Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XXXVI
Dig. 44,7,57Idem libro trigesimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. In omnibus negotiis contrahendis, sive bona fide sint sive non sint, si error aliquis intervenit, ut aliud sentiat puta qui emit aut qui conducit, aliud qui cum his contrahit, nihil valet quod acti sit. et idem in societate quoque coeunda respondendum est, ut, si dissentiant aliud alio existimante, nihil valet ea societas, quae in consensu consistit.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXVI. In all agreements which have been made, whether they were entered into in good faith or not, if any mistake has arisen through a misunderstanding of the parties, that is, if he who purchased or leased the property differed in opinion from him with whom he made the contract, the transaction will be void. The same rule should be adopted in the formation of a partnership, so that if the partners think differently, one holding one opinion and the other another, the partnership will not be valid, as it depends upon the consent of the parties.