Epistularum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 4,3,31Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Cum quis persuaserit familiae meae, ut de possessione decedat, possessio quidem non amittitur, sed de dolo malo iudicium in eum competit, si quid damni mihi accesserit.
Dig. 8,2,13Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Quidam Hiberus nomine, qui habet post horrea mea insulam, balnearia fecit secundum parietem communem: non licet autem tubulos habere admotos ad parietem communem, sicuti ne parietem quidem suum per parietem communem: de tubulis eo amplius hoc iuris est, quod per eos flamma torretur paries: qua de re volo cum hibero loquaris, ne rem illicitam faciat. Proculus respondit: nec Hiberum pro ea re dubitare puto, quod rem non permissam facit tubulos secundum communem parietem extruendo. 1Parietem communem incrustare licet secundum Capitonis senteniam, sicut licet mihi pretiosissimas picturas habere in pariete communi: ceterum si demolitus sit vicinus et ex stipulatu actione damni infecti agatur, non pluris quam vulgaria tectoria aestimari debent: quod observari et in incrustatione oportet.
Proculus, Epistles, Book II. A certain Hiberus, who owns a building in the rear of my warehouse, built bathrooms against the party-wall; although it is not lawful for anyone to conduct pipes along a party-wall, just as he has no right to build another wall over it; and the law applies with much more force to pipes, because, by means of them, the wall may be burned. I wish that you would speak to Hiberus about this, in order to prevent him from doing what is illegal. Proculus answered, “I do not think that Hiberus has any doubt in this instance that he is doing something which is not allowed in placing pipes along a party-wall”. 1According to the opinions of Capito, it is permitted to encrust a party wall with ornamental stucco, as I can have very valuable paintings on a wall of this kind; but if my neighbor demolishes the wall, and proceedings are instituted for the prevention of threatened injury, on a stipulation, paintings of this description cannot be appraised any higher than ordinary plaster; and this rule must also be observed with reference to decorative encrustation.
Dig. 28,5,70Proculus libro secundo epistularum. ‘Cornelius et Maevius, uter eorum volet, heres esto’: uterque vult: Trebatius neutrum fore heredem, Cartilius utrumque: tu cui adsentiaris? Proculus: Cartilio adsentio et illam adiectionem ‘uter eorum volet’ supervacuam puto: id enim etiam ea non adiecta futurum fuit, ut, uter vellet, heres esset, uter nollet, heres non esset. quod si hi ex numero necessariorum heredum essent, tum id non frustra adiectum esse et non solum figuram, sed vim quoque condicionis continere: dicerem tamen, si uterque heres esse vellet, utrumque heredem esse.
Proculus, Epistles, Book II. “Let Cornelius or Mævius, whichever one of them may desire to have my estate, be my heir.” Trebatius holds that neither of them is the heir, but Cartilius maintains that both of them are heirs. Whose opinion do you adopt? Proculus, I agree with Cartilius, and think that the addition, “Whichever one of them may desire to have my estate”, is superfluous; for if this addition had not been made, the result would be that whichever of them wished to take under the will would be the heir, and that the one who was not willing would not be. If, however, these parties were included in the number of necessary heirs, then this clause would not have been added in vain; and it would not only prevent the appearance, but would also have the effect of a condition; still, I would say that both of them would be heirs, if they desired to be.
Dig. 33,6,15Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Vinum cum vasis legavit. negat Trebatius quod in doliis sit deberi et sensum testatoris alium putat esse, verborum alium: ceterum dolia in vasis vinariis non essent. ego et si dolia in vasis vinariis non sunt, tamen non concederem Trebatio vinum quod in doliis esset, id est quod in vasis non esset, non esse legatum. illud verum esse puto, cui vinum cum vasis legatum erit, ei amphoras cados, in quibus vina diffusa servamus, legatos esse: vinum enim in amphoras et cados hac mente diffundimus, ut in his sit, donec usus causa probetur, et scilicet id vendimus cum his amphoris et cadis: in dolia autem alia mente coicimus, scilicet ut ex his postea vel in amphoras et cados diffundamus vel sine ipsis doliis veneat.
