Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXIII
Dig. 15,1,25Pomponius libro vicensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Id vestimentum peculii esse incipit, quod ita dederit dominus, ut eo vestitu servum perpetuo uti vellet eoque nomine ei traderet, ne quis alius eo uteretur idque ab eo eius usus gratia custodiretur. sed quod vestimentum servo dominus ita dedit utendum, ut non semper, sed ad certum usum certis temporibus eo uteretur, veluti cum sequeretur eum sive cenanti ministravit, id vestimentum non esse peculii.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIII. Any clothing is included in the peculium which the master has given for the slave to make use of permanently, and has delivered it to him with the understanding that no one else shall use it, and that it will be kept by him in compliance with these conditions. Clothing, however, which the master had given to the slave for temporary use and only to be employed for certain purposes at certain times, for example, when he is in attendance upon him, or waits upon him at the table, does not become part of the peculium.
Dig. 21,1,16Pomponius libro vicesimo tertio ad Sabinum. Quod ita sanatum est, ut in pristinum statum restitueretur, perinde habendum est, quasi numquam morbosum esset.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIII. Where a slave is thoroughly cured, so that he is restored to his former condition, he must be considered as having never been diseased.
Dig. 21,1,36Pomponius libro vicesimo tertio ad Sabinum. Si plura mancipia uno pretio venierint et de uno eorum aedilicia actione utamur, ita demum pro bonitate eius aestimatio fiet, si confuse universis mancipiis constitutum pretium fuerit: quod si singulorum mancipiorum constituto pretio universa tanti venierunt, quantum ex consummatione singulorum fiebat, tunc cuiusque mancipii pretium, seu pluris seu minoris id esset, sequi debemus.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIII. Where several slaves are sold for one price, and we bring the action under the Edict of the Ædiles with reference to one of them, an estimate of the value of said slave is only made where the price was fixed for the entire number indiscriminately. But if, after the price had been fixed for each one of the slaves, all of them were sold for an amount equal to the combined prices of the different individuals, we must then adopt the combined price made for each slave, whether he is worth more or less.
Dig. 21,1,48Pomponius libro vicesimo tertio ad Sabinum. si tamen sine culpa actoris familiaeve eius vel procuratoris mortuus sit. 1Audiendus est is, qui de vitio vel morbo servi querens retinere eum velit. 2Non nocebit emptori, si sex mensum exceptione redhibitoria exclusus velit intra annum aestimatoria agere. 3Ei, qui servum vinctum vendiderit, aedilicium edictum remitti aequum est: multo enim amplius est id facere, quam pronuntiare in vinculis fuisse. 4In aediliciis actionibus exceptionem opponi aequum est, si emptor sciret de fuga aut vinculis aut ceteris rebus similibus, ut venditor absolvatur. 5Aediliciae actiones et heredi et in heredem competunt, ut tamen et facta heredum quae postea accesserint et quod experiri potuerint, quaerantur. 6Non solum de mancipiis, sed de omni animali hae actiones competunt, ita ut etiam, si usum fructum in homine emerim, competere debeant. 7Cum redhibitoria actione de sanitate agitur, permittendum est de uno vitio agere et praedicere, ut, si quid aliud postea apparuisset, de eo iterum ageretur. 8Simplariarum venditionum causa ne sit redhibitio, in usu est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXIII. Ad Dig. 21,1,48 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 275: Actio redhibitoria. Zurückgabe der fehlerhaften Sache. Untergang derselben ohne Verschulden des Empfängers nach erklärtem Rücktritte.Provided the slave dies without the fault of the purchaser, or of his family, or of his agent. 1He who complains of unsoundness or disease in a slave that he has purchased, and wishes to retain him until satisfaction is given him, should be heard. 2The rights of the purchaser shall not be prejudiced where, having been barred from bringing an action for the return of the slave within six months, he desires to institute proceedings for the appraisement of his value within a year. 3Ad Dig. 21,1,48,3ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 355: Der Verkäufer ist nicht bloß zur Vertretung der heimlichen, sondern schlechthin aller nicht angezeigten, nicht unerheblichen Mängel verbunden, sofern er nicht beweist, daß der Käufer sie gekannt hat oder kennen mußte.It is just that the Edict of the Ædiles should not apply to anyone who has sold a slave in chains, for it is far more effective to do this than merely to state that he has been in chains. 4Ad Dig. 21,1,48,4ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 355: Der Verkäufer ist nicht bloß zur Vertretung der heimlichen, sondern schlechthin aller nicht angezeigten, nicht unerheblichen Mängel verbunden, sofern er nicht beweist, daß der Käufer sie gekannt hat oder kennen mußte.In actions founded on the Edict of the Ædiles, it is no more than proper that the vendor should be permitted to plead an exception if the purchaser was aware that the slave was in the habit of running away, or had been in chains, or had any other similar faults which would entitle the vendor to be released. 5The action founded on the Edict of the Ædiles will lie both in favor of an heir and against him; but inquiry should, nevertheless, be made as to any acts subsequently committed by the heirs, and as to whether they had a right to institute such proceedings. 6These actions can be brought not only with reference to slaves, but also concerning every kind of animals, so that they will lie against me, even if I had only purchased the usufruct of a slave. 7When suit for the return of a slave because of his soundness is brought, it is permitted to proceed and make allegations as to one defect, and if any other should afterwards appear, a second action with reference to it can be instituted. 8It is not customary, in the case of simple sales, to make use of the action for the return of property.
Dig. 43,26,17Idem libro vicensimo tertio ad Sabinum. Qui precario fundum possidet, is interdicto uti possidetis adversus omnes praeter eum, quem rogavit, uti potest.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXIII. When anyone possesses land under a precarious tenure, he can make use of the interdict Uti possidetis against all other persons, except him from whom he obtained the land.