Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXXIII
Dig. 7,1,32Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si quis unas aedes, quas solas habet, vel fundum tradit, excipere potest id, quod personae, non praedii est, veluti usum et usum fructum. sed et si excipiat, ut pascere sibi vel inhabitare liceat, valet exceptio, cum ex multis saltibus pastione fructus perciperetur. et habitationis exceptione, sive temporali sive usque ad mortem eius qui excepit, usus videtur exceptus.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. Where a person transfers a house, which is the only one he has, or a tract of land, he can reserve a servitude which is personal and not prædial; as for instance, the use or usufruct. But if he makes a reservation of pasturage or the right of residence, it is valid; as profits are obtained from the pasturage of many tracts of woodland. Where the right of residence is reserved, whether this is for a certain time or until the death of the person who reserves it, it is held to be a reservation of the use.
Dig. 8,1,15Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Quotiens nec hominum nec praediorum servitutes sunt, quia nihil vicinorum interest, non valet, veluti ne per fundum tuum eas aut ibi consistas: et ideo si mihi concedas ius tibi non esse fundo tuo uti frui, nihil agitur: aliter atque si concedas mihi ius tibi non esse in fundo tuo aquam quaerere minuendae aquae meae gratia. 1Servitutium non ea natura est, ut aliquid faciat quis, veluti viridia tollat aut amoeniorem prospectum praestet, aut in hoc ut in suo pingat, sed ut aliquid patiatur aut non faciat.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXV. Whenever servitudes are neither personal nor real, then, because the neighbors have no interest in them, they are not valid; as for instance, one which states that you shall neither walk nor stand on your own property. Therefore, if you grant me as a servitude that you will not have the right to use and enjoy the crops from your own land, this is void. It would be otherwise, however, if you granted me a servitude providing that you should have no right to draw water on your own land, for the purpose of diminishing my supply of water. 1The nature of servitudes is not such that a person should be compelled to do anything whatever, (as for instance, to move shrubbery in order to give a more pleasant view, or, for the same purpose, to paint something on his own land), but he should only tolerate something, or agree not to perform some act.
Dig. 8,2,21Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si domus tua aedificiis meis utramque servitutem deberet, ne altius tolleretur et ut stillicidium aedificiorum meorum recipere deberet, et tibi concessero ius esse invito me altius tollere aedificia tua, quod ad stillicidium meum attinet, sic statui debebit, ut, si altius sublatis aedificiis tuis stillicidia mea cadere in ea non possint, ea ratione altius tibi aedificare non liceat: si non impediantur stillicidia mea, liceat tibi altius tollere.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. Where your house is subject to two servitudes in favor of buildings belonging to me, namely: that it must not be raised higher, and must receive the water from off my building, and I grant you the right to raise your house without my consent; it must be held, so far as relates to the drip of my water, that if your house is raised higher, and it is impossible for the rain-water from mine to fall upon it, you will not for that reason be permitted to raise it any higher, but if the drip from mine is not interfered with, you can raise it higher.
Dig. 8,2,23Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si servitus imposita fuerit ‘lumina quae nunc sunt, ut ita sint’, de futuris luminibus nihil caveri videtur: quod si ita sit cautum ‘ne luminibus officiatur’, ambigua est scriptura, utrum ne his luminibus officiatur quae nunc sint, an etiam his quae postea quoque fuerint: et humanius est verbo generali omne lumen significari, sive quod in praesenti sive quod post tempus conventionis contigerit. 1Futuro quoque aedificio, quod nondum est, vel imponi vel adquiri servitus potest.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. Where a servitude is imposed as follows, “The lights which are now in existence are to remain in their present condition”: this is not held to provide anything with respect to future lights; but if the words of the bond are: “Lights are not to be obstructed”, this clause is ambiguous, and does not indicate whether the lights which now exist are not to be obstructed, or whether other lights which may be afterwards made are included. The more favorable construction is that the clause refers in general terms to all lights, whether they exist at the present time, or are made after the contract has been executed. 1Even where a building has been planned but has not yet been erected, a servitude may be acquired by or imposed upon it.
Dig. 8,2,25Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Hoc, quod dictum est de immissis, locum habet ex aedificio alio in aliud: aliter enim supra alienum aedificium superius habere nemo potest. 1Si ex tribus aedibus in loco impari positis aedes mediae superioribus serviant aedibus, inferiores autem nulli serviant, et paries communis, qui sit inter aedes inferiores et medias, altius a domino inferiorum aedium sublatus sit, iure eum altius habiturum Sabinus ait.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. What has been stated concerning the insertion of timbers into a building is applicable where one house supports something belonging to another; otherwise, no one can have his building rest upon that of another, 1Where three houses stand on sloping ground, and the middle house is subject to a servitude in favor of the upper one, but the lowest is not servient to any, and the party-wall dividing the lower and the middle houses is raised by the owner of the lowest one, Sabinus says that in this instance the said owner can legally retain the wall which has been raised.
