Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Proculi Opera

Proculi Opera



Epistularum libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 8,6,16Proculus libro primo epistularum. Aquam, quae oriebatur in fundo vicini, plures per eundem rivum iure ducere soliti sunt, ita ut suo quisque die a capite duceret, primo per eundem rivum eumque communem, deinde ut quisque inferior erat, suo quisque proprio rivo, et unus statuto tempore, quo servitus amittitur, non duxit. existimo eum ius ducendae aquae amississe nec per ceteros qui duxerunt eius ius usurpatum esse: proprium enim cuiusque eorum ius fuit neque per alium usurpari potuit. quod si plurium fundo iter aquae debitum esset, per unum eorum omnibus his, inter quos is fundus communis fuisset, usurpari potuisset. item si quis eorum, quibus aquae ductus servitus debebatur et per eundem rivum aquam ducebant, ius aquae ducendae non ducendo eam amisit, nihil iuris eo nomine ceteris, qui rivo utebantur, adcrevit idque commodum eius est, per cuius fundum id iter aquae, quod non utendo pro parte unius amissum est: libertate enim huius partis servitutis fruitur.

Proculus, Epistles, Book I. Several persons by reason of a right were accustomed to conduct through the same canal water which had its source on the land of a neighbor, in such a way that each one, on a certain day allotted to him, conducted the water from its source through a ditch which was held in common, and then through one of his own, each succeeding the other who was immediately above him; and one of them failed to conduct any water during the time established by law for the loss of a servitude. I think that he lost the right to conduct the water, for it was not exercised by the others who did conduct it, and this right belonged to each one of the parties as his own, and could not be exercised by another. But where a water-course was attached to land belonging to several parties, it could have been used by one of them for the benefit of all those by whom the land was held in common. Again, where one of the parties entitled to a right of conducting water, and who did conduct it through the same channel loses the right to do so by failure to use his privilege, no right for this reason will accrue to the others who used the channel; and the benefit of the right which was lost as to the share of one party by non-user will belong to him through whose land was traversed by the water-course, and he would enjoy freedom from this much of the servitude.

Ex libro II

Dig. 4,3,31Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Cum quis persuaserit familiae meae, ut de possessione decedat, possessio quidem non amittitur, sed de dolo malo iudicium in eum competit, si quid damni mihi accesserit.

Proculus, Epistles, Book II. Where anyone induces my slave to abandon possession of my property, the possession of the same is not actually lost; but an action on the ground of fraud will lie against the party in question, if I have suffered any loss.

Dig. 8,2,13Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Quidam Hiberus nomine, qui habet post horrea mea insulam, balnearia fecit secundum parietem communem: non licet autem tubulos habere admotos ad parietem communem, sicuti ne parietem quidem suum per parietem communem: de tubulis eo amplius hoc iuris est, quod per eos flamma torretur paries: qua de re volo cum hibero loquaris, ne rem illicitam faciat. Proculus respondit: nec Hiberum pro ea re dubitare puto, quod rem non permissam facit tubulos secundum communem parietem extruendo. 1Parietem communem incrustare licet secundum Capitonis senteniam, sicut licet mihi pretiosissimas picturas habere in pariete communi: ceterum si demolitus sit vicinus et ex stipulatu actione damni infecti agatur, non pluris quam vulgaria tectoria aestimari debent: quod observari et in incrustatione oportet.

Proculus, Epistles, Book II. A certain Hiberus, who owns a building in the rear of my warehouse, built bathrooms against the party-wall; although it is not lawful for anyone to conduct pipes along a party-wall, just as he has no right to build another wall over it; and the law applies with much more force to pipes, because, by means of them, the wall may be burned. I wish that you would speak to Hiberus about this, in order to prevent him from doing what is illegal. Proculus answered, “I do not think that Hiberus has any doubt in this instance that he is doing something which is not allowed in placing pipes along a party-wall”. 1According to the opinions of Capito, it is permitted to encrust a party wall with ornamental stucco, as I can have very valuable paintings on a wall of this kind; but if my neighbor demolishes the wall, and proceedings are instituted for the prevention of threatened injury, on a stipulation, paintings of this description cannot be appraised any higher than ordinary plaster; and this rule must also be observed with reference to decorative encrustation.

Dig. 28,5,70Proculus libro secundo epistularum. ‘Cornelius et Maevius, uter eorum volet, heres esto’: uterque vult: Trebatius neutrum fore heredem, Cartilius utrumque: tu cui adsentiaris? Proculus: Cartilio adsentio et illam adiectionem ‘uter eorum volet’ supervacuam puto: id enim etiam ea non adiecta futurum fuit, ut, uter vellet, heres esset, uter nollet, heres non esset. quod si hi ex numero necessariorum heredum essent, tum id non frustra adiectum esse et non solum figuram, sed vim quoque condicionis continere: dicerem tamen, si uterque heres esse vellet, utrumque heredem esse.

Proculus, Epistles, Book II. “Let Cornelius or Mævius, whichever one of them may desire to have my estate, be my heir.” Trebatius holds that neither of them is the heir, but Cartilius maintains that both of them are heirs. Whose opinion do you adopt? Proculus, I agree with Cartilius, and think that the addition, “Whichever one of them may desire to have my estate”, is superfluous; for if this addition had not been made, the result would be that whichever of them wished to take under the will would be the heir, and that the one who was not willing would not be. If, however, these parties were included in the number of necessary heirs, then this clause would not have been added in vain; and it would not only prevent the appearance, but would also have the effect of a condition; still, I would say that both of them would be heirs, if they desired to be.

