Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXXII
Dig. 8,6,19Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si partem fundi vendendo lege caverim, uti per eam partem in reliquum fundum meum aquam ducerem, et statutum tempus intercesserit, antequam rivum facerem, nihil iuris amitto, quia nullum iter aquae fuerit, sed manet mihi ius integrum: quod si fecissem iter neque usus essem, amittam. 1Si per fundum meum viam tibi legavero et adita mea hereditate per constitutum tempus ad amittendam servitutem ignoraveris eam tibi legatam esse, amittes viam non utendo. quod si intra idem tempus, antequam rescires tibi legatam servitutem, tuum fundum vendideris, ad emptorem via pertinebit, si reliquo tempore ea usus fuerit, quia scilicet tua esse coeperat: ut iam nec ius repudiandi legatum tibi possit contingere, cum ad te fundus non pertineat.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If, when selling a portion of my land, I provide in the contract that I shall have a right to conduct water over that portion to the remainder of my premises, and the time prescribed by law elapses before I excavate a ditch, I do not lose any right, as there is no place for the water to flow, and my right remains unimpaired; but if I dug the ditch and did not use it, I would lose my right. 1Ad Dig. 8,6,19,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 643, Note 2.If I bequeath to you a right of way over my land, and, my estate having been entered upon, you should, for the time fixed by law for the loss of a servitude, remain ignorant that this right had been left to you; you will lose the right of way by failure to make use of it. But if, before the time had expired, you sell your land without having ascertained that the servitude had been bequeathed to you, the right of way will belong to the purchaser, if he should make use of it for the remaining time, because, in fact it had already commenced to be yours, and it might happen that you would never have the right even to reject the legacy, as the land would not belong to you.
Dig. 41,2,31Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si colonus non deserendae possessionis causa exisset de fundo et eo redisset, eundem locatorem possidere placet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If a tenant leaves the land without the intention of relinquishing possession, and returns, it is held that the same lessor holds possession.
Dig. 41,2,33Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Fundi venditor etiamsi mandaverit alicui, ut emptorem in vacuam possessionem induceret, priusquam id fieret, non recte emptor per se in possessionem veniet. item si amicus venditoris mortuo eo, priusquam id sciret, aut non prohibentibus heredibus id fecerit, recte possessio tradita erit. sed si id fecerit, cum sciret dominum mortuum aut cum sciret heredes id facere nolle, contra erit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. Even if the vendor of a tract of land should direct someone to place a purchaser in full possession of the same, the purchaser himself cannot legally acquire possession before this is done. Likewise, if a friend of the vendor, not being aware that the latter is dead, should place the purchaser in possession without being prevented from doing so by the heirs, possession will legally be delivered. But if he did this, knowing that the owner was dead, or if he was aware that the heirs were unwilling that it should be done, the contrary rule will apply.
Dig. 41,3,32Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si fur rem furtivam a domino emerit et pro tradita habuerit, desinet eam pro furtiva possidere et incipiet pro suo possidere. 1Si quis id, quod possidet, non putat sibi per leges licere usucapere, dicendum est, etiamsi erret, non procedere tamen eius usucapionem, vel quia non bona fide videatur possidere vel quia in iure erranti non procedat usucapio. 2Incertam partem possidere nemo potest: ideo si plures sint in fundo, qui ignorent, quotam quisque partem possideat, neminem eorum mera suptilitate possidere Labeo scribit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If a thief should purchase the stolen property from its owner, and hold it as delivered to him, he ceases to possess it as having been stolen, and begins to possess it as his own. 1Ad Dig. 41,3,32,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 177, Note 9.When anyone thinks that he is not legally entitled to acquire by usucaption property which is in his possession, it must be said that even if he is mistaken, he cannot profit by usucaption; either because he is not considered to possess it in good faith, or because usucaption is of no advantage where an error of law exists. 2Ad Dig. 41,3,32,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 152, Note 12.No one can possess a portion of anything, the amount of which is uncertain. Therefore, if several persons own land, and each is ignorant of the amount of his share, Labeo says that, strictly speaking, none of them has possession.
Dig. 41,4,6Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Qui, cum pro herede vel pro emptore usucaperet, precario rogavit, usucapere non potest: quid porro inter eas res interest, cum utrubique desinat ex prima causa possidere, qui precario vult habere? 1Si ex decem servis, quos emerim, aliquos putem alienos et qui sint sciam, reliquos usucapiam: quod si ignorem, qui sint alieni, neminem usucapere possum. 2Post mortem eius, qui hominem emerit, expleto tempore, quod defuisset ad usucapionem, quamvis eum hominem heres possidere non coepisset, fiet tamen eius: sed ita hoc, si nemo eum possedisset.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. Where anyone who is in a way to acquire by usucaption any property, either as heir or as purchaser, has claimed it by a precarious title, he cannot acquire it by usucaption. For what difference is there between these things, when he claims the property by a precarious title, he ceases in both instances to hold possession under his first title? 1Ad Dig. 41,4,6,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 176, Note 3.If, out of ten slaves whom I have purchased, I think that some belong to other persons, and I know which ones they are, I can acquire the others by usucaption. If, however, I do not know which of them belong to others, I cannot acquire any of them by usucaption. 2The time for acquiring by usucaption having expired after the death of a man who purchased a slave, although the heir may not have begun to possess the slave, he will still become his, provided no one else has obtained possession of him in the meantime.
