Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXI
Dig. 10,2,47Pomponius libro vicensimo primo ad Sabinum. In iudicio familiae erciscundae vel communi dividundo si, dum res in arbitrio sit, de iure praedii controversia sit, placet omnes eos, inter quos arbiter sumptus sit, et agere et opus novum nuntiare pro sua quemque parte posse, et cum adiudicationes ab arbitro fiant, si uni adiudicetur totus fundus, caveri oportet, ut quae ex his actionibus recepta fuerint reddantur aut quae in eas impensae factae fuerint praestentur: et si, cum res in iudicio esset, eo nomine actum non fuerit, eum sequi integram actionem, cui totus fundus adiudicatus fuerit, aut pro quacumque parte adiudicatus erit. 1Item quae res moveri possint et in ea iudicia veniant, si interea subreptae sint, furti agere eos, quorum istae res periculo fuerint, posse.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXI. In an action for the partition of an estate or for the division of property held in common, if, while the case is pending, a controversy arises concerning a right attaching to the land, it is established that all those with reference to whom the arbiter has been appointed can both bring suit and give notice of a new structure, each one in proportion to his respective interest in the property; and when an award is made by the arbiter, if the entire tract of land is adjudged to one party, security must be furnished that whatever is recovered by means of the actions must be delivered, and whatever expenses have been incurred on their account must be paid. And if, while the matter was in court, no proceedings were instituted with reference to the said land, the unimpaired right of action shall belong to him to whom the entire tract has been awarded, or in proportion to the share for which the award was made. 1Moreover, where there is any movable property which can be included in said actions, and in the meantime it should be stolen, proceedings for theft can be brought by the parties at whose risk the said property was.
Dig. 12,6,14Pomponius libro vicensimo primo ad Sabinum. Nam hoc natura aequum est neminem cum alterius detrimento fieri locupletiorem.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXI. For it is only in accordance with natural equity that no one should profit pecuniarily by the injury of another.
Dig. 19,5,26Pomponius libro vicesimo primo ad Sabinum. Si tibi scyphos dedi, ut eosdem mihi redderes, commodati actio est: si, ut pondus argenti redderes quantum in illis esset, tantidem ponderis petitio est per actionem praescriptis verbis, tam boni tamen argenti, quam illi scyphi fuerunt: sed si ut vel hos scyphos vel ut eiusdem ponderis argentum dares, convenit, dicendum est, si quidem tua est electio, scyphos statim tuos fieri et te mihi dare aut scyphos aut argentum utrum malis: quod si mihi permissum est eligere, scyphosaaDie Großausgabe liest scyphi statt scyphos. tuosbbDie Großausgabe liest tui statt tuos. non fiericcDie Großausgabe liest fient statt fieri., antequam dixero me eos habere nolle.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXI. If I gave you some cups with the understanding that you were to return them to me, an action on loan for use will lie. If, however, I gave them to you on condition that you would deliver to me their weight in silver, whatever that might be; a demand for the recovery of this weight must be made by means of an action for the construction of the contract, as well as one for silver of the same fineness as that of which the cups were composed. But, if it was agreed that you should return the cups, or an amount of silver equal to their weight, the same rule will apply.