Dig. 33,6,15Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Vinum cum vasis legavit. negat Trebatius quod in doliis sit deberi et sensum testatoris alium putat esse, verborum alium: ceterum dolia in vasis vinariis non essent. ego et si dolia in vasis vinariis non sunt, tamen non concederem Trebatio vinum quod in doliis esset, id est quod in vasis non esset, non esse legatum. illud verum esse puto, cui vinum cum vasis legatum erit, ei amphoras cados, in quibus vina diffusa servamus, legatos esse: vinum enim in amphoras et cados hac mente diffundimus, ut in his sit, donec usus causa probetur, et scilicet id vendimus cum his amphoris et cadis: in dolia autem alia mente coicimus, scilicet ut ex his postea vel in amphoras et cados diffundamus vel sine ipsis doliis veneat.

Proculus, Epistles, Book II. A man bequeathed his wine and the vessels containing it. Trebatius denies that any wine, which is in casks, is included; and he holds that the intention of the testator was different from what is expressed in his words, and, moreover, casks are not classed as wine vessels. Although casks are not included in the term “wine vessels,” still, I do not agree with Trebatius in his opinion that the wine included in the casks, that is to say, which is not in vessels, is not bequeathed. I think, however, that it is true where wine is bequeathed to anyone with the vessels, that the measures and jars into which it is drawn are also bequeathed to the legatee; for we pour out wine into jars and measures, in order that it may remain in them, until we require it for use; and, again, we sell it together with said jars and measures. We place it in casks, however, with a different intention, that is to say, in order to draw it out of them into jars and measures, or to sell it without the casks.

Dig. 41,1,55Proculus libro secundo epistularum. In laqueum, quem venandi causa posueras, aper incidit: cum eo haereret, exemptum eum abstuli: num tibi videor tuum aprum abstulisse? et si tuum putas fuisse, si solutum eum in silvam dimississem, eo casu tuus esse desisset an maneret? et quam actionem mecum haberes, si desisset tuus esse, num in factum dari oportet, quaero. respondit: laqueum videamus ne intersit in publico an in privato posuerim et, si in privato posui, utrum in meo an in alieno, et, si in alieno, utrum permissu eius cuius fundus erat an non permissu eius posuerim: praeterea utrum in eo ita haeserit aper, ut expedire se non possit ipse, an diutius luctando expediturus se fuerit. summam tamen hanc puto esse, ut, si in meam potestatem pervenit, meus factus sit. sin autem aprum meum ferum in suam naturalem laxitatem dimississes et eo facto meus esse desisset, actionem mihi in factum dari oportere, veluti responsum est, cum quidam poculum alterius ex nave eiecisset.

Proculus, Epistles, Book II. A wild boar was caught in a trap which you set for the purpose of hunting, and after he was caught, I released him, and carried him away; is it your opinion that I have taken away your wild boar? And if you thought that it was yours, and I should release him and let him go into the woods, would he, in this instance, cease to be yours, or would he still remain your property? If he ceased to be yours, I ask what action you would be entitled to against me, and whether it would be necessary for an action in factum to be granted? The answer was, that we should first take into consideration the trap, and whether it does not make a difference if I set it on public or on private land; and if I set it on private land, whether I did so upon my own or upon that of another, and if I set it upon that of another, whether I did so with the permission of the owner of the said land, or without it. Moreover, it should be considered whether the wild boar was caught in the trap in such a way that he could not release himself, or whether, by struggling longer, he might have been able to escape. I think the conclusion should be that if the wild boar was under my control he became my property; but if you, by your act, restored him to his natural freedom, he ceased to belong to me; and I would be entitled to an action in factum; as was decided in a case where a person threw a cup belonging to another from a ship into the sea.

Dig. 45,1,113Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Cum stipulatus sim mihi, procule, si opus arbitratu meo ante kalendas Iunias effectum non sit, poenam, et protuli diem: putasne vere me posse dicere arbitratu meo opus effectum non esse ante kalendas Iunias, cum ipse arbitrio meo aliam diem operi laxiorem dederim? Proculus respondit: non sine causa distinguendum est interesse, utrum per promissorem mora non fuisset, quo minus opus ante kalendas Iunias ita, uti stipulatione comprehensum erat, perficeretur, an, cum iam opus effici non posset ante kalendas Iunias, stipulator diem in kalendis Augustis protulisset. nam si tum diem stipulator protulit, cum iam opus ante kalendas Iunias effici non poterat, puto poenam esse commissam nec ad rem pertinere, quod aliquod tempus ante kalendas Iunias fuit, quo stipulator non desideravit id ante kalendas Iunias effici, id est quo non est arbitratus ut fieret quod fieri non poterat. aut si hoc falsum est, etiam si stipulator pridie kalendas Iunias mortuus esset, poena commissa non esset, quoniam mortuus arbitrari non potuisset et aliquod tempus post mortem eius operi perficiendo superfuisset. et propemodum etiam si ante kalendas Iunias futurum esse coepit opus ante eam diem effici non posse, poena commissa est. 1Cum venderet aliquis, promisit emptori fideiussores praestari et rem venditam liberari: quae ut liberetur, nunc desiderat emptor: in mora est is, qui ea stipulatione id futurum promisit: quaero quid iuris sit. Proculus respondit: tanti litem aestimari oportet, quanti actoris interest.

Ad Dig. 45,1,113Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 285, Note 2.Proculus, Epistles, Book II. When I stipulate for myself as follows: “Proculus, if the work is not completed, as I desire it to be, before the Kalends of June, do you promise to pay such-and-such a sum by way of penalty?” and I extend the time; do you think that it may be said that the work has not been done, as I wished it to be, before the Kalends of June, when I, myself, voluntarily gave more time for its completion? Proculus replied that it is not without reason that a distinction should be made whether the promisor was in default in not finishing the work before the Kalends of June, as was agreed upon in the stipulation; or, whether, as the work could not be completed before that date, the stipulator extended the time to the Kalends of August. For if the stipulator extended the time when the work could not be completed before the Kalends of June, I think that the penalty would attach; for it makes no difference if some time had passed before the Kalends of June, during which the stipulator did not desire that the work should be finished before that date; that is to say, that he did not expect something to be done which could not be done. Or, if this opinion is incorrect, even if the stipulator should die before the Kalends of June, the penalty will not be incurred; as being dead, he could not signify his wishes, and some time would remain after his death for the completion of the work. And I am almost inclined to believe that the penalty would be incurred, even if enough time to complete the work was not left before the Kalends of June. 1When anyone sells something, and promises to furnish sureties to the purchaser, and guarantees the property sold to be free from encumbrance, and the purchaser desires the property to be free from all liens, and he who promised that it should be under the stipulation is in default; I ask, what is the law? Proculus answered that the vendor will be responsible to the extent of the plaintiff’s interest, in accordance with the amount of damages assessed in court.

