Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 5,1,80Pomponius libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si in iudicis nomine praenomine erratum est, Servius respondit, si ex conventione litigatorum is iudex addictus esset, eum esse iudicem, de quo litigatores sensissent.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book II. Where a mistake is made in the name or surname of a judge, it was the opinion of Servius that if the judge was appointed by an agreement of the litigants, he must act as judge whom both litigants had in view.
Dig. 28,6,14Idem libro secundo ad Sabinum. In pupillari substitutione licet longius tempus comprehensum fuerit, tamen finietur substitutio pubertate.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book II. In a pupillary substitution, even though a longer time may have been fixed, the substitution will, nevertheless, terminate at the age of puberty.
Dig. 30,8Pomponius libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si ex toto fundo legato testator partem alienasset, reliquam dumtaxat partem deberi placet, quia etiam si adiecisset aliquid ei fundo, augmentum legatario cederet. 1Si ita scriptum sit: ‘Lucius Titius heres meus aut Maevius heres meus decem Seio dato’, cum utro velit, Seius aget, ut, si cum uno actum sit et solitum, alter liberetur, quasi si duo rei promittendi in solidum obligati fuissent. quid ergo si ab altero partem petierit? liberum cui erit ab alterutro reliquum petere. idem erit et si alter partem solvisset. 2Si ita legatum sit: ‘lecticarios octo aut pro his in homines singulos certam pecuniam, utrum legatarius volet’, non potest legatarius partem servorum vindicare, pro parte nummos petere, quia unum in alterutra causa legatum sit, quemadmodum si olei pondo quinquaginta aut in singulas libras certum aes legatum sit: ne aliter observantibus etiam uno homine legato divisio concedatur. nec interest, divisa ea summa an iuncta ponatur: et certe octo servis aut pro omnibus certa pecunia legata non posse invitum heredem partem pecuniae, partem mancipiorum debere.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book II. If a testator, after having bequeathed a tract of land, should dispose of a part of the same, it is held that only the remaining portion is due to the party to whom it was left; because even if an addition was made to said land the legatee would profit by the increase. 1Ad Dig. 30,8,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 297, Note 4.If the following provision should be inserted in a will: “Let Lucius Titius, my heir, or Mævius, my heir, pay ten aurei to Seius,” Seius can bring suit against whichever of the heirs he may select, and if he brings an action against one of them, and payment is made by him, the other will be released; just as where two debtors have promised to pay, both will be liable for the entire amount. But what if the legatee should only demand half of the amount from one of the heirs? He would be free to demand the remainder from the other. The same rule will apply where one of the parties has paid his share. 2Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows: “I bequeath eight litter-bearers, or a certain sum of money instead of each one, of them, whichever the legatee may desire,” the legatee cannot claim a part of his legacy in slaves and the other part in money, because the legacy is left as an alternative; just as if fifty pounds weight of oil, or a certain sum instead of each pound, is bequeathed, for otherwise, a division might be allowed where only a single slave was bequeathed. Nor does it make any difference whether the sum is divided, or whether the entire amount is paid at once. And, in fact, where eight slaves have been bequeathed, or a certain sum of money instead of all of them, the heir cannot, against his will, be compelled to be liable for a portion of the bequest in money, and a portion in slaves.
Dig. 32,44Pomponius libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si fundus legatus sit cum his quae ibi erunt, quae ad tempus ibi sunt non videntur legata: et ideo pecuniae, quae faenerandi causa ibi fuerunt, non sunt legatae.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book II. Where a tract of land with everything upon it is devised, any property that is there only temporarily is not held to have been left, and therefore money which is there for the purpose of being loaned is not included in the legacy.
Dig. 37,11,9Pomponius libro secundo ad Sabinum. Ut bonorum possessio secundum pupillares tabulas admitti possit, requiritur, an patris testamentum signatum sit, licet secundae tabulae resignatae proferantur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book II. In order that prætorian possession of an estate may be granted in accordance with the pupillary substitution, inquiry should be made whether the will of the father was sealed, even though that portion containing the substitution was produced unsealed.
Dig. 40,4,4Idem libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si quis ita scripserit ‘Stichus liber esto eique heres meus decem dato’, nulla dubitatio est, quin debeantur etiam, si eum pater familias vivus manumiserit. 1Sed et si sic: ‘Stichus liber esto’ sive statim sive post tempus ‘eique, cum liber erit, heres meus decem dato’, idem dicendum est. 2Illud constabit, si libertate data sic fuerit legatum ‘eique, si eum vindicta liberavero, heres meus decem dato’, licet ex nimia suptilitate separatum est a testamento, attamen humanitatis intuitu valebit legatum, si vivus eum manumiserit.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book II. If anyone should make the following provision in his will, namely, “Let Stichus be free, and let my heir pay him ten aurei,” there is no doubt that the money will be due him, even if the head of the household should manumit him during his lifetime. 1The same rule will apply if the testator should say: “Let Stichus be free, either immediately or after a certain time; and when he becomes free, let my heir pay him ten aurei.” 2It has been decided that if a legacy of freedom is bequeathed as follows, “Let my heir pay ten aurei to such-and-such a slave, if I grant him his freedom in the presence of the magistrate,” although, strictly speaking, this is different from a testamentary manumission, still, according to the dictates of humanity, the legacy will be valid if the master, during his lifetime, should emancipate the slave.
Dig. 45,1,9Pomponius libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si Titius et Seius separatim ita stipulati essent: ‘fundum illum, si illi non dederis, mihi dare spondes?’, finem dandi alteri fore, quoad iudicium acciperetur, et ideo occupantis fore actionem.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book II. If Titius and Seius stipulate separately, as follows, “If you do not convey such-and-such a tract of land to So-and-So, do you promise to pay me?” the time for paying one of them will not terminate until judgment is rendered, and therefore the right of action will belong to him who manifests the greatest diligence.
Dig. 50,16,162Pomponius libro secundo ad Sabinum. In vulgari substitutione, qua ei qui ‘supremus’ morietur heres substituitur, recte substitutus etiam unico intellegitur, exemplo duodecim tabularum, ex quibus ‘proximus’ adgnatus et solus habetur. 1Si quis ita in testamento scripserit ‘si quid filio meo acciderit, dama servus meus liber esto’, mortuo filio dama liber erit. licet enim ‘accidunt’ et vivis, sed vulgi sermone etiam mors significatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book II. An ordinary substitution, by which an heir is substituted “for him who may die last,” is understood to have been made legally if there should be only one heir, in accordance with the Law of the Twelve Tables, by which, when there is only one heir, he is referred to as the next of kin. 1Where a testator makes the following provision in his will, “If anything should happen to my son, let my slave Damas be free,” and the son should die, Damas will become free; for although an accident may also happen to the living, death is understood by this expression, according to the ordinary signification of the language.