Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 12,1,5Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Quod te mihi dare oporteat si id postea perierit, quam per te factum erit quominus id mihi dares, tuum fore id detrimentum constat. sed cum quaeratur, an per te factum sit, animadverti debebit, non solum in potestate tua fuerit id nec ne aut dolo malo feceris quominus esset vel fuerit nec ne, sed etiam si aliqua iusta causa sit, propter quam intellegere deberes te dare oportere.
Ad Dig. 12,1,5ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 102, S. 363, 371: Feststellung des Zeitpunkts des Verzugs mit Rücksicht auf die subjective Auffassung des Säumigen über die Sachlage.Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Ad Dig. 12,1,5 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 371, Note 8.If you are obliged to deliver something to me, and it should afterwards be lost on account of some act of yours which prevented you from delivering it to me, it is established that the loss must be borne by you. Where, however, the question arises whether you performed the act, it should be considered not only whether this was in your power or not, but also whether you were guilty of malicious intent in order to prevent it from being in your power; and also whether there was any just reason why you should know that you were compelled to deliver me the article.
Dig. 12,4,15Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Cum servus tuus in suspicionem furti Attio venisset, dedisti eum in quaestionem sub ea causa, ut, si id repertum in eo non esset, redderetur tibi: is eum tradidit praefecto vigilum quasi in facinore depraehensum: praefectus vigilum eum summo supplicio adfecit. ages cum Attio dare eum tibi oportere, quia et ante mortem dare tibi eum oportuerit. Labeo ait posse etiam ad exhibendum agi, quoniam fecerit quo minus exhiberet. sed Proculus dari oportere ita ait, si fecisses eius hominem, quo casu ad exhibendum agere te non posse: sed si tuus mansisset, etiam furti te acturum cum eo, quia re aliena ita sit usus, ut sciret se invito domino uti aut dominum si sciret prohibiturum esse.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Where one of your slaves was suspected of theft by a certain Attius, and you surrender the slave to be put to torture, under the condition he should be returned to you, if he were found to be not guilty; and then Attius delivered him to the Prefect of the Watch as one who was caught in the act, and the Prefect of the Watch inflicted the extreme penalty upon him; you are entitled to an action against Attius on the ground that he was obliged to deliver you the slave, because he was required to do this before his death. Labeo says that you are entitled to an action for production, since Attius is responsible for preventing him from being produced. Proculus, however, says that for Attius to be obliged to deliver the slave you must have made him his slave, in which instance, you could not bring an action for his production; but if he had still remained yours, you could bring an action against Attius for theft, because he was making use of the property of another in such a way that he must have been aware that he was doing so against the will of the owner, or that if the latter had been aware of it he would have forbidden it.
Dig. 12,5,7Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Ex ea stipulatione, quae per vim extorta esset, si exacta esset pecunia, repetitionem esse constat.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Where money has been obtained through a stipulation which was extorted by force, it is established that an action will lie for its recovery.
Dig. 12,6,19Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si poenae causa eius cui debetur debitor liberatus est, naturalis obligatio manet et ideo solutum repeti non potest. 1Quamvis debitum sibi quis recipiat, tamen si is qui dat non debitum dat, repetitio competit: veluti si is qui heredem se vel bonorum possessorem falso existimans creditori hereditario solverit: hic enim neque verus heres liberatus erit et is quod dedit repetere poterit: quamvis enim debitum sibi quis recipiat, tamen si is qui dat non debitum dat, repetitio competit. 2Si falso existimans debere nummos solvero, qui pro parte alieni, pro parte mei fuerunt, eius summae partem dimidiam, non corporum condicam. 3Si putem me Stichum aut Pamphilum debere, cum Stichum debeam, et Pamphilum solvam, repetam quasi indebitum solutum: nec enim pro eo quod debeo videor id solvisse. 4Si duo rei, qui decem debebant, viginti pariter solverint, Celsus ait singulos quina repetituros, quia, cum decem deberent, viginti solvissent, et quod amplius ambo solverint, ambo repetere possunt.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Ad Dig. 12,6,19 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 123, Note 3.Where a debtor is released from liability by way of inflicting a penalty of the person to whom the debt is due, the natural obligation remains unimpaired; and therefore if the money is paid it cannot be recovered. 1Even though a party may receive payment of a debt, due to him, still, if he who pays gives what he does not owe, there will be a right of action for its recovery; for instance, where anyone erroneously thinks that he is an heir or the possessor of the property of an estate pays a creditor of the same, in this instance, the true heir will not be released, and the party who paid can bring an action for recovery; for although anyone may receive something which is due to him, still, if the party who pays it pays what is not due, an action for its recovery will lie. 2If I am under the false impression that I owe a debt, and I pay it in coin, part of which belongs to another and part of it to me, I can bring an action for half the amount, and not for half of each share. 3If I think that I am obliged to deliver either Stichus or Pamphilus, while in fact I am obliged to deliver Stichus, and I deliver Pamphilus; I can bring an action for property given which was not due; for I cannot be held to have made the delivery in payment of what I owe. 4Where two debtors who owed ten aurei together paid twenty, Celsus says each of them can bring an action for the recovery of five; because since they owed ten, and paid twenty, what both paid over and above what was due both can sue to recover.