Dig. 50,16,124Proculus libro secundo epistularum. Haec verba ‘ille aut ille’ non solum disiunctiva, sed etiam subdisiunctivae orationis sunt. disiunctivum est, veluti cum dicimus ‘aut dies aut nox est’, quorum posito altero necesse est tolli alterum, item sublato altero poni alterum. ita simili figuratione verbum potest esse subdisiunctivum. subdisiunctivi autem genera sunt duo: unum, cum ex propositis finibus ita non potest uterque esse, ut possit neuter esse, veluti cum dicimus ‘aut sedet aut ambulat’: nam ut nemo potest utrumque simul facere, ita aliquis potest neutrum, veluti is qui accumbit. alterius generis est, cum ex propositis finibus ita non potest neuter esse, ut possit utrumque esse, veluti cum dicimus ‘omne animal aut facit aut patitur’: nullum est enim quod nec faciat nec patiatur: at potest simul et facere et pati.

Proculus, Epistles, Book II. The following words, “So-and-So or So-and-So,” are not only disjunctive, but subdisjunctive in their signification. They are disjunctive; for example, when we say, “It is either day or night,” for having suggested one of two things, the other is necessarily impossible, since to suppose one disposes of the other. Therefore, by a similar form of words, an expression can be subdisjunctive. There are, however, two kinds of subdisjunctives; one where in a proposition both things cannot be true, and neither of them may be; as, for instance, when we say, “He is either sitting or walking,” for as no one can do both these things at the same time, neither of them may be true, for example, if the person should be lying down. The other kind of disjunctive occurs in a statement where of two things neither may be true, but both of them can happen to be; for instance, when we say “Every animal either acts or suffers,” for there is no animal which neither acts nor suffers, but an animal may act and suffer at the same time.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 1,18,12Proculus libro quarto epistularum. Sed licet is, qui provinciae praeest, omnium Romae magistratuum vice et officio fungi debeat, non tamen spectandum est, quid Romae factum est, quam quid fieri debeat.

Proculus, Epistles, Book IV. And although he who governs the province ought to be invested with authority to discharge the duties of all Roman magistrates, still, he should pay attention to what should be done in each case, rather than to what is done at Rome.

Ex libro V

Dig. 2,14,36Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si cum fundum meum possides, convenisset mihi tecum, ut eius possessionem Attio traderes: vindicantem eum fundum a te non aliter me conventionis exceptione excludi debere, quam si aut iam tradidisses, aut si tua causa id inter nos convenisset et per te non staret quo minus traderes.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where you are in possession of land belonging to me, and I make an agreement with you that you shall deliver possession of the same to Attius, and I bring suit to recover the property from you, I cannot be barred by an exception based upon contract, unless you have already delivered possession of the property, or the agreement between us made for your benefit, and it is not your fault that you did not deliver it.

Dig. 8,5,13Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Fistulas, quibus aquam duco, in via publica habeo et hae ruptae inundant parietem tuum: puto posse te mecum recte agere ius mihi non esse flumina ex meo in tuum parietem fluere.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. I have pipes by which I conduct water on the public highway, and these, having burst, flooded your wall; I think that you are entitled to an action against me, in which you can allege that I have no right to allow water to flow from my premises against your wall.

Dig. 17,2,76Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Societatem mecum coisti ea condicione, ut Nerva amicus communis partes societatis constitueret: Nerva constituit, ut tu ex triente socius esses, ego ex besse: quaeris, utrum ratum id iure societatis sit an nihilo minus ex aequis partibus socii simus. existimo autem melius te quaesiturum fuisse, utrum ex his partibus socii essemus quas is constituisset, an ex his quas virum bonum constituere oportuisset. arbitrorum enim genera sunt duo, unum eiusmodi, ut sive aequum sit sive iniquum, parere debeamus (quod observatur, cum ex compromisso ad arbitrum itum est), alterum eiusmodi, ut ad boni viri arbitrium redigi debeat, etsi nominatim persona sit comprehensa, cuius arbitratu fiat.

Ad Dig. 17,2,76ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 173: Unterschied zwischen Schiedsspruch und arbitrium boni viri bezüglich der Anfechtbarkeit.ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 429: Unterschied zwischen Schiedsspruch und arbitrium boni viri bezüglich der Anfechtbarkeit.ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 91, S. 345: Arbitrium merum, boni viri. Anfechtung propter magnam improbitatem.Proculus, Epistles, Book V. You formed a partnership with me under the condition that Nerva, our common friend, should decide with reference to the shares thereof; and Nerva decided that you should be a partner to the extent of one-third, and I to the extent of two-thirds of the capital. You ask whether this should be ratified in accordance with the rights of the partnership, or whether we are equal partners, nevertheless? I think that it would have been better for you to have made the inquiry whether we were partners to the extent of the shares which he had established, or whether to the extent of those which would have been apportioned by a good citizen; for there are two kinds of arbiters, one whose award we should obey whether it be just or unjust, which rule must be observed when recourse is had to arbitration by common consent of the parties. There is another kind, whose award must be compared with that which would be rendered by a good citizen, although the party who is to give it has been expressly selected;

Dig. 17,2,78Proculus libro quinto epistularum. in proposita autem quaestione arbitrium viri boni existimo sequendum esse, eo magis quod iudicium pro socio bonae fidei est.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. I think that, in the case stated, the judgment of a good citizen should be followed, and all the more so, because a decision in an action on partnership is one where good faith is concerned.

