Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XXXIII
Dig. 43,26,13Pomponius libro trigensimo tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Si servus tuus tuo mandato precario rogaverit vel ratum habueris quod ille rogavit tuo nomine, teneberis, quasi precario habeas. sed si te ignorante suo nomine vel servus vel filius rogaverit, non videris tu precario habere, sed illi erit actio de peculio vel de in rem verso.
Paulus, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXIII. If your slave should request that property be granted him under a precarious tenure, and this is done by your order, or you ratify his request in your own name, you will be liable as holding the property in this manner. If, however, your slave or your son should make a request in his own responsibility, without your knowledge, you will not be considered to hold the property under a precarious tenure, but the person who granted it will be entitled to proceed against you by the action De peculia, or by that for property employed for the benefit of another.
Dig. 45,3,40Idem libro trigensimo tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Quidquid contraxit servus, dum nobis servit, etiam si stipulationem contulit in alienationem vel manumissionem suam, tamen nobis id adquisitum erit, quia potestas eius tunc, cum id contraheret, nostra fuit. idque est, si filius familias contrahat: namque etiam quod in emancipationis suae tempus contulerit, nobis debebitur, si tamen dolo malo id fecerit.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXIII. Any obligation which a slave has contracted while in our service, although the effect of the stipulation may have been deferred until the time of his alienation or manumission, he will still acquire for our benefit; because when he made the contract his power to do so was ours. The same rule applies where a son under paternal control enters into an agreement, for even if he should postpone its accomplishment until the time of his emancipation, we shall be entitled to the benefit of the same; provided, however, that he acted fraudulently.