Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XXXII
Dig. 8,2,29Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Si quid igitur ex eo foramine, ex quo servitus non consistit, damnum vicinus sensisset, dicendum est damni infecti stipulationem locum habere.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXII. Hence, if the neighbor suffers damage as the result of such an opening as has been mentioned and with reference to which no servitude exists; it must be said that there is good ground for a stipulation providing against threatened injury.
Dig. 8,3,14Pomponius libro trigensimo secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Per quem locum viam alii cessero, per eundem alii aquae ductum cedere non potero: sed et si aquae ductum alii concessero, alii iter per eundem locum vendere vel alias cedere non potero.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXII. If I grant a right of way to anyone through a certain place, I cannot grant a water-course to another through the same place; and if I grant a water-course, I cannot sell or grant a footpath to another through the same place.
Dig. 39,3,21Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Si in meo aqua erumpat, quae ex tuo fundo venas habeat, si eas venas incideris et ob id desierit ad me aqua pervenire, tu non videris vi fecisse, si nulla servitus mihi eo nomine debita fuerit, nec interdicto quod vi aut clam teneris.
Ad Dig. 39,3,21Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 465, Note 6a.The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXII. If water which has its source on your land rushes with great force upon mine, and you intercept its course, so that it ceases to flow upon my premises, you will not be considered to have acted with violence, if I was not entitled to any servitude for the use of the water; nor will you be liable to an interdict Quod vi aut clam.