Dig. 17,2,80Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Quid enim si Nerva constituisset, ut alter ex millesima parte, alter ex duo millesimis partibus socius esset? illud potest conveniens esse viri boni arbitrio, ut non utique ex aequis partibus socii simus, veluti si alter plus operae industriae gratiae pecuniae in societatem collaturus erat.

Ad Dig. 17,2,80ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 173: Anspruch eines Socius auf nicht bedungene Vergütung für geleistete Arbeiten.Proculus, Epistles, Book V. What would be the result if Nerva decided that one party should be a partner to the extent of one thousand shares, and the other to the extent of two thousand shares? The decision of a good citizen could not fail to be that we are not partners to the same extent; for example, just as if one of us should bring into the partnership more labor, skill, credit, and money than the other.

Dig. 23,3,82Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Cum uxor virum suum quam pecuniam sibi deberet in dotem filiae communis dare iusserit et id fecisse dicatur, puto animadvertendum esse, utrum eam dotem suo an uxoris nomine dedit: si suo, nihilo minus uxori eum debere pecuniam: si uxoris nomine dederit, ipsum ab uxore liberatum esse.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where a woman directed her husband to give a certain sum of money which he owed her as dowry for their common daughter, and he did so, I think it should be considered whether he gave the dowry in his own, or his wife’s name. If he gave it in his own name, he will still owe the money to his wife, but if he gave it in his wife’s name, he will be released from liability to his wife.

Dig. 24,3,60Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si filia familias nupta decesserit et pater funus ei fecerit, tametsi ei dotem post aliquod tempus gener reddere deberet, tamen continuo socer agendo consequetur, ut impensam funeris praesentem recipiat, cetera dotis statuto tempore solvantur.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where a daughter under paternal control, who was married, dies, and her father pays her funeral expenses, he can immediately recover them by means of an action, even though the son-in-law was obliged to return the dowry after a certain date; and after he has received the expenses of the funeral, the remainder of the dowry can be paid at the time agreed upon.

Dig. 31,46Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si scripsisset qui legabat: ‘quidquid mihi Lucium Titium dare facere oportet, Sempronio lego’ nec adiecit ‘praesens in diemve’, non dubitarem, quantum ad verborum significationem attineret, quin ea pecunia comprehensa non esset, cuius dies moriente eo, qui testamentum fecisset, nondum venisset. adiciendo autem haec verba ‘praesens in diemve’ aperte mihi videtur ostendisse eam quoque pecuniam legare voluisse.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. If the party who bequeaths a legacy does so as follows, “I bequeath to Sempronius whatever Lucius Titius can be made to pay me,” and does not add that the sum is payable “at the present time,” I have no doubt that, so far as the interpretation and meaning of these words are concerned, that money is not included in the legacy which was not collectible at the time when the party who executed the will died; but, by adding the following words, “At the present time,” he would have plainly indicated that he intended also to include money which was not yet due.

Dig. 32,86Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si ita legatum est ‘domum quaeque mea ibi erunt, cum moriar’, nummos ad diem exactos a debitoribus, ut aliis nominibus collocarentur, non puto legatos esse et Labeonis distinctionem valde probo, qui scripsit nec quod casu abesset, minus esse legatum nec quod casu ibi sit, magis esse legatum.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows, “I leave my house and its contents at the time of my death,” I do not think that money collected from certain debtors of the testator, in order to again be invested in other similar claims, forms a part of the legacy. I thoroughly approve of the distinction made by Labeo, that the legacy will not be diminished because something may happen to be out of the house, any more than it may be increased because some other article happens to be there.

Dig. 33,6,6Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Cui vinum heres dare damnatus est, quod in amphoris et cadis diffusum est dari debet, etiamsi vasorum mentio facta non est. item quamvis cum vasis cadis legatum est, tamen id quoque, quod in doliis, legatum esse videtur, sicuti, si servos omnes cum peculio cuiusque eorum legasset, etiam eos, quibus peculii nihil esset, legasse videretur.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where an heir is charged with the delivery of wine, he will be obliged to deliver whatever is contained in vases or jars, even though no mention was made of vessels. Moreover, although the wine may have been left with the vases and jars, still, that which is contained in casks is held to have also been left; just as where a testator bequeaths all his slaves with their peculium of each of them, those who have no peculium are considered to have likewise been bequeathed.

Dig. 34,2,11Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si quis legaverit aurum gemmas margaritas quae in eo auro essent, etiam id aurum, cui neque gemmae neque margaritae inessent, legasse videtur.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. Where anyone bequeaths gold, silver, and pearls which are set in the gold, gold in which neither jewels nor pearls are set will be held to have been bequeathed.

Dig. 41,2,27Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si is, qui animo possessionem saltus retineret, furere coepisset, non potest, dum fureret, eius saltus possessionem amittere, quia furiosus non potest desinere animo possidere.

Paulus, Epistles, Book V. If a person who has become insane retains possession of a forest, he does not lose possession of it as long as he remains in that condition, because a lunatic cannot lose the intention of possessing.

Dig. 46,3,82Proculus libro quinto epistularum. Si, cum Cornelius fundum suum nomine Seiae viro eius doti dedisset nec de eo reddendo quicquam cavisset, fecit, ut inter se vir et Seia paciscerentur, ut divortio facto is fundus Cornelio redderetur: non puto divortio facto virum vetante Seia eum fundum Cornelio tuto redditurum esse, sicuti si, cum pactum conventum nullum intercessisset, divortio facto mulier iussit eum fundum Cornelio reddi, deinde antequam redderetur, vetuisset, non tuto redderetur. sed si antequam Seia vetaret, Cornelio eum fundum reddidisset nec causam habuisset existimandi id invita Seia facturum esse, nec melius nec aequius esse existimarem eum fundum Seiae reddi.