Dig. 39,2,39Pomponius libro vicensimo primo ad Sabinum. Inter quos paries communis est, aedificiorum nomine, quae quisque propria habet, stipulari damni infecti solent: sed tunc ea cautio necessaria est, cum aut alter solus aedificat et vitium ex opere futurum est, aut alter pretiosiora aedificia habet et plus damni sensurus sit decidente pariete: alioquin si aequale periculum est, quantum quis vicino praestat, tantum ab eo consequitur. 1Si domus in controversia sit, dicendum est damni infecti onus possessoris esse, cum id quod praestiterit imputare domino praedii possit: quod si non caveat, possessionem ad petitorem, qui caveri damni infecti sibi velit, transferant: nam iniquum est stipulatorem compelli relicto praedio, ex quo damnum vereatur, dominum quaerere. 2Damni infecti stipulatio latius patet. et ideo et ei, qui superficiariam insulam habet, utilis est ea stipulatio, si quid in superficie damnum datum fuerit, et nihilo minus et soli domino utilis est, si solo damnum datum fuerit, ut tota superficies tolleretur: fraudabitur enim dominus soli in pensione percipienda. 3Alieno nomine stipulari ita licet, ut quod damnum domino datum sit, comprehendatur: cavere autem debebit is qui stipulabitur dominum ratam rem habiturum exceptioque procuratoria stipulationi inserenda erit, sicut in stipulatione legatorum: quod si ei non cavebitur, mittendus est in possessionem procurator omnimodo, ut ei exceptio procuratoria non noceat. 4In aestimando novo pariete ratio haberi debet eius impensae, quae modum probabilem non excedet in vetere eius cultus, non qui non adgravet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXI. Where there is a party-wall between two houses, it is customary to stipulate against threatened injury with reference to the house belonging to each individual owner; but security is not necessary, except where one of them alone builds, and damage is feared on account of the work, or where one of them has a more valuable house than the other, and will sustain greater damage if the wall should fall. Otherwise, where the risk is equal on both sides, the same amount of security given by one of them to his neighbor should also be exacted from the former. 1Where the title to a building is in dispute, the burden of furnishing security against threatened injury rests upon the party in possession, as he can recover from the owner of the land whatever he may be compelled to pay out for this purpose. If, however, he should not furnish security, possession shall be given to the plaintiff, who demanded security against threatened injury; for it would be unjust for the stipulator to be compelled to abandon the land, which he fears may be damaged, in order to search for the owner. 2The stipulation with reference to threatened injury has a very broad application. Hence this stipulation is advantageous to one whose house, built upon the land of another, is damaged. It is also advantageous to the owner of the land, in case the latter is injured in such a way that the entire surface is removed, for he will then lose the income which he would otherwise have received. 3It is lawful to stipulate in the name of another that any damage which may be sustained by the owner shall be included. He, however, who stipulates should give security that the owner will ratify the transaction, and the exception referring to the agent should be inserted in the stipulation, as in the case of those relating to legacies. If security is not furnished him, the agent should, by all means, be placed in possession, so that the exception relative to his agency may not prejudice him. 4In making the estimate for the new wall, an account must be taken of the expense, which should not exceed a reasonable sum; and the ornamentation of the old wall ought to be considered, provided the expense is not increased too much by doing so.
Dig. 39,2,41Pomponius libro vicensimo primo ad Sabinum. In reficiendo communi pariete ei potius facultas aedificandi praestatur, qui magis idonee reficere parietem velit. idemque dicendum est et si de eodem itinere rivove reficiendo inter duos vel plures quaeratur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXI. Where a party-wall is to be repaired, that owner should have the opportunity to do the work who can perform it in the most suitable manner. It must also be said that this rule will apply where the same road or water-course is to be repaired by two or more persons.
Dig. 46,3,19Pomponius libro vicensimo primo ad Sabinum. Fugitivus meus, cum pro libero se gereret, nummos mihi subreptos credidit tibi: obligari te mihi Labeo ait et, si eum liberum existimans solveris ei, liberari te a me, sed si alii solvisses iussu eius vel is ratum habuisset, non liberari, quia priore casu mei nummi facti essent et quasi mihi solutum intellegeretur. et ideo servus meus quod peculiari nomine crediderit, exigendo liberabit debitorem, delegando autem vel novando non idem consequeretur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXI. My fugitive slave, pretending to be a freeman, lent you money which he had stolen from me. Labeo says that you are liable to me, and if you, believing him to be free, should pay him, you will be released, so far as I am concerned. If, however, you pay another by his order, or you ratify such a payment, you will not be released; because, in the first instance, the money becomes mine, and is understood to be paid, as it were, to myself. Hence, my slave, by collecting what he lent as part of his peculium, will release the debtor, but if he delegates him or makes a novation, this will not be the case.