Proculus, Epistles, Book II. A man bequeathed his wine and the vessels containing it. Trebatius denies that any wine, which is in casks, is included; and he holds that the intention of the testator was different from what is expressed in his words, and, moreover, casks are not classed as wine vessels. Although casks are not included in the term “wine vessels,” still, I do not agree with Trebatius in his opinion that the wine included in the casks, that is to say, which is not in vessels, is not bequeathed. I think, however, that it is true where wine is bequeathed to anyone with the vessels, that the measures and jars into which it is drawn are also bequeathed to the legatee; for we pour out wine into jars and measures, in order that it may remain in them, until we require it for use; and, again, we sell it together with said jars and measures. We place it in casks, however, with a different intention, that is to say, in order to draw it out of them into jars and measures, or to sell it without the casks.
Dig. 41,1,55Proculus libro secundo epistularum. In laqueum, quem venandi causa posueras, aper incidit: cum eo haereret, exemptum eum abstuli: num tibi videor tuum aprum abstulisse? et si tuum putas fuisse, si solutum eum in silvam dimississem, eo casu tuus esse desisset an maneret? et quam actionem mecum haberes, si desisset tuus esse, num in factum dari oportet, quaero. respondit: laqueum videamus ne intersit in publico an in privato posuerim et, si in privato posui, utrum in meo an in alieno, et, si in alieno, utrum permissu eius cuius fundus erat an non permissu eius posuerim: praeterea utrum in eo ita haeserit aper, ut expedire se non possit ipse, an diutius luctando expediturus se fuerit. summam tamen hanc puto esse, ut, si in meam potestatem pervenit, meus factus sit. sin autem aprum meum ferum in suam naturalem laxitatem dimississes et eo facto meus esse desisset, actionem mihi in factum dari oportere, veluti responsum est, cum quidam poculum alterius ex nave eiecisset.
Proculus, Epistles, Book II. A wild boar was caught in a trap which you set for the purpose of hunting, and after he was caught, I released him, and carried him away; is it your opinion that I have taken away your wild boar? And if you thought that it was yours, and I should release him and let him go into the woods, would he, in this instance, cease to be yours, or would he still remain your property? If he ceased to be yours, I ask what action you would be entitled to against me, and whether it would be necessary for an action in factum to be granted? The answer was, that we should first take into consideration the trap, and whether it does not make a difference if I set it on public or on private land; and if I set it on private land, whether I did so upon my own or upon that of another, and if I set it upon that of another, whether I did so with the permission of the owner of the said land, or without it. Moreover, it should be considered whether the wild boar was caught in the trap in such a way that he could not release himself, or whether, by struggling longer, he might have been able to escape. I think the conclusion should be that if the wild boar was under my control he became my property; but if you, by your act, restored him to his natural freedom, he ceased to belong to me; and I would be entitled to an action in factum; as was decided in a case where a person threw a cup belonging to another from a ship into the sea.
Dig. 45,1,113Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Cum stipulatus sim mihi, procule, si opus arbitratu meo ante kalendas Iunias effectum non sit, poenam, et protuli diem: putasne vere me posse dicere arbitratu meo opus effectum non esse ante kalendas Iunias, cum ipse arbitrio meo aliam diem operi laxiorem dederim? Proculus respondit: non sine causa distinguendum est interesse, utrum per promissorem mora non fuisset, quo minus opus ante kalendas Iunias ita, uti stipulatione comprehensum erat, perficeretur, an, cum iam opus effici non posset ante kalendas Iunias, stipulator diem in kalendis Augustis protulisset. nam si tum diem stipulator protulit, cum iam opus ante kalendas Iunias effici non poterat, puto poenam esse commissam nec ad rem pertinere, quod aliquod tempus ante kalendas Iunias fuit, quo stipulator non desideravit id ante kalendas Iunias effici, id est quo non est arbitratus ut fieret quod fieri non poterat. aut si hoc falsum est, etiam si stipulator pridie kalendas Iunias mortuus esset, poena commissa non esset, quoniam mortuus arbitrari non potuisset et aliquod tempus post mortem eius operi perficiendo superfuisset. et propemodum etiam si ante kalendas Iunias futurum esse coepit opus ante eam diem effici non posse, poena commissa est. 1Cum venderet aliquis, promisit emptori fideiussores praestari et rem venditam liberari: quae ut liberetur, nunc desiderat emptor: in mora est is, qui ea stipulatione id futurum promisit: quaero quid iuris sit. Proculus respondit: tanti litem aestimari oportet, quanti actoris interest.