Proculus, Epistles, Book V. If Cornelius should give a tract of land which belongs to him, in the name of Seia, to her husband by way of dowry, and make no provision with reference to its return; and he does this in such a way that an agreement is entered into between Seia and her husband that, if a divorce should take place, the land shall be returned to Cornelius; I do not think that, if a divorce does take place, the husband can safely return the land to Cornelius, if Seia should forbid him to do so; just as, where no informal agreement was made, the woman, after the divorce, should direct the land to be returned to Cornelius, and then, before this was done, forbid it, it could not safely be returned to him. If, however, before Seia forbade this to be done, her husband should return the land to Cornelius, and he had no reason to think that, if he did so, she would not consent, I do not think that it would be better or more equitable to deliver the land to Seia.

Dig. 50,16,125Idem libro quinto epistularum. Nepos Proculo suo salutem. Ab eo, qui ita dotem promisit: ‘cum commodum erit, dotis filiae meae tibi erunt aurei centum’, putasne protinus nuptiis factis dotem peti posse? quid si ita promisisset: ‘cum potuero, doti erunt?’ quod si aliquam vim habeat posterior obligatio, ‘possit’ verbum quomodo interpretaris, utrum aere alieno deducto an extante? Proculus: cum dotem quis ita promisit: ‘cum potuero, doti tibi erunt centum’, existimo ad id quod actum est interpretationem redigendam esse: nam qui ambigue loquitur, id loquitur, quod ex his quae significantur sensit. propius est tamen, ut hoc eum sensisse existimem ‘deducto aere alieno potero’. potest etiam illa accipi significatio ‘cum salva dignitate mea potero’: quae interpretatio eo magis accipienda est, si ita promissum est ‘cum commodum erit’, hoc est ‘cum sine incommodo meo potero’.

The Same, Epistles, Book V. His grandson to his Uncle Proculus, Greeting. In the case of a person who promised a dowry as follows, “When it is convenient, I will give you a hundred aurei as my daughter’s dowry,” do you think that the dowry can be demanded immediately after the marriage takes place? Where he made the promise in the following words, “I will give you the dowry when I am able to do so,” if the last obligation is of any force, in what way do you interpret the words, “am able”? Do they mean after the debts have been paid, or before? Proculus: When anyone promises a dowry in the following terms, “I will pay you a hundred aurei, by way of dowry, when I am able to do so,” I think that a suitable interpretation can be given to them. For when anyone makes use of ambiguous language, he says what he believes is meant by the words which he employs. I think, however, that it is better to hold that he intended to say that he would give the dowry if he could do so after his debts were paid. The meaning may also be, “If I can do so consistently with the maintenance of my honor,” which interpretation is preferable. But if he had promised to do this, “When it will be convenient,” this means when I can bestow the dowry without incommoding myself.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 18,1,68Proculus libro sexto epistularum. Si, cum fundum venderes, in lege dixisses, quod mercedis nomine a conductore exegisses, id emptori accessurum esse, existimo te in exigendo non solum bonam fidem, sed etiam diligentiam praestare debere, id est non solum ut a te dolus malus absit, sed etiam ut culpa. 1Fere aliqui solent haec verba adicere: ‘dolus malus a venditore aberit’, qui etiam si adiectum non est, abesse debet. 2Nec videtur abesse, si per eum factum est aut fiet, quo minus fundum emptor possideat. erit ergo ex empto actio, non ut venditor vacuam possessionem tradat, cum multis modis accidere poterit, ne tradere possit, sed ut, si quid dolo malo fecit aut facit, dolus malus eius aestimaretur.

Proculus, Epistles, Book VI. If, when you sell a tract of land, you state in the contract that whatever you collect from the lessee as rent, shall belong to the purchaser; I think that you should not only show good faith, but also exercise diligence in the collection of said rent; that is to say, that you shall not merely avoid all fraudulent intent but also all negligence. 1Some persons are accustomed to add these words, “The vendor is without fraudulent intent,” and, even if this is not added, there should be no fraudulent intent. 2The vendor is not held to be free from fraudulent intent if he performs any act, or anything is done, to prevent the purchaser from obtaining possession of the land. In this instance, therefore, an action on purchase can be brought, not to compel the vendor to deliver the mere possession, since it might happen for many reasons that he could not do so, but in order that, if he has been guilty, or is now guilty of bad faith, an appraisement of damages for the same may be made.

Dig. 31,47Idem libro sexto epistularum. Sempronius Proculus nepoti suo salutem. Binae tabulae testamenti eodem tempore exemplarii causa scriptae (ut volgo fieri solet) eiusdem patris familias proferuntur: in alteris centum, in alteris quinquaginta aurei legati sunt Titio: quaeris, utrum centumaaDie Großausgabe lässt centum aus. et quinquaginta aureos an centum dumtaxat habiturus sit. Proculus respondit: in hoc casu magis heredi parcendum est ideoque utrumque legatum nullo modo debetur, sed tantummodo quinquaginta aurei.

The Same, Epistles, Book VI. Sempronius Proculus to his grandson, Greeting. Two wills written at the same time by the same testator, one of which was a copy, as is usually the case, were produced. In one of said wills a hundred, and in the other fifty aurei were left to Titius. You ask whether he will be entitled to a hundred aurei, or only to fifty. Proculus answered, that in this instance, favor should be extended to the heir, and therefore as both legacies can, under no circumstances, be due, only fifty aurei are payable.

