Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXVII
Dig. 12,1,3Pomponius libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. Cum quid mutuum dederimus, etsi non cavimus, ut aeque bonum nobis redderetur, non licet debitori deteriorem rem, quae ex eodem genere sit, reddere, veluti vinum novum pro vetere: nam in contrahendo quod agitur pro cauto habendum est, id autem agi intellegitur, ut eiusdem generis et eadem bonitate solvatur, qua datum sit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. Where we give a mutuum, although we do not provide that what is equally good shall be returned to us, still it is not lawful for the debtor to restore an article of the same kind but which is inferior, for example, to return new wine instead of old; for in entering into a contract the intention of the parties must be considered equivalent to an express agreement, and in this instance the intention is understood to be that payment shall be made with an article of the same kind, and of the same quality as that which was loaned.
Dig. 18,4,3Pomponius libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. Si venditor hereditatis exactam pecuniam sine dolo malo et culpa perdidisset, non placet eum emptori teneri.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. Where the vendor of an estate loses money belonging to the latter which he has collected, without being guilty of fraud or negligence, it is held that he will not be liable to the purchaser.
Dig. 21,2,34Pomponius libro vicesimo septimo ad Sabinum. Si mancipium ita emeris, ne prostituatur et, cum prostitutum fuisset, ut liberum esset: si contra legem venditionis faciente te ad libertatem pervenerit, tu videris quasi manumississe et ideo nullum adversus venditorem habebis regressum. 1Si communi dividundo mecum actum esset et adversario servus adiudicatus sit, quia probavit eum communem esse, habebo ex duplae stipulatione actionem, quia non interest, quo genere iudicii evincatur, ut mihi habere non liceat. 2Duplae stipulatio evictionem non unam continet, si quis dominium rei petierit et evicerit, sed et si Serviana actione experiatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. If you buy a female slave on condition that she shall not be prostituted, and if she is she shall become free, and you violate the condition of the sale, the slave will obtain her freedom, and you will be in the same position as if you had manumitted her, and therefore you will have no recourse against the vendor. 1Where proceedings have been instituted against me for the partition of property in a slave, and the latter is adjudged to my adversary for the reason that he proved that the said slave was held in common, I will be entitled to an action for double damages under the stipulation, because it makes no difference by what kind of a judgment eviction is obtained, if I have no right to the property. 2A stipulation for double damages does not merely include eviction where anyone claims and recovers the ownership of property, but also applies where proceedings are instituted under the Servian Action.
Dig. 45,1,15Idem libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. et ideo haesitatur, si aliqua pars insulae facta sit, deinde incendio consumpta sit, an integrum tempus computandum sit rursus ad aedificandam insulam an vero reliquum dumtaxat exspectandum quod deerat. et verius est, ut integrum ei detur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. Hence doubt arises, if a portion of the house having been built it should afterwards be destroyed by fire, whether the entire time for rebuilding it should be computed, or whether only the remaining time should be taken into consideration. The better opinion is that the entire time for rebuilding it should be granted.
Dig. 45,1,40Pomponius libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. Si filius meus servo meo stipuletur, adquiritur mihi.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. If my son stipulates for my slave, the acquisition is obtained for my benefit.
Dig. 45,1,42Pomponius libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. Qui ‘hoc anno’ aut ‘hoc mense’ dari stipulatus sit, nisi omnibus partibus praeteritis anni vel mensis non recte petet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. Where anyone stipulates for payment this year, or this month, he cannot properly bring suit until all of the year, or all of the month, has expired.
Dig. 46,4,15Pomponius libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. Si is qui Stichum promisit ita interroget: ‘quod Stichum promisi, Stichum et Pamphilum habesne acceptos?’, puto recte accepto latum et pro supervacuo Pamphili mentionem factam, quemadmodum si is qui decem promisit ita interroget: ‘quod tibi decem promisi, viginti habesne accepta?’, etiam decem nomine erit liberatus.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. If anyone, who has promised Stichus, makes the following interrogation, “As I have promised Stichus, do you acknowledge the receipt of Stichus and Pamphilus?” I think that the receipt is valid, and that the mention of Pamphilus is merely superfluous; just as where a man who has promised ten aurei makes the following interrogation, “As I have promised you ten aurei, do you acknowledge the receipt of twenty?” he will be released from liability for ten.
Dig. 50,17,36Pomponius libro vicensimo septimo ad Sabinum. Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXVII. It is culpable to interfere in something with which one has no concern.