Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XV
Dig. 11,7,26Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Nec aere alieno deducto.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Nor debts deducted.
Dig. 11,7,28Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Quod si nulla dos esset, tunc omnem inpensam patrem praestare debere Atilicinus ait aut heredes eius mulieris, puta emancipatae. quod si neque heredes habeat neque pater solvendo sit, maritum in quantum facere potest pro hoc conveniri, ne iniuria eius videretur quondam uxorem eius insepultam relinqui.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where there is no dowry, then Atilicinus says that the father must pay the entire expense; or else the heir of the woman, if she was emancipated, should do so. If, however, there are no heirs, and the father should not be solvent, suit can be brought against the husband to the extent of his property, in order that it may not appear due to his bad behavior that his wife was left unburied.
Dig. 11,7,30Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Contra quoque quod pater in funus filiae inpendit aut alio agente secum funeraticia praestitit, ipse actione de dote a marito recipit. 1Sed si emancipata in matrimonio decedat, collaturos heredes bonorumve possessores et patrem pro portione dotis quam recipit et virum pro portione dotis quam lucratus est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. On the other hand, whatever the father has expended on the funeral of his daughter, or paid on account of a funeral action having been brought against him by another, he can recover from the husband in an action of dowry. 1But where an emancipated married woman dies during coverture, her heirs, or the possessors of the property of her estate will be compelled to contribute, as well as her father in proportion to the amount of the dowry which he has received, and her husband in proportion to the amount of the dowry by which he has profited.
Dig. 12,6,16Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Sub condicione debitum per errorem solutum pendente quidem condicione repetitur, condicione autem exsistente repeti non potest. 1Quod autem sub incerta die debetur, die exsistente non repetitur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a debt dependent upon a condition is paid by mistake, then, so long as the condition is pending, suit can be brought for its recovery; but if the condition has taken place, an action cannot be brought for it. 1But where something is to be delivered at an uncertain time, it cannot be recovered after that time has elapsed.
Dig. 18,5,1Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Celsus filius putabat, si vendidisset mihi filius familias rem peculiarem, etiam, si conveniat ut abeatur ab ea venditione, inter patrem et filium et me convenire debere, ne, si cum patre solo pactus sim, filius non possit liberari et quaeratur, utrumne nihil agatur ex ea pactione an vero ego quidem liberer, filius maneat obligatus, sicuti, si pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate paciscatur, ipse quidem liberatur, non etiam qui cum eo pactus est. nam quod Aristo dixit posse ita pacisci, ut unus maneat obligatus, non est verum, quia pro una parte contrahentium abiri pacto ab emptione non possit: et ideo si ab una parte renovatus sit contractus, dicitur non valere eiusmodi pactionem. sed dicendum est patre paciscente et liberato adversario filium quoque obiter liberari.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Celsus, the younger, was of the opinion that if a son under paternal control should sell me property which formed part of his peculium, even though an agreement was made that the sale should be annulled, it ought to be entered into between the father, the son, and myself; for if I made the agreement with the father alone, the son would not be released from liability; and it was asked whether such a contract would not be absolutely void, or whether, in fact, I would not be released and the son remain bound; as, for instance, in the case where a ward made a contract without the authority of his guardian, he himself would be released, but the party with whom he made the contract would not be. For what Aristo stated is not true, namely, that a contract could be entered into so that only one of the contracting parties would be liable, because one of them cannot annul an agreement for a sale; therefore, if the contract is renewed by one party, it is held that such an agreement is not valid. It must, however, be said that where a father makes a contract, and the other party is released from liability, the son will also be released at the same time.
Dig. 23,3,24Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Si filia familias nuptura ex peculio, cuius administrationem habet, dotem viro dedit, deinde, cum in eadem causa peculium eius esset, divortium fecerit, dos ei recte solvitur quasi a quolibet peculiari debitore.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a daughter under paternal control, who is about to marry, gives a dowry to her future husband out of her own peculium, of which she has the management; and then, while the peculium remains in the same condition, a divorce takes place, the dowry can be lawfully repaid to her, just as a debt from the peculium of any other debtor.
Dig. 23,4,7Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Cum dos filiae nomine datur, optimum est pactum conventum cum utroque generum facere, quamquam initio dotis dandae legem quam velit etiam citra personam mulieris is qui dat dicere possit. si vero post datam pacisci velit, utriusque persona in paciscendo necessaria est, quoniam iam adquisita mulieri dos tum esset. quo casu si solus pater pactus esset sine filia, sive solus agat sive adiuncta filiae persona, ei soli nocebit et proderit pactum conventum nec, si sola filia aget, neque proderit neque nocebit ei. si vero filia sola pacta fuerit, quo pacto melior condicio patris fiet, proderit et patri, quoniam per filiam patri adquiri potest, per patrem filiae non potest. si vero sic pacta sit filia, ut noceat, ipsi quandoque filiae agenti nocebit pactum, patri vero nullo modo nocebit, nisi adiecta quoque filiae persona experiatur. dicendum est paciscendo filiam patris condicionem deteriorem facere non posse eo casu, quo mortua ea in matrimonio dos ad patrem reversura est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a dowry is given in behalf of a daughter, it is best for the son-in-law to make an agreement with both parties; although, in the beginning, when a dowry is given, the father can impose any condition which he wishes, without considering the person of the woman. But if, after the dowry has been given, he wishes to make an agreement, both parties must be considered when this is done, since the dowry has already been acquired by the woman. In this instance, the father either makes the agreement without his daughter, or alone, or he does so after haying called his daughter in, and the agreement will either benefit or injure no one but himself. If, however, the daughter alone enters into a contract by which the condition of her father becomes improved, it will also benefit him, since he can acquire property by means of his daughter, while a daughter cannot do this through her father. But where the contract made by the daughter in injurious, while it may prejudice her rights, it will in no way be disadvantageous to the father, unless he institutes proceedings together with his daughter. It must be said that the daughter can never, by making any agreement, cause the condition of her father to become worse, as in case she should die during marriage the dowry will revert to her father.
Dig. 24,3,1Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Dotium causa semper et ubique praecipua est: nam et publice interest dotes mulieribus conservari, cum dotatas esse feminas ad subolem procreandam replendamque liberis civitatem maxime sit necessarium.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. The cause of the dowry always and everywhere takes precedence, for it is to the public interest for dowries to be preserved to wives, as it is absolutely necessary that women should be endowed for the procreation of progeny, and to furnish the state with freeborn citizens.
Dig. 24,3,4Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Si pater sine consensu filiae dotem a viro exegisset et eandem alii viro eius filiae nomine dedisset et mortuo patre filia cum priore viro ageret, doli mali exceptione repellitur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a father collects a dowry from the husband of the daughter without her consent, and gives it to her second husband in her name, and the father, having died, the daughter brings an action against her first husband, she will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 24,3,10Idem libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Si ab hostibus capta filia, quae nupta erat et dotem a patre profectam habebat, ibi decesserit, puto dicendum perinde observanda omnia ac si nupta decessisset, ut, etiamsi in potestate non fuerit patris, dos ab eo profecta reverti ad eum debeat. 1Si vir uxorem suam occiderit, dotis actionem heredibus uxoris dandam esse Proculus ait, et recte: non enim aequum est virum ob facinus suum dotem sperare lucrifacere. idemque et e contrario statuendum est.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a married daughter who was captured by the enemy, and who had a dowry obtained from her father, died in captivity, I think it should be held that the same principle applies as if she had died during marriage; so that, even if she was not under the control of her father, the dowry will revert to him from whom it had been derived. 1Proculus says that where a man kills his wife, an action on dowry should be granted to her heir; and this is perfectly proper, for it is not just that a husband should expect to make a profit out of the dowry as the result of his own crime. The same rule should be observed in the opposite case.
Dig. 33,2,6Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Si usus fructus mihi in biennium continuum a morte testatoris legatus sit et per heredem steterit, quo minus eum mihi daret, praeterito biennio nihilo minus tenetur (quemadmodum teneretur, si res legata in rerum natura esse desisset, quam quis deberet, moratusque esset in ea danda), ut peti quidem iam usus fructus qui legatus sit non possit, quia alius futurus sit quam qui legatus fuerit, sed aestimatio eius bima dumtaxat facienda sit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. If an usufruct should be bequeathed to me to be enjoyed for two years after the death of the testator, and, I am prevented from enjoying it through the fault of the heir, he will still be liable after the two years have elapsed; just as anyone will be liable where property due under a legacy is destroyed, and he was in default in delivering the same. Hence this usufruct cannot be claimed, because it is different from the one which was bequeathed, but its value for two years should be computed, and paid to the usufructuary.