Dig. 8,2,27Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Sed si inter te et me communes sunt Titianae aedes et ex his aliquid non iure in alias aedes meas proprias immissum sit, nempe tecum mihi agere licet aut rem perdere. idem fiet, si ex tuis propriis aedibus in communes meas et tuas aedes quid similiter esset proiectum: mihi enim soli tecum est actio. 1Si in area communi aedificare velis, socius prohibendi ius habet, quamvis tu aedificandi ius habeas a vicino concessum, quia invito socio in iure communi non habeas ius aedificandi.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. However, if you and I are joint-owners of the Titian House, and something is illegally inserted from it into my own house, I undoubtedly will have a right of action against you for this reason; or what has been inserted must be removed. The same rule applies where, under similar circumstances, some portion of your house has been made to project over the one owned by you and me in common, since I, alone, am entitled to an action against you. 1If you intend to build upon ground held in common your joint-owner has the right to prevent it, even though the privilege of building has been granted you by a neighbor; because you have no right to build on common property against the consent of the other joint-owner.
Dig. 8,3,20Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si mihi eodem tempore concesseris et ire agere per tuum locum et uti frui eo ius esse, deinde ego tibi concessero ius mihi uti frui non esse: non aliter eo loco uteris frueris, quam ut ire agere mihi recte liceat. item si et ducere per tuum fundum aquam iure potuero et in eo tibi aedificare invito me ius non fuerit: si tibi concessero ius esse aedificare, nihilo minus hanc servitutem mihi praestare debebis, ne aliter aedifices, quam ut ductus aquae meus maneat, totiusque eius rei condicio talis esse debet, qualis esset, si una dumtaxat initio concessio facta esset. 1Servitus naturaliter, non manu facto laedere potest fundum servientem: quemadmodum si imbri crescat aqua in rivo aut ex agris in eum confluat aut aquae fons secundum rivum vel in eo ipso inventus postea fuerit. 2Si fundo Seiano confinis fons fuerit, ex quo fonte per fundum Seianum aquam iure ducebam, meo facto fundo Seiano manet servitus. 3Hauriendi ius non hominis, sed praedii est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. If you grant me at the same time the right to walk and drive over your premises, and also the right to use and enjoy the same, and then I surrender to you my right of use and enjoyment, you cannot use and enjoy the property, unless you leave me the unimpaired right to pass through or drive. Moreover, if I have a right to conduct water through your land, and you do not have the right to build upon the same without my consent, and I grant you the right to build, you must, nevertheless, grant me the servitude that you will not erect any building except in such a way, that my water-course may remain unaltered; and the condition of everything must continue to be the same as it would have been if, in the beginning, only a single grant had been made. 1A servitude can damage the land subject to it naturally, and not through anything due to the agency of man; as, for instance, if the water in the channel should be increased by showers; or water should flow into it from an adjoining field; or a spring should afterwards be discovered along the channel or within it. 2If there is a spring adjoining the Seian Estate from which spring I have a right to conduct the water through the said estate, and the estate should become mine, the servitude will remain. 3The right to draw water does not attach to a person but to the land.
Dig. 8,3,22Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. sed quae loca eius fundi tunc, cum ea fieret cessio, aedificiis arboribus vineis vacua fuerint, ea sola eo nomine servient.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. But then the only parts of the land which would be affected by the servitude are those which were free from buildings, trees, or vines, when the grant was made.
Dig. 8,3,24Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Ex meo aquae ductu Labeo scribit cuilibet posse me vicino commodare: Proculus contra, ut ne in meam partem fundi aliam, quam ad quam servitus adquisita sit, uti ea possit. Proculi sententia verior est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. Labeo states with reference to a water-course of mine, that I can lend it to any of my neighbors; but Proculus, on the other hand, says that it cannot be used for the benefit of any part of my land except that for which the servitude was acquired. The opinion of Proculus is the more correct one.