Dig. 41,5,1Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Pro herede ex vivi bonis nihil usucapi potest, etiamsi possessor mortui rem fuisse existimaverit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. Nothing can be acquired by an heir through usucaption out of the property of a person who is living, even though the possessor thought that it belonged to one who is dead.
Dig. 41,6,4Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si pater filiae donaverit, quae in potestate eius erat, et eam exheredaverit: si id heres eius ratum habeat, exinde ea usucapiet donationem, qua ex die ratam heres donationem habuerit.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If a father makes a donation to his daughter, who is under his control, and has disinherited her, and the heir ratines the donation, she can begin to acquire it by usucaption from the day when the ratification was made.
Dig. 41,7,5Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si id, quod pro derelicto habitum possidebas, ego sciens in ea causa esse abs te emerim, me usucapturum constat nec obstare, quod in bonis tuis non fuerit: nam et si tibi rem ab uxore donatam sciens emero, quia quasi volente et concedente domino id faceres, idem iuris est. 1Id, quod quis pro derelicto habuerit, continuo meum fit: sicuti cum quis aes sparserit aut aves amiserit, quamvis incertae personae voluerit eas esse, tamen eius fierent, cui casus tulerit ea, quae, cum quis pro derelicto habeat, simul intellegitur voluisse alicuius fieri.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. Ad Dig. 41,7,5 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 176, Note 6.If you possess any article which is considered to have been abandoned, and I, knowing this to be the case, purchase it from you, it is established that I can acquire it by usucaption, and the objection that it is not included in your property cannot be raised. For if I knowingly purchase property given to you by your wife, for the reason that you have done this, as it were, with the consent and permission of the owner, the same rule will apply. 1Whatever anyone considers to have been abandoned by himself immediately becomes mine, if I take it. Hence, if anyone throws away money, or releases birds, although he intends that they shall belong to anyone who may seize them, they, nevertheless, become the property of him whom chance may favor; for where anyone relinquishes the ownership of property, he is understood to have intended it to belong to anyone else whomsoever.
Dig. 41,8,6Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. si is, cui tradita est, mortui esse existimaverit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If the person to whom the property was delivered thinks that the testator is dead.
Dig. 41,10,4Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si ancillam furtivam emisti fide bona ex ea natum et apud te conceptum est ita possedisti, ut intra constitutum usucapioni tempus cognosceres matrem eius furtivam esse, Trebatius omni modo, quod ita possessum esset, usucaptum esse. ego sic puto distinguendum, ut, si nescieris intra statutum tempus, cuius id mancipium esset, aut si scieris neque potueris certiorem dominum facere, aut si potueris quoque et feceris certiorem, usucaperes: sin vero, cum scires et posses, non feceris certiorem, contra esse: tum enim clam possedisse videberis, neque idem et pro suo et clam possidere potest. 1Si pater cum filiis bona quae habebat partitus sit ex ea causa post mortem patris ea teneant, quod inter eos conveniret, ut ea divisio rata esset: usucapio his procedet pro suo in his rebus, quae alienae in bonis patris inveniuntur. 2Quod legatum non sit, ab herede tamen perperam traditum sit, placet a legatario usucapi, quia pro suo possidet.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If you purchased in good faith a female slave who had been stolen, and you have in your possession the child of said slave, that she conceived while in your hands, and, before the time prescribed for usucaption has elapsed you ascertain that the mother of the said child has been stolen, Trebatius thinks that the child which is possessed in this manner can unquestionably be acquired by prescription. I think that a distinction should be made in this case, for, if within the time prescribed by law for usucaption to take effect you do not ascertain to whom the slave belongs or if you knew this, without being able to notify the owner of the slave, or if you were able to notify him, and did it, you can acquire the slave by usucaption. If, however, you were aware that the slave had been stolen, and you could have notified the owner, but failed to do so, the contrary rule will apply; for you will be considered to have possessed her clandestinely, as the same person cannot possess property as his own and clandestinely at the same time. 1When a father divides his property among his children, and, after his death, they retain it, for the reason that it was agreed among them that this division of his estate should be ratified, usucaption on the ground of ownership will benefit so far as any property belonging to others, which may be found among the effects of the father, is concerned. 2Where property has not been bequeathed, but has been delivered as such by the heir through mistake, it is established that it can be acquired through usucaption by the legatee, because he possesses it as owner.
Dig. 43,20,2Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si diurnarum aut nocturnarum horarum aquae ductum habeam, non possum alia hora ducere, quam qua ius habeam ducendi.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. If I have the right to conduct the water during the day or the night, I cannot do so at different hours than those during which I am entitled to conduct it.
Dig. 43,26,16Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si adoptavero eum, qui precario rogaverit, ego quoque precario possidebo.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXII. If I adopt a person to whom property has been granted under a precarious tenure, I will also hold possession of it under the same tenure.
Dig. 50,17,39Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. In omnibus causis pro facto accipitur id, in quo per alium morae sit, quo minus fiat.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. In every instance, an act is considered as having been performed, where anyone is prevented from performing it by another.