Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 7,4,22Pomponius libro sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Si mulieri usus domus legatus sit et illa trans mare profecta sit et constituto tempore ad amittendum usum afuerit, maritus vero domo usus fuerit, retinetur nihilo minus usus, quemadmodum si familiam suam in domu reliquisset eaque peregrinaretur. et hoc magis dicendum est, si uxorem in domu reliquerit maritus, cum ipsi marito usus domus legatus sit.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book VI. Where the use of a house is bequeathed to a woman, and she goes beyond sea and is absent for the time established by law for the loss of the use, but her husband uses the house, the use is, nevertheless, retained; just as if she had left her slaves in her house, and herself had travelled in foreign countries. This must be stated even more forcibly if a husband leaves his wife at home, where the use of the house was bequeathed to the husband himself.
Dig. 12,6,51Idem libro sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Ex quibus causis retentionem quidem habemus, petitionem autem non habemus, ea si solverimus, repetere non possumus.
Ad Dig. 12,6,51Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 426, Note 12.The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book VI. In those cases in which we have a right of retention of property but no right of action to recover the same, if we deliver said property we cannot sue to recover it.
Dig. 46,3,81Idem libro sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Si stipulatus sim mihi aut Titio dari, si Titius decesserit, heredi eius solvere non poteris. 1Si lancem deposuerit apud me Titius et pluribus heredibus relictis decesserit: si pars heredum me interpellet, optimum quidem esse, si praetor aditus iussisset me parti heredum eam lancem tradere, quo casu depositi me reliquis coheredibus non teneri. sed et si sine praetore sine dolo malo hoc fecero, liberabor aut (quod verius est) non incidam in obligationem. optimum autem est id per magistratum facere.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book VI. If I stipulate for payment to myself or to Titius, and Titius should die, you cannot pay his heir. 1If Titius should deposit a dish in my hands, and die leaving several heirs, and some of them notify me to deliver it, the best thing will be for the Prætor, after having been applied to, to order me to deliver the dish to some of the heirs, under which circumstances I will not be liable for the deposit to the remaining ones; but if I deliver it, in good faith and without having been ordered to do so by the Prætor, I will be released; or, what is more true, I will not be liable to the obligation resulting from the deposit. The best course to pursue, however, is to do this by the order of the magistrate.
Dig. 50,16,121Idem libro sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Usura pecuniae, quam percipimus, in fructu non est, quia non ex ipso corpore, sed ex alia causa est, id est nova obligatione.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book VI. The interest on money which we collect is not included in the term “profits,” because it is not derived from the property itself, but from another source, that is to say, from a new obligation.