Dig. 8,4,11Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Refectionis gratia accedendi ad ea loca, quae non serviant, facultas tributa est his, quibus servitus debetur, qua tamen accedere eis sit necesse, nisi in cessione servitutis nominatim praefinitum sit, qua accederetur: et ideo nec secundum rivum nec supra eum (si forte sub terra aqua ducatur) locum religiosum dominus soli facere potest, ne servitus intereat: et id verum est. sed et depressurum vel adlevaturum rivum, per quem aquam iure duci potestatem habes, nisi si ne id faceres cautum sit. 1Si prope tuum fundum ius est mihi aquam rivo ducere, tacita haec iura sequuntur, ut reficere mihi rivum liceat, ut adire, qua proxime possim, ad reficiendum eum ego fabrique mei, item ut spatium relinquat mihi dominus fundi, qua dextra et sinistra ad rivum adeam et quo terram limum lapidem harenam calcem iacere possim.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. Right of access is granted to parties entitled to a privilege of this kind, for the purpose of making repairs to places which are not subject to the servitude, where such access is necessary, and it is not expressly mentioned in the grant of the servitude in what way access should be permitted. Therefore, the owner of land cannot make the ground religious along a river, or above one; if, for instance, the water should be conducted under ground, lest the servitude might be extinguished; and this is correct. You have, however, the right to conduct the water through a lower or a higher channel, except where it has been provided that you should not do so. 1If I have the privilege of conducting water through a channel near your land, the following rights are implied: I can repair the channels; I and my workmen can, for the purpose of repairing the same, approach as near as possible to the place; and I can also require the owner of the land to leave me sufficient space to approach the channel on the right and left banks of the same, and to throw down dirt, loam, stone, sand, and lime.
Dig. 8,5,14Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si, cum meus proprius esset paries, passus sim te immittere tigna quae antea habueris: si nova velis immittere, prohiberi a me potes: immo etiam agere tecum potero, ut ea, quae nova immiseris, tollas. 1Si paries communis opere abs te facto in aedes meas se inclinaverit, potero tecum agere ius tibi non esse parietem illum ita habere.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. If a wall belongs to me, and I permit you to insert into it timbers which you had there formerly, and you then wish to insert others, you can be prevented from doing so by me; and, indeed, I have a right of action to compel you to remove any timbers which you have recently inserted therein. 1If a party-wall which you and I own, should, on account of any work which you have done, incline towards my house, I can bring an action against you and allege that you have no right to have a wall in that condition.
Dig. 10,3,22Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si meo et vicini nomine parietem aedificem vel repetiturus ab eo pro parte impensam vel donationis gratia, communis fiet paries.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXX. If I build a wall for my neighbor and myself with the understanding that I can recover the expense of the same from him in proportion to his share; or if I build the wall by way of donation, it will be common property.
Dig. 18,1,33Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Cum in lege venditionis ita sit scriptum: ‘flumina stillicidia uti nunc sunt, ut ita sint’, nec additur, quae flumina vel stillicidia, primum spectari oportet, quid acti sit: si non id appareat, tunc id accipitur quod venditori nocet: ambigua enim oratio est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. Where the following clause was inserted in a contract of sale: “The water-courses and gutters shall remain as they now are,” and it is not added what water-courses or gutters are meant; the intention of the parties must, first of all, be considered. If this is not apparent, the construction will then be adopted which is prejudicial to the vendor, for the language is ambiguous.
Dig. 22,5,11Idem libro trigesimo tertio ad Sabinum. Ad fidem rei gestae faciendam etiam non rogatus testis intellegitur.
The Same, Decrees, Book XXXIII. A party who has not been summoned as a witness is allowed to testify for the purpose of proving a transaction.
Dig. 39,5,9Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. In aedibus alienis habitare gratis donatio videtur: id enim ipsum capere videtur qui habitat, quod mercedem pro habitatione non solvit. potest enim et citra corporis donationem valere donatio, velutaaDie Großausgabe liest veluti statt velut. si donationis causa cum debitore meo paciscar, ne ante certum tempus ab eo petam. 1Ex rebus donatis fructus perceptus in rationem donationis non computatur: si vero non fundum, sed fructus perceptionem tibi donem, fructus percepti venient in computationem donationis. 2Quod filius familias patris iussu aut voluntate donavit, perinde est, ac si pater ipse donaverit aut si mea voluntate rem meam tu nomine tuo Titio dones. 3Donari non potest, nisi quod eius fit, cui donatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXIII. When permission is given anyone to lodge without payment in the house of another, it is considered a donation; for he who has the lodging is held to obtain as a gift the rent which he does not pay. A donation can also be valid without the delivery of the property; as, for instance, where, by way of donation I make an agreement with my debtor that I will not demand payment of him before a certain time has elapsed. 1The income from property which is donated is not included as part of the donation. If, however, I should give you, not the ownership of a tract of land, but the right to gather the crops, this will be held to constitute a donation. 2If a son under paternal control makes a donation by the order, or with the consent of his father, it is the same as if the father himself had made it, or if you should make a donation to Titius of my property with my consent in your own name. 3No one can make a donation, unless what is given becomes the property of the person to whom it is made.
Dig. 41,1,28Idem libro trigensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si supra tuum parietem vicinus aedificaverit, proprium eius id quod aedificaverit fieri Labeo et Sabinus aiunt: sed Proculus tuum proprium, quemadmodum tuum fieret, quod in solo tuo alius aedificasset: quod verius est.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book LIII. If your neighbor builds upon your wall, Labeo and Sabinus say that what he builds will belong to him. Proculus, however, holds that it will belong to you, just as anything which another builds upon your land becomes your property. This is the better opinion.