Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XIX
Dig. 9,2,43Pomponius libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Ob id, quod ante quam hereditatem adires damnum admissum in res hereditarias est, legis Aquiliae actionem habes, quod post mortem eius, cui heres sis, acciderit: dominum enim lex Aquilia appellat non utique eum, qui tunc fuerit, cum damnum daretur: nam isto modo ne ab eo quidem, cui heres quis erit, transire ad eum ea actio poterit: neque ob id, quod tum commissum fuerit, cum in hostium potestate esses, agere postliminio reversus poteris: et hoc aliter constitui sine magna captione postumorum liberorum, qui parentibus heredes erunt, non poterit. eadem dicemus et de arboribus eodem tempore furtim caesis. puto eadem dici posse etiam de hac actione quod vi aut clam, si modo quis aut prohibitus fecerit, aut apparuerit eum intellegere debuisse ab eis, ad quos ea hereditas pertineret, si rescissent, prohibitum iri.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIX. You are entitled to an action under the Lex Aquilia on account of damage committed against an estate before you entered upon it as heir, even though this took place after the death of the party whose heir you are; for the Lex Aquilia designates as owner not merely the person who was so at the time when the damage was committed; for under these circumstances the right of action could not pass to him from the party whose heir he was, since this would be the same case as where you have been in the power of the enemy and, having returned, can not bring suit under the right of postliminium for what had taken place during your captivity; and no other rule than this can be established without great disadvantage to posthumous children who become the heirs of their parents. We hold that the same rule applies with reference to trees which have been cut by stealth during the same time. I am of the opinion that this also applies to the proceeding Quod vi aut clam, provided the party committed the act after he had been notified not to do so, or it is apparent that he should have known that he would have been notified by the parties to whom the estate belonged if they had been aware of what he was going to do.
Dig. 13,7,5Pomponius libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Idque iuris est, sive omnino fuerint pacti, ne veneat, sive in summa aut condicione aut loco contra pactionem factum sit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIX. The same rule of law applies whether it was agreed that no sale should be made at all, or where something has been done in violation of the agreement, either with reference to the amount, the condition, or the place where the property was to be sold.
Dig. 21,2,30Idem libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si emptori, qui stipulatus sit furtis noxisque solutum esse, heres exstiterit is, cui servus furtum fecerit, incipit is ex stipulatu actionem habere, quemadmodum si ipse alii praestitisset.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XIX. Where he who stipulated with the purchaser that the slave was free from liability for theft or damages, and he from whom the slave stole the property becomes the heir of the purchaser, he will immediately be entitled to an action under the stipulation, just as if he himself had made good the amount of a theft committed against someone else.
Dig. 46,3,17Idem libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Cassius ait, si cui pecuniam dedi, ut eam creditori meo solveret, si suo nomine dederit, neutrum liberari, me, quia non meo nomine data sit, illum, quia alienam dederit: ceterum mandati eum teneri. sed si creditor eos nummos sine dolo malo consumpsisset, is, qui suo nomine eos solvisset, liberatur, ne, si aliter observaretur, creditor in lucro versaretur.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XIX. Cassius says that if I have given money to anyone to enable him to pay my creditor, and he pays it in his own name, neither of the parties will be released. I will not be, because it was not paid in my name, and he will not be, because he paid what was belonging to another, but he will be liable under the mandate. If, however, the creditor should spend the money without being guilty of fraud, he who paid it in his own name will be released, for fear that, if it were decided otherwise, the creditor might profit by the transaction.
Dig. 47,2,35Pomponius libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si quis perferendum acceperit et scierit furtivum esse, constat, si deprehendatur, ipsum dumtaxat furem manifestum esse, si nescierit, neutrum, hunc, quia fur non sit, furem, quia deprehensus non sit. 1Si unus servus tuus hausisset et abstulisset, alter hauriendo deprehensus esset, prioris nomine nec manifesti, alterius manifesti teneberis.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIX. If anyone should receive an article for the purpose of transporting it, knowing it to have been stolen, it is established that if he is arrested with it in his possession, he alone is the manifest thief, but if he was not aware that it had been stolen, neither of the parties is a manifest thief; the latter because he is not a thief, and the thief himself, because he was not arrested with the goods in his possession. 1If one of your slaves has drunk and carried away wine, and another has been caught drinking the wine, you will hold the former liable for non-manifest theft, and the latter for manifest theft.
Dig. 47,2,37Pomponius libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si pavonem meum mansuetum, cum de domo mea effugisset, persecutus sis, quoad is perit, agere tecum furti ita potero, si aliquis eum habere coeperit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIX. If you follow a tame peacock which has escaped from my house until he is lost, I can bring an action for theft against you, as soon as anyone seizes it.
Dig. 47,2,44Pomponius libro nono decimo ad Sabinum. Si iussu debitoris ab alio falsus procurator creditoris accepit, debitori iste tenetur furti et nummi debitoris erunt. 1Si rem meam quasi tuam tibi tradidero scienti meam esse, magis est furtum te facere, si lucrandi animo id feceris. 2Si servus hereditarius nondum adita hereditate furtum heredi fecerit, qui testamento domini manumissus est, furti actio adversus eum competit, quia nullo tempore heres dominus eius factus est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIX. If, by order of a debtor, a false agent should receive money from another, a debtor of the said debtor, he will be liable to the debtor for theft, and the money will belong to the latter. 1If I deliver my property to you as yours, and you know that it is mine, the better opinion is to hold that you are guilty of theft, if you did this with the intention of profiting by it. 2If a slave belonging to an estate which has not yet been accepted, steals something from the heir, and is manumitted by the will of his master, an action for theft will lie against him, because the heir was at no time his master.