Dig. 12,6,22Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Sed et si me putem tibi aut Titio promississe, cum aut neutrum factum sit aut Titii persona in stipulatione comprehensa non sit, et Titio solvero, repetere a Titio potero. 1Cum iter excipere deberem, fundum liberum per errorem tradidi: incerti condicam, ut iter mihi concedatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Moreover, if I think that I have promised anything to you or to Titius, while, in fact, no promise was made to either, for Titius was not personally included in the stipulation, and I deliver the article to Titius, I am entitled to an action to recover it from him. 1Where I, through mistake, conveyed a tract of land as free, when I ought to have reserved a right of way; I am entitled to a right of action for the recovery of an uncertain amount, in order that a right of way may be granted me.
Dig. 13,4,6Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. aut mutua pecunia sic data fuerit, ut certo loco reddatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Or where money was lent with the understanding that it should be repaid at a certain place.
Dig. 16,3,12Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si in Asia depositum fuerit, ut Romae reddatur, videtur id actum, ut non inpensa eius id fiat apud quem depositum sit, sed eius qui deposuit. 1Depositum eo loco restitui debet, in quo sine dolo malo eius est, apud quem depositum est: ubi vero depositum est, nihil interest. eadem dicenda sunt communiter et in omnibus bonae fidei iudiciis. sed dicendum est, si velit actor suis inpensis suoque periculo perferri rem Romam, ut audiendus sit, quoniam et in ad exhibendum actione id servatur. 2Cum sequestre recte agetur depositi sequestraria actione, quam et in heredem eius reddi oportet. 3Quemadmodum quod ex stipulatu vel ex testamento dari oporteat, post iudicium acceptum cum detrimento rei periret, sic depositum quoque eo die, quo depositi actum sit, periculo eius apud quem depositum fuerit est, si iudicii accipiendi tempore potuit id reddere reus nec reddidit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Where a deposit was made in Asia to be returned at Rome, it is held that the intention was that this should be at the expense of the party who made the deposit, and not at that of him with whom it was. placed. 1A deposit should be returned to the place in which it is found, without any fraudulent act of the party with whom the property was deposited. It, indeed, makes no difference where the deposit was made. The same principles apply generally to all bona fide actions. It must be said, however, that if the plaintiff wishes the property to be transported to Rome at his expense and risk, he should be heard; for this is also done in the action for production. 2An action on deposit can properly be brought against a sequestrator, and it is also granted against his heir. 3Ad Dig. 16,3,12,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 124, Note 9.Just as where property which must be delivered in compliance with the terms of a stipulation or a will, is destroyed after issue has been joined; so, also, a deposit from the day on which it was made will be at the risk of the party in whose hands it was placed, if, at the time issue was joined, the defendant could have restored it, but did not do so.
Dig. 18,1,31Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Sed et si quid postea accessit peculio, reddendum est venditori, veluti partus et quod ex operis vicarii perceptum est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. If any accessions have subsequently been made to the peculium, they must be returned to the vendor; as, for instance, the offspring of a female slave, and anything which has been obtained through the labor of a sub-slave.
Dig. 19,5,16Pomponius libro vicesimo secundo ad Sabinum. Permisisti mihi cretam eximere de agro tuo ita, ut eum locum, unde exemissem, replerem: exemi nec repleo: quaesitum est, quam habeas actionem. sed certum est civilem actionem incerti competere: si autem vendidisti cretam, ex vendito ages. quod si post exemptionem cretae replevero nec patieris me cretam tollere tu, agam ad exhibendum, quia mea facta est, cum voluntate tua exempta sit. 1Permisisti mihi, ut sererem in fundo tuo et fructus tollerem: sevi nec pateris me fructus tollere. nullam iuris civilis actionem esse Aristo ait: an in factum dari debeat, deliberari posse: sed erit de dolo.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. You permitted me to dig chalk on your land on condition that I would fill up the place from whence I took it. I took away the chalk, but did not fill up the excavation. The question arose, what action are you entitled to? It is certain that a civil action for an unascertained amount of damages will lie. Where, however, you sold me the chalk, you can proceed by an action on sale. If, after taking out the chalk, I should fill up the excavation, and you do not allow me to remove the chalk, I will then have a right of action for production against you, because it belongs to me, as I dug it with your consent. 1You gave me permission to sow grain on your land, and to remove the crop. I sowed it, but you did not allow me to remove the grain. Aristo says that a civil action will not lie, and it may be a question whether an action in factum should be granted, but that one on the ground of bad faith will certainly be available.
