an action, even though the son-in-law was obliged to return the dowry after a certain date; and after he has received the expenses of the funeral, the remainder of the dowry can be paid at the time agreed upon.
Dig. 31,46Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si scripsisset qui legabat: ‘quidquid mihi Lucium Titium dare facere oportet, Sempronio lego’ nec adiecit ‘praesens in diemve’, non dubitarem, quantum ad verborum significationem attineret, quin ea pecunia comprehensa non esset, cuius dies moriente eo, qui testamentum fecisset, nondum venisset. adiciendo autem haec verba ‘praesens in diemve’ aperte mihi videtur ostendisse eam quoque pecuniam legare voluisse.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. If the party who bequeaths a legacy does so as follows, “I bequeath to Sempronius whatever Lucius Titius can be made to pay me,” and does not add that the sum is payable “at the present time,” I have no doubt that, so far as the interpretation and meaning of these words are concerned, that money is not included in the legacy which was not collectible at the time when the party who executed the will died; but, by adding the following words, “At the present time,” he would have plainly indicated that he intended also to include money which was not yet due.
Dig. 32,86Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si ita legatum est ‘domum quaeque mea ibi erunt, cum moriar’, nummos ad diem exactos a debitoribus, ut aliis nominibus collocarentur, non puto legatos esse et Labeonis distinctionem valde probo, qui scripsit nec quod casu abesset, minus esse legatum nec quod casu ibi sit, magis esse legatum.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows, “I leave my house and its contents at the time of my death,” I do not think that money collected from certain debtors of the testator, in order to again be invested in other similar claims, forms a part of the legacy. I thoroughly approve of the distinction made by Labeo, that the legacy will not be diminished because something may happen to be out of the house, any more than it may be increased because some other article happens to be there.
Dig. 33,6,6Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Cui vinum heres dare damnatus est, quod in amphoris et cadis diffusum est dari debet, etiamsi vasorum mentio facta non est. item quamvis cum vasis cadis legatum est, tamen id quoque, quod in doliis, legatum esse videtur, sicuti, si servos omnes cum peculio cuiusque eorum legasset, etiam eos, quibus peculii nihil esset, legasse videretur.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where an heir is charged with the delivery of wine, he will be obliged to deliver whatever is contained in vases or jars, even though no mention was made of vessels. Moreover, although the wine may have been left with the vases and jars, still, that which is contained in casks is held to have also been left; just as where a testator bequeaths all his slaves with their peculium of each of them, those who have no peculium are considered to have likewise been bequeathed.
Dig. 34,2,11Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si quis legaverit aurum gemmas margaritas quae in eo auro essent, etiam id aurum, cui neque gemmae neque margaritae inessent, legasse videtur.
Dig. 41,2,27Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si is, qui animo possessionem saltus retineret, furere coepisset, non potest, dum fureret, eius saltus possessionem amittere, quia furiosus non potest desinere animo possidere.
Dig. 46,3,82Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si, cum Cornelius fundum suum nomine Seiae viro eius doti dedisset nec de eo reddendo quicquam cavisset, fecit, ut inter se vir et Seia paciscerentur, ut divortio facto is fundus Cornelio redderetur: non puto divortio facto virum vetante Seia eum fundum Cornelio tuto redditurum esse, sicuti si, cum pactum conventum nullum intercessisset, divortio facto mulier iussit eum fundum Cornelio reddi, deinde antequam redderetur, vetuisset, non tuto redderetur. sed si antequam Seia vetaret, Cornelio eum fundum reddidisset nec causam habuisset existimandi id invita Seia facturum esse, nec melius nec aequius esse existimarem eum fundum Seiae reddi.
Proculus, Epistles, Book V. If Cornelius should give a tract of land which belongs to him, in the name of Seia, to her husband by way of dowry, and make no provision with reference to its return; and he does this in such a way that an agreement is entered into between Seia and her husband that, if a divorce should take place, the land shall be returned to Cornelius; I do not think that, if a divorce does take place, the husband can safely return the land to Cornelius, if Seia should forbid him to do so; just as, where no informal agreement was made, the woman, after the divorce, should direct the land to be returned to Cornelius, and then, before this was done, forbid it, it could not safely be returned to him. If, however, before Seia forbade this to be done, her husband should return the land to Cornelius, and he had no reason to think that, if he did so, she would not consent, I do not think that it would be better or more equitable to deliver the land to Seia.
Dig. 50,16,125Idem libro quinto epistularum. Nepos Proculo suo salutem. Ab eo, qui ita dotem promisit: ‘cum commodum erit, dotis filiae meae tibi erunt aurei centum’, putasne protinus nuptiis factis dotem peti posse? quid si ita promisisset: ‘cum potuero, doti erunt?’ quod si aliquam vim habeat posterior obligatio, ‘possit’ verbum quomodo interpretaris, utrum aere alieno deducto an extante? Proculus: cum dotem quis ita promisit: ‘cum potuero, doti tibi erunt centum’, existimo ad id quod actum est interpretationem redigendam esse: nam qui ambigue loquitur, id loquitur, quod ex his quae significantur sensit. propius est tamen, ut hoc eum sensisse existimem ‘deducto aere alieno potero’. potest etiam illa accipi significatio ‘cum salva dignitate mea potero’: quae interpretatio eo magis accipienda est, si ita promissum est ‘cum commodum erit’, hoc est ‘cum sine incommodo meo potero’.
The Same, Epistles, Book V. His grandson to his Uncle Proculus, Greeting. In the case of a person who promised a dowry as follows, “When it is convenient, I will give you a hundred aurei as my daughter’s dowry,” do you think that the dowry can be demanded immediately after the marriage takes place? Where he made the promise in the following words, “I will give you the dowry when I am able to do so,” if the last obligation is of any force, in what way do you interpret the words, “am able”? Do they mean after the debts have been paid, or before? Proculus: When anyone promises a dowry in the following terms, “I will pay you a hundred aurei, by way of dowry, when I am able to do so,” I think that a suitable interpretation can be given to them. For when anyone makes use of ambiguous language, he says what he believes is meant by the words which he employs. I think, however, that it is better to hold that he intended to say that he would give the dowry if he could do so after his debts were paid. The meaning may also be, “If I can do so consistently with the maintenance of my honor,” which interpretation is preferable. But if he had promised to do this, “When it will be convenient,” this means when I can bestow the dowry without incommoding myself.