Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXIV
Dig. 18,5,2Idem libro vicensimo quarto ad Sabinum. Si quam rem a te emi, eandem rursus a te pluris minorisve emero, discessimus a priore emptione (potest enim, dum res integra est, conventione nostra infecta fieri emptio) atque ita consistit posterior emptio, quasi nulla praecesserit. sed non poterimus eadem ratione uti post pretium solutum emptione repetita, cum post pretium solutum infectam emptionem facere non possumus.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXIV. If, after I have purchased something from you, I again purchase it from you at a higher or a lower price, we are understood to have annulled the first sale; for the sale is still held to be incomplete by our agreement while matters remain unchanged, and thus the subsequent sale will stand, just as if no other had preceded it. But we cannot apply the same principle if the sale is renewed after the price was paid, because after it was paid we could not render the sale incomplete.
Dig. 45,1,31Pomponius libro vicesimo quarto ad Sabinum. Si rem meam sub condicione stipuler, utilis est stipulatio, si condicionis existentis tempore mea non sit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIV. If I stipulate for my own property under a condition, the stipulation will be valid if the property should not belong to me at the time when the condition is fulfilled.
Dig. 45,2,4Pomponius libro vicensimo quarto ad Sabinum. Duo rei promittendi sive ita interrogati ‘spondetis?’ respondeant ‘spondeo’ aut ‘spondemus’, sive ita interrogati ‘spondes?’ respondissent ‘spondemus’, recte obligantur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIV. Two joint-promisors are legally liable whether they are asked, “Do you both promise?” and they answer “I do” or “We do,” or if they are asked, “Do you promise as individuals?” and they answer, “We promise.”
Dig. 46,2,7Pomponius libro vicensimo quarto ad Sabinum. Cum enim pecunia mutua data stipulamur, non puto obligationem numeratione nasci et deinde eam stipulatione novari, quia id agitur, ut sola stipulatio teneat, et magis implendae stipulationis gratia numeratio intellegenda est fieri.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIV. For, when we stipulate for a loan, I do not think that the obligation arises from the counting of the money, and that afterwards the novation is created by the stipulation; because the intention is that there should be but one stipulation, and the counting of the money is understood to be done merely for the purpose of completing the contract.
Dig. 46,3,23Pomponius libro vicensimo quarto ad Sabinum. Solutione vel iudicium pro nobis accipiendo et inviti et ignorantes liberari possumus.
Ad Dig. 46,3,23ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 217: Liberation eines Schuldners ohne dessen Wissen durch Zahlung bez. Angabe an Zahlungsstatt, Novation eines Dritten.Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIV. We can be released from liability by payment, or by appearance in court in our behalf, even against our consent, and without being aware of it.