Dig. 50,16,126Idem libro sexto epistularum. Si, cum fundum tibi darem, legem ita dixi ‘uti optimus maximusque esset’ et adieci ‘ius fundi deterius factum non esse per dominum, praestabitur’, amplius eo praestabitur nihil, etiamsi prior pars, qua scriptum est ‘ut optimus maximusque sit’ liberum esse significat eoque, si posterior pars adiecta non esset, liberum praestare deberem. tamen inferiore parte satis me liberatum puto, quod ad iura attinet, ne quid aliud praestare debeam, quam ius fundi per dominum deterius factum non esse.

The Same, Epistles, Book VI. If I transfer to you a tract of land and say, “It is in the very best possible condition,” and then add, “It has not become any worse since I have acquired its ownership,” I will not be liable for anything else; for although it is stated in the first clause, “in the best possible condition,” this means that the land is free, and if the second part had not been added, I would be compelled to render it free; still, I think that I am sufficiently released by the second clause, because, so far as the rights attaching to the land are concerned, I am not obliged to guarantee anything more than that the title has not become any worse during my ownership.

Ex libro VII

Dig. 12,6,53Proculus libro septimo epistularum. Dominus testamento servo suo libertatem dedit, si decem det: servo ignorante id testamentum non valere data sunt mihi decem: quaeritur, quis repetere potest. Proculus respondit: si ipse servus peculiares nummos dedit, cum ei a domino id permissum non esset, manent nummi domini eosque non per condictionem, sed in rem actione petere debet. si autem alius rogatu servi suos nummos dedit, facti sunt mei eosque dominus servi, cuius nomine dati sunt, per condictionem petere potest: sed tam benignius quam utilius est recta via ipsum qui nummos dedit suum recipere.

Ad Dig. 12,6,53ROHGE, Bd. 22 (1878), Nr. 66, S. 299: Cond. possessionis gegen den aus Irrthum Besitzenden. Besitz ein Vermögensobject.Proculus, Epistles, Book VII. A master gave his slave freedom by his will, on condition of his paying ten aurei, and the slave, not knowing that the will was void, paid me the ten aurei; the question arises, who has a right of action to recover the money? Proculus answered that if the slave paid the money out of his peculium, when permission to do so had not been granted him by his master, the money remains the property of his master, and he can bring suit for the recovery of the same by an action in rem. But where another party, at the request of the slave paid me his own money, it becomes mine, and the owner of the slave on whose account it was paid can bring an action for its recovery; but a more indulgent, as well as a more practical method would be for the party who paid the money to himself recover what belongs to him directly from me.

Dig. 23,3,67Proculus libro septimo epistularum. Proculus Nepoti suo salutem. Ancilla quae nupsit dotisque nomine pecuniam viro tradidit, sive sciat se ancillam esse sive ignoret, non poterit eam pecuniam viri facere eaque nihilo minus mansit eius cuius fuerat antequam eo nomine viro traderetur, nisi forte usucapta est. nec postea quam apud eundem virum libera facta est, eius pecuniae causam mutare potuit. itaque nec facto quidem divortio aut dotis iure aut per condictionem repetere recte potest, sed is cuius pecunia est recte vindicat eam. quod si vir eam pecuniam pro suo possidendo usucepit, scilicet quia existimavit mulierem liberam esse, propius est, ut existimem eum lucrifecisse, utique si, antequam matrimonium esse inciperet, usucepit. et in eadem opinione sum, si quid ex ea pecunia paravit, antequam ea dos fieret, ita, ut nec possideat eam nec dolo fecerit, quo minus eam possideret.

Ad Dig. 23,3,67Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 422, Note 4.Proculus, Epistles, Book VII. Proculus to his grandson, Greeting. Where a female slave marries, and gives her husband money, as dowry, whether she knows that she is a slave or not, she cannot make her husband the owner of said money, and it will still remain the property of the person to whom it belonged before it was given as dowry to her husband, unless he should have obtained it by usucaption. And not even after the woman has become free, while living with the same man, will she be able to change the condition of this money. Hence, not even after a divorce has taken place, can she legally bring an action based on her right of dowry, or a personal action to recover the money, but the party to whom it belongs can legally sue for it. But if the husband has obtained a right to said money through usucaption after having had it in his possession, of course because he thought that the woman was free, I am confirmed in my belief that he has profited by the transaction, provided he obtained the right to the money by usucaption, before the marriage. I am of the same opinion where he obtained anything by means of said money before it became the dowry, provided he was not in possession of it, and was not guilty of fraud to avoid being in possession.

Dig. 46,3,84Proculus libro septimo epistularum. Egisti de peculio servi nomine cum domino: non esse liberatos fideiussores eius respondit. at si idem servus ex peculio suo permissa administratione peculii nummos solvisset, liberatos esse fideiussores eius recte legisti.

Proculus, Epistles, Book VII. You brought an action De peculia against a master for a debt of his slave, and it was held that the sureties were not released. If the same slave who had been entrusted with the management of his peculium should pay the money, you have read correctly that the securities will be released.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 1,7,44Proculus libro octavo epistularum. Si is, qui nepotem ex filio habet, in nepotis loco aliquem adoptavit, non puto mortuo avo iura consanguinitatis inter nepotes futura esse. sed si sic adoptavit, ut etiam iure legis nepos suus esset, quasi ex Lucio puta filio suo et ex matre familias eius natus esset, contra puto.

Proculus, Epistles, Book VIII. Where anyone who has a grandson by a son adopts another in the place of his grandson, I do not think that when the grandfather dies any bond of consanguinity will exist between the grandsons. But if he adopted him in such a way that he should be his grandson by legal right, for instance, as if he had been the son of Lucius his own son and the lawful wife of the latter, I am of the contrary opinion.