Ad Dig. 45,1,113Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 285, Note 2.Proculus, Epistles, Book II. When I stipulate for myself as follows: “Proculus, if the work is not completed, as I desire it to be, before the Kalends of June, do you promise to pay such-and-such a sum by way of penalty?” and I extend the time; do you think that it may be said that the work has not been done, as I wished it to be, before the Kalends of June, when I, myself, voluntarily gave more time for its completion? Proculus replied that it is not without reason that a distinction should be made whether the promisor was in default in not finishing the work before the Kalends of June, as was agreed upon in the stipulation; or, whether, as the work could not be completed before that date, the stipulator extended the time to the Kalends of August. For if the stipulator extended the time when the work could not be completed before the Kalends of June, I think that the penalty would attach; for it makes no difference if some time had passed before the Kalends of June, during which the stipulator did not desire that the work should be finished before that date; that is to say, that he did not expect something to be done which could not be done. Or, if this opinion is incorrect, even if the stipulator should die before the Kalends of June, the penalty will not be incurred; as being dead, he could not signify his wishes, and some time would remain after his death for the completion of the work. And I am almost inclined to believe that the penalty would be incurred, even if enough time to complete the work was not left before the Kalends of June. 1When anyone sells something, and promises to furnish sureties to the purchaser, and guarantees the property sold to be free from encumbrance, and the purchaser desires the property to be free from all liens, and he who promised that it should be under the stipulation is in default; I ask, what is the law? Proculus answered that the vendor will be responsible to the extent of the plaintiff’s interest, in accordance with the amount of damages assessed in court.
Dig. 50,16,124Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Haec verba ‘ille aut ille’ non solum disiunctiva, sed etiam subdisiunctivae orationis sunt. disiunctivum est, veluti cum dicimus ‘aut dies aut nox est’, quorum posito altero necesse est tolli alterum, item sublato altero poni alterum. ita simili figuratione verbum potest esse subdisiunctivum. subdisiunctivi autem genera sunt duo: unum, cum ex propositis finibus ita non potest uterque esse, ut possit neuter esse, veluti cum dicimus ‘aut sedet aut ambulat’: nam ut nemo potest utrumque simul facere, ita aliquis potest neutrum, veluti is qui accumbit. alterius generis est, cum ex propositis finibus ita non potest neuter esse, ut possit utrumque esse, veluti cum dicimus ‘omne animal aut facit aut patitur’: nullum est enim quod nec faciat nec patiatur: at potest simul et facere et pati.
Proculus, Epistles, Book II. The following words, “So-and-So or So-and-So,” are not only disjunctive, but subdisjunctive in their signification. They are disjunctive; for example, when we say, “It is either day or night,” for having suggested one of two things, the other is necessarily impossible, since to suppose one disposes of the other. Therefore, by a similar form of words, an expression can be subdisjunctive. There are, however, two kinds of subdisjunctives; one where in a proposition both things cannot be true, and neither of them may be; as, for instance, when we say, “He is either sitting or walking,” for as no one can do both these things at the same time, neither of them may be true, for example, if the person should be lying down. The other kind of disjunctive occurs in a statement where of two things neither may be true, but both of them can happen to be; for instance, when we say “Every animal either acts or suffers,” for there is no animal which neither acts nor suffers, but an animal may act and suffer at the same time.