Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXIX
Dig. 6,1,60Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Quod infans vel furiosus possessor perdidit vel corrupit, impunitum est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. Where a possessor who is a child or an insane person destroys or spoils anything, he cannot be punished.
Dig. 6,1,70Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Nec quasi Publicianam quidem actionem ei dandam placuit, ne in potestate cuiusque sit per rapinam ab invito domino rem iusto pretio comparare.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. And it is settled that he cannot even be granted a Publician Action, lest he may be able to obtain property by violence and against the will of the owner, by the payment of a fair price.
Dig. 26,9,1Pomponius libro vicesimo nono ad Sabinum. Ob dolum malum vel culpam tutoris Aristo ait pupillum possessorem condemnandum, sed non puto, quanti actor in litem iuraret: et tamen illud ita est, si rem a tutore pupillus servare possit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. Aristo says that a ward who is in possession can have judgment rendered against him on account of the fraud or negligence of his guardian; but I do not think that the damages should be fixed at the amount to which the plaintiff will make oath in court. Nevertheless, this would be the case if the ward can recover the value of the property from his guardian.
Dig. 43,16,14Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Sed si vi armata deiectus es, sicut ipsum fundum recipis, etiamsi vi aut clam aut precario eum possideres, ita res quoque mobiles omnimodo recipies.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. If, however, you are ejected by armed force, you will be entitled to recover the land, even if you originally obtained possession of it either by violence, or clandestinely, or under a precarious title.
Dig. 43,24,21Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Si opus, quod quis iussus est a iudice, qui ex hoc interdicto sumptus esset, restituere, alius quis vi aut clam sustulisset, nihilo minus idem ille omnimodo iubetur opus restituere. 1Si iussero servum meum opus facere, cum, quantum ad me pertinet, in clandestini suspicionem non veniret, servus autem meus putaverit, si rescisset adversarius, prohibiturum eum, an tenear? et non puto, cum mea persona sit intuenda. 2In opere novo tam soli quam Caeli mensura facienda est. 3Si quis propter opus factum ius aliquod praedii amisit, id restitui ex hoc interdicto debet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. Where a new work is ordered to be removed by a judge who has been applied to under this interdict, and anyone else removes it with violence, or clandestinely, the party against whom judgment has been rendered will, nevertheless, be ordered, under all circumstances, to restore the property to its former condition. 1If I order my slave to construct a new work, and no suspicion of clandestine action attaches to me, but my slave thinks that my adversary will oppose him if he should hear of it; will I be liable? I do not think that you will be, because I, personally, should only be considered. 2In the construction of a new work, the land as well as the air which may be affected must be taken into account. 3If anyone, on account of the construction of a new work, loses any right attaching to his land, this should be remedied by the interdict.
Dig. 43,26,5Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Sed si manente adhuc precario tu in ulterius tempus rogasti, prorogatur precarium: nam nec mutatur causa possessionis et non constituitur eo modo precarium, sed in longius tempus profertur. si vero praeterita die rogas, propius est, ut soluta iam causa precarii non redintegretur, sed nova constituatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. If while the precarious tenure is still existing, you request that it be continued for a long time, it will be extended; for the title to possession is not changed and a precarious title is not created in this way, but is merely prolonged. If, however, you request it after the time has elapsed, the better opinion is that a precarious title having once been extinguished is not renewed, but a new one is established.
Dig. 43,26,15Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Et habet summam aequitatem, ut eatenus quisque nostro utatur, quatenus ei tribuere velimus. 1Hospites et qui gratuitam habitationem accipiunt non intelleguntur precario habitare. 2Precario habere etiam ea quae in iure consistunt possumus, ut immissa vel protecta. 3Cum quis de re sibi restituenda cautum habet, precarium interdictum ei non competit. 4Eum, qui precario rogaverit, ut sibi possidere liceat, nancisci possessionem non est dubium: an is quoque possideat, qui rogatus sit, dubitatum est. placet autem penes utrumque esse eum hominem, qui precario datus esset, penes eum qui rogasset, quia possideat corpore, penes dominum, quia non discesserit animo possessione. 5Quo quis loco precario aut possideat aut coeperit possidere, nihil refert, quod ad hoc interdictum pertinet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XX. It is based upon absolute justice, as it prescribes that a person shall only make use of our property to the extent that we are willing to grant him permission to do so. 1Guests, and others who are entitled to free lodgings, are not understood to hold under a precarious tenure. 2We can hold under a precarious tenure property which consists of a right, as thai which permits the insertion of beams into a building, or allows structures to project over land. 3Anyone who has obtained security for the restitution of his property is not entitled to the benefit of the interdict relating to a precarious tenure. 4Ad Dig. 43,26,15,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 154, Note 5.There is no question that anyone who has obtained possession under a precarious tenure does not actually acquire it. But is there any doubt that he who has requested to grant it, will continue to retain possession? Where possession under a precarious tenure has been granted to a slave, it is established that it is held by both parties; by him who made the request, because he holds possession in fact, arid by the owner of the property, because he did not have the intention of relinquishing it. 5It makes no difference, so far as this interdict is concerned, in what place anyone holds possession, or began to hold it under a precarious tenure.
Dig. 44,7,12Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Ex depositi et commodati et mandati et tutelae et negotiorum gestorum ob dolum malum defuncti heres in solidum tenetur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. An heir is liable in full where fraud has been committed by the deceased in contracts of deposit, loan for use, mandate, guardianship, and voluntary agency.
Dig. 50,17,38Pomponius libro vicensimo nono ad Sabinum. Sicuti poena ex delicto defuncti heres teneri non debeat, ita nec lucrum facere, si quid ex ea re ad eum pervenisset.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIX. Just as an heir should not be liable to a penalty incurred by the deceased for a crime, so also he should not profit by anything which may come into his hands on account of the crime.