Dig. 31,48Idem libro octavo epistularum. Licinnius Lucusta Proculo suo salutem. Cum faciat condicionem in releganda dote, ut, si mallet uxor mancipia quae in dotem dederit quam pecuniam numeratam, recipere, si ea mancipia uxor malit, numquid etiam ea mancipia, quae postea ex his mancipiis nata sunt, uxori debeantur, quaero. Proculus Lucustae suo salutem. Si uxor mallet mancipia quam dotem accipere, ipsa mancipia, quae aestimata in dotem dedit, non etiam partus mancipiorum ei debebuntur. 1Bonorum possessione dementis curatori data legata a curatore, qui furiosum defendit, peti poterunt: sed qui petent, cavere debebunt, si hereditas evicta fuerit, quod legatorum nomine datum sit redditu iri.

The Same, Epistles, Book VIII. Licinius Lucusta, to his friend Proculus, Greeting. I ask where a husband bequeaths a dowry to his wife, and gives her the choice of receiving slaves which she had given to him by way of dowry rather than money, if she should prefer to have them, and the wife selects the slaves, can she also claim any offspring of said slaves which may have subsequently been born to them? Proculus to his friend Locusta, Greeting. If the wife should prefer to receive the slaves rather than the money, the slaves themselves that, after having them appraised, she gave as dowry, and not their offspring, will be due to her. 1Where the possession of an estate is granted by the Prætor to the curator of an insane person, an action for the recovery of legacies can be brought against the curator, whose duty it is to defend the said insane person; but those who bring such an action must give security that, “If the estate should be evicted they will return what has been paid to them as legacies.”

Dig. 41,1,56Idem libro octavo epistularum. Insula est enata in flumine contra frontem agri mei, ita ut nihil excederet longitudo regionem praedii mei: postea aucta est paulatim et processit contra frontes et superioris vicini et inferioris: quaero, quod adcrevit utrum meum sit, quoniam meo adiunctum est, an eius iuris sit, cuius esset, si initio ea nata eius longitudinis fuisset. Proculus respondit: flumen istud, in quo insulam contra frontem agri tui enatam esse scripsisti ita, ut non excederet longitudinem agri tui, si alluvionis ius habet et insula initio propior fundo tuo fuit quam eius, qui trans flumen habebat, tota tua facta est, et quod postea ei insulae alluvione accessit, id tuum est, etiamsi ita accessit, ut procederet insula contra frontes vicinorum superioris atque inferioris, vel etiam ut propior esset fundo eius, qui trans flumen habet. 1Item quaero, si, cum propior ripae meae enata est insula et postea totum flumen fluere inter me et insulam coepit relicto suo alveo, quo maior amnis fluerat, numquid dubites, quin etiam insula mea maneat et nihilo minus eius soli, quod flumen reliquit, pars fiat mea? rogo, quid sentias scribas mihi. Proculus respondit: si, cum propior fundo tuo initio fuisset insula, flumen relicto alveo maiore, qui inter eam insulam fuerat et eum fundum vicini, qui trans flumen erat, fluere coepit inter eam insulam et fundum tuum, nihilo minus insula tua manet. set alveus, qui fuit inter eam insulam et fundum vicini, medius dividi debet, ita ut pars propior insulae tuae tua, pars autem propior agro vicini eius esse intellegatur. intellego, ut et cum ex altera parte insulae alveus fluminis exaruerit, desisse insulam esse, sed quo facilius res intellegeretur, agrum, qui insula fuerat, insulam appellant.

The Same, Epistles, Book VIII. An island arose in a river opposite to my land. At first the length did not exceed the boundary of the latter, but afterwards the island increased in size, little by little, and projected opposite to the boundaries of my upper and lower neighbors. I ask whether the increase belongs to me, as it adjoins my premises, or whether the rule of law would be the same as it would if the island had been as long in the beginning as it is at present. Proculus answered, if the law of alluvium applies to the river, in which you have stated an island arose opposite to the boundary of your property in such a way that it did not exceed the length of the latter, and the island in the first place was nearer to your premises than to those of him who owned land across the stream, it all becomes yours, and whatever afterwards accrued to the island by way of alluvium also becomes yours, even though the increase was such as to cause the island to extend opposite to the boundaries of your upper and lower neighbors, or even to place it nearer to the property of him owning land across the river. 1I also ask, if an island arises near my bank, and afterwards the entire river begins to flow between my land and the said island, after leaving its own bed where the greater portion of it had flowed, whether you have any doubt that the island continues to be mine, and whether, nevertheless, a part of the bed itself which was left by the river will become my property. I request you to write me your opinion on this point. Proculus answered that if the island in the first place was nearer to your land, and the river, having left its principal channel, which it occupied between the island and the land of the neighbor who was on the other side of the stream, began to flow between the said island and your land, the island will continue to be your property; but the bed which was between the island and the land of the neighbor should be divided in the middle, so that the part which was nearer to your island will be understood to belong to you, and that which is nearer to the land of your neighbor will be understood to belong to him. I think that the bed of the river which dried up on the other side of the island has ceased to be an island; but In order that the matter may be better understood, in this instance, the field which was formerly an island will still be designated such.

Dig. 49,15,7Proculus libro octavo epistularum. Non dubito, quin foederati et liberi nobis externi sint, nec inter nos atque eos postliminium esse: etenim quid inter nos atque eos postliminio opus est, cum et illi apud nos et libertatem suam et dominium rerum suarum aeque atque apud se retineant et eadem nobis apud eos contingant? 1Liber autem populus est is, qui nullius alterius populi potestati est subiectus: sive is foederatus est item, sive aequo foedere in amicitiam venit sive foedere comprehensum est, ut is populus alterius populi maiestatem comiter conservaret. hoc enim adicitur, ut intellegatur alterum populum superiorem esse, non ut intellegatur alterum non esse liberum: et quemadmodum clientes nostros intellegimus liberos esse, etiamsi neque auctoritate neque dignitate neque viri boni nobis praesunt, sic eos, qui maiestatem nostram comiter conservare debent, liberos esse intellegendum est. 2At fiunt apud nos rei ex civitatibus foederatis et in eos damnatos animadvertimus.

