Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 17,2,40Idem libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Heres socii quamvis socius non est, tamen ea, quae per defunctum inchoata sunt per heredem explicari debent: in quibus dolus eius admitti potest.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XVII. The heir of a partner, although he is not a partner, should nevertheless finish what has been left incomplete by the deceased; and, in this instance, any bad faith of which he may be guilty can be taken into consideration.
Dig. 18,1,26Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Si sciens emam ab eo cui bonis interdictum sit vel cui tempus ad deliberandum de hereditate ita datum sit, ut ei deminuendi potestas non sit, dominus non ero: dissimiliter atque si a debitore sciens creditorem fraudari emero.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. If I, knowingly, purchase anything from a person whose property is forbidden to be sold, or from one to whom time has been granted to decide whether or not he will accept an estate, in such terms that he has no authority to diminish the assets of the estate; I will not become the owner of said property. The case will be different, however, if I purchase property from a debtor knowing that his creditor was being defrauded.
Dig. 26,1,5Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Cum semel petitus sit talis curator, quamdiu is curator maneat, alius in eandem litem curator peti non potest. 1Etsi Titius verbi gratia adversus Seium curator petitus sit, idem Titius adversus alium tutorem dari poterit, ut ex diversis causis unus duorum curatorum locum optineat. quod quidem et adversus eundem accidet, si in diversas lites in diversis temporibus idem petatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. Where a curator of this kind has once been asked for, he will remain in office until the suit is disposed of, and another curator cannot be asked for in the same proceeding. 1And if, for example, the appointment of Titius is asked for, as against Seius, this same Titius can be appointed to conduct the case against another guardian, so that in different cases one curator will take the place of two. This may happen, indeed, with reference to the same guardian, if the same curator is appointed for the conduct of different cases at different times.
Dig. 26,2,13Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Et si datus fuerit, tota datio nihil valebit,
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. And if one should be appointed under such conditions, the entire appointment will be void:
Dig. 26,7,17Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Qui iussus est ab eo, qui ius iubendi habet, tutelam gerere, si cessasset, ex quo iussus est indemnem pupillum praestare debebit, non ex quo tutor esse coepit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. Where a guardian is ordered to administer the guardianship by someone who has authority to do so, and he fails to comply with the order, he should indemnify his ward from that date, and not from the time when he was appointed guardian.
Dig. 26,8,4Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Etsi pluribus datis tutoribus unius auctoritas sufficiat, tamen si tutor auctoretur, cui administratio tutelae concessa non est, id ratum a praetore haberi non debet. et ideo puto verius esse, quod Ofilio placebat, si eo tutore auctore, qui tutelam non gerat, emam a pupillo sciens alium eius tutelam gerere, dominum me non posse fieri: item si eo auctore emam, qui a tutela fuerit remotus: nec enim id ratum haberi.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. Although where there are several guardians, the authorization of one is sufficient; still, if it should be granted by one who has not been entrusted with the administration of the guardianship, it should not be ratified by the Prætor. Therefore, I think that the better one is the opinion of Ofilius, who held that if I make a purchase from a ward by the authority of the guardian who is not administering the trust, being aware that another was administering it, I cannot become the owner of the article sold. The same rule applies if I should make such a purchase with the authority of a guardian who has been removed from office, for such a transaction should not be ratified.
Dig. 26,8,6Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Tutores, quibus administratio decreta non esset, tamquam extraneos recte a pupillo emere placet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. It has been decided that guardians upon whom the administration has not been conferred by a decree, can legally purchase property from a ward, just as strangers can do.
Dig. 27,7,1Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Quamvis heres tutoris tutor non est, tamen ea quae per defunctum inchoata sunt per heredem, si legitimae aetatis et masculus sit, explicari debent: in quibus dolus eius admitti potest. 1Quod penes tutorem fuit, heres quoque eius reddere debet: quod apud pupillum is reliquerit si heres capit, non quidem crimine caret, sed extra tutelam est et utili actione hoc reddere compellitur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. Although the heir of a guardian does not succeed to his position, the business of deceased which remains unfinished must be settled by the heir, if he is a male and of lawful age, and under such circumstances he can commit fraud. 1The heir must deliver to the ward whatever was in the hands of the guardian. If the heir should take anything left by the deceased in the hands of the ward, he will not be free from criminal liability; for this has nothing to do with guardianship, and he can be compelled by a prætorian action to surrender it.
Dig. 39,5,4Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Etiam per interpositam personam donatio consummari potest.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book LXXII. A donation can be completed even by a party who intervenes.
Dig. 41,3,28Pomponius libro septimo decimo ad Sabinum. Si servo furiosi vel infantis res tradita sit, usu per eum eas personas capere posse constat.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XVII. It is established that where property is delivered to the slave of an insane person, or an infant, the latter can obtain it by usucaption through the slave.