Regularum liber singularis
Dig. 8,1,17Pomponius libro singulari regularum. Viae itineris actus aquae ductus pars in obligationem deduci non potest, quia usus eorum indivisus est: et ideo si stipulator decesserit pluribus heredibus relictis, singuli solidam viam petunt: et si promissor decesserit pluribus heredibus relictis, a singulis heredibus solida petitio est.
Pomponius, Rules. A share in a right of way, or a pathway, or a driveway for cattle, or a water-course, cannot be made the subject of an obligation, because the use of these things is undivided; and therefore where a stipulator dies leaving several heirs, anyone of them can bring an action for the entire right of way; and if the party promising dies leaving several heirs, an action can be brought for the entire right against any one of them individually.
Dig. 12,2,41Pomponius libro singulari regularum. Labeo etiam absenti et ignoranti iurisiurandi gratiam fieri posse respondit: sed et per epistulam gratia iurisiurandi fieri potest.
Dig. 28,1,16Pomponius libro singulari regularum. Filius familias et servus alienus et postumus et surdus testamenti factionem habere dicuntur: licet enim testamentum facere non possunt, attamen ex testamento vel sibi vel aliis adquirere possunt. 1Marcellus notat: furiosus quoque testamenti factionem habet, licet testamentum facere non potest: ideo autem habet testamenti factionem, quia potest sibi adquirere legatum vel fideicommissum: nam etiam compotibus mentis personales actiones etiam ignorantibus adquiruntur.
Pomponius, Rules. It is held that a son under paternal control, the slave of another, a posthumous child, and a deaf person, have the right to take under a will; for, although they cannot execute one, still they can acquire property by a will, either for themselves or for others. 1Marcellus observes that an insane person also has the right to take under a will although he cannot execute one; hence a party is understood to possess this right, because he can acquire for himself either a legacy or a trust, for the right to bring a personal action is also acquired by parties that are not aware of the fact, but who are of sound mind.
Dig. 35,1,35Pomponius libro singulari regularum. Levissima libertatis condicio ea intellegenda est, quae ad libertatem perducit, quamvis natura gravior et durior sit.
Dig. 44,7,24Pomponius libro singulari regularum. Si a furioso, cum eum compotem mentis esse putarem, pecuniam quasi mutuam acceperim eaque in rem meam versa fuerit, condictio furioso adquiritur: nam ex quibus causis ignorantibus nobis actiones adquiruntur, ex isdem etiam furiosi nomine incipit agi posse: veluti cum servus eius stipulatur, cum furtum ei fit, aut damnum ei dando in legem Aquiliam committitur, aut si forte, cum creditor fuerat, fraudandi eius causa debitor alicui rem tradiderit. idemque erit, si legetur ei vel fideicommissum ei relinquatur. 1Item si is, qui servo alieno crediderat, furere coeperit, deinde servus in rem domini id quod mutuum acceperat verterit, furioso condictio adquiritur. 2Item si alienam pecuniam credendi causa quis dederit, deinde compos mentis esse desierit, postea consumpta ea furioso condictio adquiritur. 3Et qui negotia furiosi gesserit, negotiorum gestorum ei obligatur.
Pomponius, Rules. If I borrow a sum of money from an insane person, believing that he is of sound mind, and I employ that money for my own benefit, the insane person will be entitled to an action to recover it. For, as rights of action are acquired by us under certain circumstances, when we are not aware of the fact, so, under similar circumstances, actions can be brought in the name of insane persons; for example, if the slave of such a person enters into a stipulation, or property is stolen from him, or he is injured in such a way that suit can be brought under the Aquilian Law; or if he is a creditor, and his debtor should convey property to someone with the intention of defrauding him. The same rule is applicable where a legacy is bequeathed to an insane person, or property is left to him under the terms of a trust. 1Likewise, if anyone who has lent money to the slave of another afterwards becomes insane, and the slave employs the borrowed money for his master’s benefit, the insane person will be entitled to an action to recover it. 2Again, if anyone who has lent money belonging to another should afterwards become insane, and the money be expended, an action to recover it will be acquired by the insane person. 3Anyone who transacts the business of an insane person is liable to him in an action on the ground of voluntary agency.