Proculus, Epistles, Book VIII. I have no doubt that there are free and united nations which are strangers to us, and that between us and them the right of postliminium does not exist. For what need would there be for any right of postliminium between us and them, as they, when with us, retain their liberty, and the ownership of their property, just as they do at home; and the same happens to us when we are with them. 1A free people is one which, when united, is not subjected to the dominion of any other. Likewise, it may be united in friendship by an alliance on equal terms, or the provision that this people will zealously defend the majesty of another may be included in a treaty; for this is added in order that it may be understood that the latter is entitled to supremacy, and not that the former is not free. And just as we regard our clients as free, although, while being good men, they are not superior to us in authority or dignity; so those who should zealously defend our majesty should also be understood to be free. 2Where persons from allied states are accused of crime while with us, we punish them after they have been convicted.

Ex libro XI

Dig. 18,1,69Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Rutilia Polla emit lacum sabatenem angularium et circa eum lacum pedes decem: quaero, numquid et decem pedes, qui tunc accesserunt, sub aqua sint, quia lacus crevit, an proximi pedes decem ab aqua Rutiliae pollae iuris sint. Proculus respondit: ego existimo eatenus lacum, quem emit Rutilia polla, venisse quatenus tunc fuit, et circa eum decem pedes qui tunc fuerunt, nec ob eam rem, quod lacus postea crevit, latius eum possidere debet quam emit.

The Same, Epistles, Book XI. Rutilia Polla bought the lake at the corner of the Sabatine estate, and ten feet of ground around said lake. I ask if the lake should become larger, whether the ten feet of land due to Rutilia Polla are those which are under water, or the ten feet around the water, after the lake has increased in size? Proculus answered: “I think that the lake which Rutilia Polla bought was sold to her in the condition that it was at the time, with the ten feet of land which then surrounded it, and because the lake afterwards increased in size she should not be entitled to the possession of more ground than she purchased.”

Dig. 19,5,12Proculus libro undecimo epistularum. Si vir uxori suae fundos vendidit et in venditione comprehensum est convenisse inter eos, si ea nupta ei esse desisset, ut eos fundos si ipse vellet, eodem pretio mulier transcriberet viro: in factum existimo iudicium esse reddendum idque et in aliis personis observandum.

Proculus, Epistles, Book XI. Where a man sold certain lands to his wife, and an agreement was entered into at the time that, if the marriage was dissolved, the wife should transfer to her husband the said lands for the same price, if he desired her to do so, I think that an action in factum ought to be granted, and that this rule should also be observed with reference to other persons.

Dig. 23,4,17Proculus libro undecimo epistularum. Atilicinus Proculo suo salutem. Cum inter virum et uxorem pactum conventum ante nuptias factum sit, ut quibus diebus dos data esset, isdem divortio facto redderetur, post quinquennium quam nuptiae factae sunt uxor viro dotem dedit: divortio facto quaero, utrum quinquennii die vir uxori dotem redderet an statuto legibus tempore. Proculus respondit: quod ad diem reddendae dotis attinet, pacto existimo meliorem condicionem mulieris fieri posse, deteriorem non posse: itaque si cautum est, ut propiore tempore, quam legibus constitutum est, reddatur, stari eo debere, si ut longiore, nec valere id pactum conventum. cuius sententiae conveniens est dicere, si pacto convento cautum est, ut quanto serius quaeque et post nuptias data fuerit, tanto post divortium reddatur, si propiore, quam in reddenda dote constitutum est, data sit, valere pactum conventum, si longiore, non valere.

Proculus, Epistles, Book XI. Atilicinus to his friend Proculus, Greeting: “Where an agreement was made between a man and his wife before marriage, that, in case a divorce took place, the same time should be granted for the return of the dowry that was given for its bestowal; the woman gave the dowry to her husband five years after marriage. A divorce having taken place, I ask whether the husband should restore the dowry to his wife within five years, or whether he must do so within the time fixed by law? Proculus answered with reference to the time of returning the dowry: “I think that by an agreement the condition of the woman can be improved and cannot be made worse; therefore, if it is provided that the dowry shall be returned in a shorter time than that established by law, it should be carried out, but if it is agreed to return it after a longer time, such a contract is not valid.” As to this opinion, it is proper to state that if it is proved by the agreement that, after divorce, there should be the same delay for the return of the dowry as there was for its delivery after marriage, and if this delay in returning it was shorter than that authorized by law, the agreement will be valid, but if it is longer, it will not be.

Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri

Ex libro III

Dig. 33,6,16Idem libro tertio ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui vinum Surrentinum in urnalibus habebat diffusum, is tibi vinum legaverat in amphoris omne. illud quoque vinum, quod in urnalibus fuisset, legatum esse Labeo et Trebatius responderunt. 1Cui dulcia legata essent, si nihil aliud testamento significetur, omnia haec esse legata: mulsum passum defrutum et similes potiones, item uvas ficos palmas caricas. 2Quod si ita esset legatum: ‘vinum amphorarium aminaeum Graecum et dulcia omnia’, nihil inter dulcia, nisi quod potionis fuisset, legatum putat Labeo ex collatione vini amphorarii: quod non improbo.

The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book III. A certain testator kept wine of Surrentum in earthen urns, and he bequeathed it to you in jars. Labeo and Trebatius gave it as their opinion that all the wine contained in the urns was bequeathed. 1Where sweetened wines are bequeathed, and no other designation is contained in the will, all the following are included in the legacy, namely: wine mixed with honey, wine made of raisins, new wine boiled and spiced, and similar beverages, including all those made of grapes, figs, dates, and dried fruits. 2Where a legacy is bequeathed as follows, “I give and bequeath the wine in my jars, my Aminisean and Greek wine, and all my sweet beverages,” Labeo thinks that nothing will be included under the latter term, except the beverages which have been made by mixing other substances with the wine contained in the jars of the testator. This opinion I do not reject.