Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 22,5,10Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Nullus idoneus testis in re sua intellegitur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. No one is held to be a competent witness in his own case.
Dig. 28,2,8Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Si Primo herede instituto filium exheredavero, a Secundo autem substituto non exheredavero et, dum pendet, an prior aditurus sit, filius decesserit, secundum sententiam qua utimur non erit Secundus heres, quasi ab initio inutiliter institutus, cum ab eo filius exheredatus non sit. quod si in postumo filio idem acciderit, ut natus vivo patre a quo exheredatus sit moriatur, eadem dicenda erunt de substituto, quoniam cum est natus filius, loco eius est, qui superstes est.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. If I disinherit my son by the appointment of an heir in the first degree, but do not disinherit him from the second degree of substitution, and if, while the first heir appointed is hesitating whether he will enter upon the estate or not, the son should die, the second heir, according to the rule which we have adopted, will have no rights under the will on account of having been improperly appointed in the beginning, since the son was not disinherited from the second degree. If this should occur in the case of a posthumous child, so that it is born during the lifetime of the father, by whom it was disinherited, and it should afterwards die, the same rule must be held to apply with reference to the substituted heir, since when this child was born he occupied the place of the one who survived.
Dig. 28,2,10Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Commodissime is qui nondum natus est ita heres instituitur: ‘sive vivo me sive mortuo natus fuerit, heres esto’, aut etiam pure neutrius temporis habita mentione. si alteruter casus omissus fuerit, eo casu qui omissus sit natus rumpit testamentum, quia hic filius nec sub condicione quidem scriptus heres intellegitur, qui in hunc casum nascitur, qui non est testamento adprehensus.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. A child that is yet unborn may very conveniently be appointed an heir, in the following terms: “If, during my lifetime or after my death, a child should be born to me, I appoint him my heir”; or this may be done absolutely, without making mention of either time. If either of these contingencies is omitted, and the child is born, so far as the one which is omitted is concerned the will will be broken, because the said child is not understood to have been born subject to the condition under which it was appointed heir by the will.
Dig. 28,5,21Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Trebatius ait sic non recte scribi: ‘quisquis mihi heres erit, Stichus liber et heres esto’, liberum tamen futurum. Labeo et heredem eum futurum recte putat. 1Servo libertatem pure, hereditatem sub condicione dari posse verissimum puto, ut tamen utrumque ex condicione pendeat:
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. Trebatius says that the following is not correctly stated: “Whoever shall be my heir, let Stichus be free and my heir”, but that the slave will, nevertheless, become free. Labeo holds, and very properly, that he will also be the heir. 1I think it very probable that freedom can be absolutely granted to a slave, and that the estate can, at the same time, be bequeathed under some condition, in such a way, however, that both provisions will depend upon the condition.
Dig. 28,5,23Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Si quis instituatur heres in diem certum vel incertum, is bonorum possessionem agnoscere potest et tamquam heres distrahere hereditatem. 1Sed si bonorum possessionem non admittat, sed condicionem trahat, cui facile parere possit, veluti ‘si servum quem in potestate habeat manumiserit’ nec manumittat, hic praetoris erunt partes, ut imitetur edictum suum illud, quo praefinit tempus, intra quod adeatur hereditas. 2Item si condicioni heres parere non poterit, quam in sua potestate non habebit, veluti institutione collata in alterius factum aut quendam casum, ‘si ille’ puta ‘consul factus fuerit’, tunc postulantibus creditoribus constituet praetor, nisi intra certum tempus hereditas optigerit aditaque fuerit, se bona defuncti creditoribus possidere iussurum et interim quae urguebunt per procuratores distrahi iussurum. 3Sed si sub condicione quis heres institutus sit et grave aes alienum sit, quod ex poena crescit, et maxime si publicum debitum imminet: per procuratorem solvendum aes alienum, sicuti cum venter in possessione sit aut pupillus heres tutorem non habeat. 4Et ideo ait causae cognitionem adiectam propter eos, qui sine dilatione peregre essent vel aegritudine vel valetudine ita impedirentur, ut in ius produci non possint, nec tamen defenderentur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. Where an heir is appointed for a time which is either certain or uncertain, he can claim possession of the estate, and can dispose of it as the heir. 1But if he should not claim possession of the estate, but postpones compliance with the condition, which he can very easily carry out (for instance, if the condition was that he should manumit a slave who is under his control, but he does not do so), in this case it is the duty of the Prætor to issue his edict designating the time within which the heir shall enter upon the estate. 2Likewise, if the heir cannot comply with the condition because it is not in his power (for instance, when it consists of something to be done by another, or depends upon some uncertain event, for example: “If he should become Consul”); and the Prætor should then decide, upon application of the creditors, that unless the estate was accepted and entered upon within a certain time, he would direct the said creditors of the estate to take possession of the property of the deceased, and, in the meantime, would order any of the property which it was necessary to dispose of to be sold by agents appointed for that purpose. 3Where, however, an heir is appointed under a condition, and the indebtedness of the estate is considerable, and is liable to be increased by the imposition of penalties, and especially where there is a public debt, the indebtedness should be discharged by means of an agent, just as where an unborn child is in possession of the estate, or there is a minor heir who has no guardian. 4And therefore he says that an investigation should be made with reference to those heirs who are absent, without wilfully being in default; but who are prevented either by acute or chronic illness from coming into court, and have no one to appear in their defence.
Dig. 28,6,13Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Quo gradu heres liberis substituatur, nihil interest.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XIII. It makes no difference in what degree an heir may be substituted for children.
Dig. 40,2,1Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Apud praetorem eundemque tutorem posse pupillum ipso auctore manumittere constat.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. It is settled that a ward can, with the authority of his guardian in the presence of the Prætor, manumit his slave as well as before the said guardian acting as Prætor.
Dig. 40,4,3Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Nec militi minori annis viginti permittitur posse testamento suo servum manumittere.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. A minor of twenty years of age, who is in the army, is not permitted to manumit his slave by will.
Dig. 46,2,3Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Cui bonis interdictum est, novare obligationem suam non potest, nisi meliorem suam condicionem fecerit.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. A person who has been deprived of the management of his property cannot renew his obligation, unless he renders his position better.
Dig. 48,2,1Pomponius libro primo ad Sabinum. Non est permissum mulieri publico iudicio quemquam reum facere, nisi scilicet parentium liberorumque et patroni et patronae et eorum filii filiae nepotis neptis mortem exequatur.
Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book I. A woman is not permitted to accuse anyone in a criminal case unless she does so on account of the death of her parents or children, her patron or patroness, and their son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter.