Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 8,4,8Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. Si cum duas haberem insulas, duobus eodem momento tradidero, videndum est, an servitus alterutris imposita valeat, quia alienis quidem aedibus nec imponi nec adquiri servitus potest. sed ante traditionem peractam suis magis adquirit vel imponit is qui tradit ideoque valebit servitus.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. If I have two houses, and convey them at the same time to two parties, it should be considered whether a servitude imposed on either of them is valid, since a servitude cannot be imposed on, or acquired for, the house of another; but where this is done before delivery, he who conveys the property acquires the servitude for, or imposes it on, his own property, rather than that of another; and therefore the servitude will be valid.
Dig. 30,54Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. Turpia legata, quae denotandi magis legatarii gratia scribuntur, odio scribentis pro non scriptis habentur. 1Si Titiae legatum relictum est, si arbitratu Seii nupsisset, et vivo testatore Seius decessisset et ea nupsisset, legatum ei deberi. 2Sed et si servi mors impedisset manumissionem, cum tibi legatum esset, si eum manumisisses, nihilo minus debetur tibi legatum, quia per te non stetit, quo minus perveniat ad libertatem. 3Si pars heredum nominata sit in legando, viriles partes heredes debent, si vero omnes, hereditarias.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. Where legacies which imply disgrace, and an intention to insult the legatee rather than to benefit him, are inserted into a will; they are considered as not having been written, on account of the odium attaching to the testator. 1Ad Dig. 30,54,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 92, Note 8.If a legacy is bequeathed to Titia, under the condition that she shall marry with the approval of Seius, and Seius should die during the lifetime of the testator, and she should marry, she will be entitled to the legacy. 2Ad Dig. 30,54,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 92, Note 8.If a legacy has been bequeathed to you on condition that you manumit a slave, and the death of the slave prevents his manumission, you will, nevertheless, be entitled to the legacy, because it was not your fault that he did not obtain his freedom. 3Ad Dig. 30,54,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 626, Note 11.Where, in the bequest of a legacy, only a part of the heirs are mentioned, the heirs will be charged with it equally, and if all of them are charged, each will be liable in proportion to his share of the estate.
Dig. 35,1,14Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. ‘Titius si statuas in municipio posuerit, heres esto’. si paratus est ponere, sed locus a municipibus ei non datur, Sabinus Proculus heredem eum fore et in legato idem iuris esse dicunt.
Ad Dig. 35,1,14ROHGE, Bd. 5 (1872), S. 111: Rechtliche Bedeutung der Clausel in Feuerversicherungspolicen: „die Versicherung wird erst durch die gehörig geleistete Prämienzahlung giltig“.Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. “Let Titius be my heir, if he erects statues in the city.” If he is ready to erect the statues, but the municipal authorities will not furnish him with a place for that purpose, Sabinus and Proculus hold that he will become the heir, and that the same rule of law applies to a legacy.
Dig. 38,1,8Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. Si quando duobus patronis iuraverit libertus operas se daturum, Labeoni placet et deberi et peti posse partem operae, cum semper praeterita opera, quae iam dari non possit, petatur. quod contingit, si vel ipsis patronis iuretur vel promittatur vel communi eorum servo vel complures heredes uni patrono existant. 1Pro liberto iurante fideiubere quemvis posse placet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. Where a freedman has sworn to render his services to two patrons, it is held by Labeo that he owes a portion of them to each, and that this can be demanded of him; for services which have not been and could not be performed at the time are constantly required. This occurs whether the freedman has sworn to, or promised the patrons themselves, or a slave owned by both of them, to render his services, or where there are several heirs of one patron. 1It is established that anyone can act as surety for a freedman who takes an oath to render his services.
Dig. 40,7,5Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. Statuliber rationem reddere iussus reliquum quod apparet solvit, de eo, quod obscurius est, satisdare paratus est. Neratius et Aristo recte putant liberum fore, ne multi ad libertatem pervenire non possint incerta causa rationis et genere negotii huiusmodi. 1Statuliber, qui non rationes reddere, sed pecuniam iussus est dare, numerare debet, non fideiussorem dare.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. Where a slave who was to become free conditionally was ordered to render an account, and paid what appeared to be the balance remaining in his hands, and offered to give security with reference to what remained in doubt, Neratius and Aristo very properly hold that he will become free; as otherwise, many slaves might not obtain their liberty because of the uncertainties of accounts and the nature of business of this kind. 1A slave who is to become free conditionally, and is ordered to pay a sum of money but not to render an account, should pay it, and not furnish a surety that he will do so.
Dig. 40,7,8Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. Ita liber esse iussus ‘si decem dederit, liber esto’ heredi dare debet: nam qui non habet, cui det, heredi dando ad libertatem pervenit. 1Si partes suas quisque heredum diversis ementibus vendiderit, quas portiones heredibus dare statuliber debuit, easdem dabit emptoribus. Labeo autem ait, si nomina dumtaxat heredum in testamento posita sint, viriles partes eis dandas: si vero ita ‘si heredibus dedit’, hereditarias.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. Where a slave is ordered to be free if he pays ten aurei, he must pay them to the heir; for when there is no one designated to whom payment shall be made, the slave will be entitled to his freedom by paying the heir. 1If each one of the heirs sells his share in a slave to different purchasers, the slave must pay to every purchaser the same proportion of the sum which was due to each heir. Labeo, however, says that if the names of the heirs are only mentioned in the will, equal portions should be paid them; but if the testator said “If he pays my heirs,” the amounts will correspond to the shares of the estate to which the heirs are respectively entitled.
Dig. 46,3,11Pomponius libro octavo ad Sabinum. Si stipulatus fuero ‘mihi aut pupillo dare?’, promissor, sine tutoris auctoritate solvendo pupillo, liberabitur a me.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book VIII. If I stipulate for payment to be made to me or to a ward, and the promisor pays the ward without the authority of his guardian, he will be released, so far as I am concerned.