Dig. 38,1,10Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Servus patroni a liberto male ita stipulatur: ‘operas mihi dare spondes?’ itaque patrono dari stipulandum est. 1Libertus operarum nomine ita iurando ‘patrono aut Lucio Titio’ solvere Lucio Titio non potest, ut a patrono liberetur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. The slave of a patron cannot make the following stipulation with reference to a freedman: “Do you promise to render me your services?” Hence the stipulation should be made for the services to be rendered to his patron. 1Where a freedman takes the following oath with reference to his services, “I swear to render my services to my patron, or to Lucius Titius,” he cannot be released from those which he owes to his patron by rendering his services to Lucius Titius.
Dig. 38,1,12Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. quia aliae operae erunt, quae Lucio Titio dantur. sed si libertatis causa pecuniam promittat libertus egenti patrono aut Titio, omnimodo adiectio Titii valet.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Because the services rendered to Lucius Titius are different from those to which the patron is entitled. Where, however, the freedman promises a certain sum of money to his patron, who is poor, in consideration of receiving his freedom, or promises it to Titius, the addition of the name of Titius will certainly be valid.
Dig. 44,7,7Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Actiones adversus patrem filio praestari non possunt, dum in potestate eius est filius.
Ad Dig. 44,7,7Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 335, Note 23.Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Actions cannot be granted to a son against his father as long as he remains under his control.
Dig. 45,1,19Idem libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Si stipulatio facta fuerit: ‘si culpa tua divortium factum fuerit, dari?’, nulla stipulatio est, quia contenti esse debemus poenis legum comprehensis: nisi si et stipulatio tantundem habeat poenae, quanta lege sit comprehensa.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a stipulation is made as follows, “If a divorce takes place through your fault, do you promise to pay?” the stipulation is void, because we should be content with the penalties imposed by the laws, unless the stipulation imposes the same penalty as that prescribed by law.
Dig. 45,1,21Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Si divortio facto ea, quae nihil in dote habeat, dotis nomine centum dari stipuletur, vel quae centum dumtaxat habeat, ducenta dotis nomine dari stipuletur: Proculus ait, si ducenta stipuletur quae centum habeat, sine dubio centum quidem in obligationem venire, alia autem centum actione de dote deberi. dicendum itaque est, etiamsi nihil sit in dote, centum tamen venire in stipulationem, sicuti, cum filiae vel matri vel sorori vel alii cuilibet dotis nomine legaretur, utile legatum esset.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. If, after a divorce has taken place, the woman who owes nothing as dowry stipulates that she should be paid a hundred aurei as her dowry, or one who is entitled to only a hundred aurei stipulates that two hundred shall be given her by way of dowry, Proculus says that if she who is entitled to a hundred stipulates for two hundred, there is no doubt that the stipulation will call for a hundred; and that the other hundred can be collected by an action on dowry. Therefore, it must be said that if there is nothing due as dowry, a hundred aurei can be collected under the stipulation; just as when a legacy is bequeathed by way of dowry to a daughter, a mother, a sister, or anyone else whomsoever, it will be valid.
Dig. 46,3,16Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Sub condicione debitori si acceptum feratur, postea condicione existente intellegitur iam olim liberatus. et hoc etiam si solutio re fiat, accidere Aristo dicebat. scripsit enim, si quis, qui sub condicione pecuniam promisit, dedit eam ea condicione, ut, si condicio exstitisset, in solutum cederet, existente condicione liberari eum nec obstare, quod ante eius pecunia facta est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. If a release is granted to a debtor conditionally, and the condition is afterwards complied with, he will be understood to have been released some time before. Aristo says that this takes place even should payment actually be made, for he holds that if anyone promises money under a condition, and pays it with the understanding that if the condition should be complied with payment shall be considered to have been made, and the condition is fulfilled, he will be released; and no objection can be raised because the money previously became the property of the creditor.
Dig. 46,6,9Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum. Cum pupillus a tutore stipulatur rem salvam fore, non solum quae in patrimonio habet, sed etiam quae in nominibus sunt ea stipulatione videntur contineri: quod enim in tutelae iudicium venit, hoc et ea stipulatione continetur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XV. Where a ward stipulates with his guardian that his property shall remain secure, not only his patrimony, but also any credits, are considered to be included in the stipulation; for whatever can become the subject of an action on guardianship is embraced in this agreement.