Dig. 36,1,22Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Heres cum debuerat quartam retinere, totam hereditatem restituit nec cavit sibi stipulatione proposita. similem eum esse Aristo ait illis, qui retentiones, quas solas habent, omittunt: sed posse eum rerum hereditariarum possessionem vel repetere vel nancisci et adversus agentem doli mali exceptione uti posse eum et debitoribus denuntiare, ne solveretur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Where an heir, who had a right to retain a fourth, transferred the entire estate, and did not provide for himself by a stipulation, Aristo says his case is similar to that of those who fail to reserve property to which they have no other right; but that he can recover or obtain possession of the assets of the estate, and can make use of an exception on the ground of bad faith against the party claiming the property, and can notify the debtors of the estate that payment should not be made.
Dig. 41,3,29Idem libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Cum solus heres essem, existimarem autem te quoque pro parte heredem esse, res hereditarias pro parte tibi tradidi. propius est, ut usu eas capere non possis, quia nec pro herede usucapi potest quod ab herede possessum est neque aliam ullam habes causam possidendi. ita tamen hoc verum est, si non ex transactione id factum fuerit. idem dicimus, si tu quoque existimes te heredem esse: nam hic quoque possessio veri heredis obstabit tibi.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXII. If I am the sole heir to an estate, but believe that you are an heir to half of the same, and I deliver half of the estate to you, it is very probable that you cannot acquire the property by usucaption, because what is in possession of an heir cannot be obtained in this way by another, as the heir; and you have no other ground for possession. This is only true when done under the terms of a settlement. We hold that the same rule applies if you think that you are the heir; for, in this instance, the possession of the true heir will prevent you from obtaining the property by usucaption.
Dig. 41,10,3Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Hominem, quem ex stipulatione te mihi debere falso existimabas, tradidisti mihi: si scissem mihi nihil debere, usu eum non capiam: quod si nescio, verius est, ut usucapiam, quia ipsa traditio ex causa, quam veram esse existimo, sufficit ad efficiendum, ut id quod mihi traditum est pro meo possideam. et ita Neratius scripsit idque verum puto.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. You delivered to me a slave whom you erroneously thought I was entitled to under the terms of a stipulation. If I knew that you did not owe me anything, I cannot acquire the slave by usucaption; but if I did not know it, the better opinion is that I can acquire him by usucaption, because the delivery, which was made for what I think to be a good consideration, is sufficient to enable me to possess as my own the property which has been delivered to me. Neratius adopted this opinion, and I think it is correct.
Dig. 45,1,27Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. veluti si quis homicidium vel sacrilegium se facturum promittat. sed et officio quoque praetoris continetur ex huiusmodi obligationibus actionem denegari. 1Si stipulatus hoc modo fuero: ‘si intra biennium Capitolium non ascenderis, dari?’, non nisi praeterito biennio recte petam.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. For instance, if anyone promises to commit homicide, or sacrilege. It is, however, the duty of the Prætor to refuse an action in all obligations of this kind. 1If I should stipulate as follows, “Do you promise to pay if you do not ascend to the Capitol within two years?” I cannot lawfully bring an action against you until the term of two years has expired.
Dig. 46,1,2Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Et commodati et depositi fideiussor accipi potest et tenetur, etiamsi apud servum vel pupillum depositum commodatumve fuerit, sed ita demum, si aut dolo malo aut culpa hi fecerunt, pro quibus fideiussum est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. A surety can be taken for property which was loaned for use, or deposited, and he will be liable; even if the deposit or the loan was placed in the hands of a slave, or a ward, but only where those for whom security was given have been guilty of fraud or negligence.
Dig. 46,3,20Idem libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Si rem meam, quae pignoris nomine alii esset obligata, debitam tibi solvero, non liberabor, quia avocari tibi res possit ab eo, qui pignori accepisset.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XXII. If I pay you by giving you an article of mine which was due to you, but which was pledged to another, I will not be released; because the property can be recovered from you by the person who received it in pledge.
Dig. 50,16,175Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. ‘Faciendi’ verbo reddendi etiam causa continetur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. In the term “To do” is also included that “To give.”
Dig. 50,17,33Pomponius libro vicensimo secundo ad Sabinum. In eo, quod vel is qui petit vel is a quo petitur lucri facturus est, durior causa est petitoris.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXII. Where either the plaintiff or the defendant attempts to prove a lucrative title, the case of the plaintiff is the more difficult to establish.