Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XXXI
Dig. 8,3,15Idem libro trigensimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. Quintus Mucius scribit, cum iter aquae vel cottidianae vel aestivae vel quae intervalla longiora habeat per alienum fundum erit, licere fistulam suam vel fictilem vel cuiuslibet generis in rivo ponere, quae aquam latius exprimeret, et quod vellet in rivo facere, licere, dum ne domino praedii aquagium deterius faceret.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. Quintus Mucius says that where a party has the right to conduct water every day, or during the summer, or for longer intervals, through the land of another; he has also the right to place pipes of earthenware or of any other material in the channel, so as to distribute the water more widely, and that he can do whatever he pleases in the channel, provided he does not render the water-course less valuable to the owner of the land.
Dig. 18,1,12Pomponius libro trigesimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. In huiusmodi autem quaestionibus personae ementium et vendentium spectari debent, non eorum, quibus adquiritur ex eo contractu actio: nam si servus meus vel filius qui in mea potestate est me praesente suo nomine emat, non est quaerendum, quid ego existimem, sed quid ille qui contrahit.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. In all the questions above stated, the personality of the purchasers and vendors should be considered, and not that of those through whom the right of action on contract is acquired; for if my slave or my son who is under my control, makes a purchase in his own name, in my presence, the inquiry is not what my opinion is, but what the party who made the contract thinks.
Dig. 18,1,19Idem libro trigensimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. Quod vendidi non aliter fit accipientis, quam si aut pretium nobis solutum sit aut satis eo nomine factum vel etiam fidem habuerimus emptori sine ulla satisfactione.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XLI. What I have sold does not become the property of the purchaser, unless the price has been paid to me, or security has been furnished for payment, or unless we rely upon the good faith of the purchaser without any security.
Dig. 18,1,66Pomponius libro trigensimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. In vendendo fundo quaedam etiam si non dicantur, praestanda sunt, veluti ne fundus evincatur aut usus fructus eius, quaedam ita demum, si dicta sint, veluti viam iter actum aquae ductum praestatu iri: idem et in servitutibus urbanorum praediorum. 1Si cum servitus venditis praediis deberetur nec commemoraverit venditor, sed sciens esse reticuerit et ob id per ignorantiam rei emptor non utendo per statutum tempus eam servitutem amiserit, quidam recte putant venditorem teneri ex empto ob dolum. 2Quintus Mucius scribit, qui scribsit ‘ruta caesa quaeque aedium fundive non sunt’, bis idem scriptum: nam ruta caesa ea sunt quae neque aedium neque fundi sunt.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. In the sale of a tract of land certain things should be guaranteed, even though they may not be contained in the agreement; for example, that the purchaser will not lose the land or the usufruct of the same by the assertion of a superior title. Again, there are certain things which the vendor is not compelled to provide unless they are expressly mentioned; as, for instance, a right of way, a pathway, a road on which to drive cattle, and a water-course. This rule also applies to urban servitudes. 1Where land which is sold is entitled to a servitude, and the vendor did not mention the fact, but, being aware of it, kept silent, and on this account the purchaser of the property, by not making use of the servitude through ignorance during the time established by law, lost it; certain authorities very properly hold that the vendor is liable to an action of purchase on the ground of fraud. 2Quintus Mucius says that anyone who mentions raw materials as not appurtenant to a house or a tract of land, states the same thing twice, for raw materials are things which belong neither to a house nor to land.
Dig. 18,6,18Pomponius libro trigesimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. Illud sciendum est, cum moram emptor adhibere coepit, iam non culpam, sed dolum malum tantum praestandum a venditore. quod si per venditorem et emptorem mora fuerit, Labeo quidem scribit emptori potius nocere quam venditori moram adhibitam, sed videndum est, ne posterior mora damnosa ei sit. quid enim si interpellavero venditorem et non dederit id quod emeram, deinde postea offerente illo ego non acceperim? sane hoc casu nocere mihi deberet. sed si per emptorem mora fuisset, deinde, cum omnia in integro essent, venditor moram adhibuerit, cum posset se exsolvere, aequum est posteriorem moram venditori nocere.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. It must be noted that, as soon as the purchaser begins to be in default, the vendor will be responsible, not for negligence, but only for fraud. If both vendor and purchaser should be in default, Labeo says that the purchaser will be more prejudiced thereby than the vendor. It must, however, be considered, whether the party who is last in default, is not the more prejudiced, for what would be the case if I notify the vendor, and he does not deliver the property which I bought, and then, when he afterwards tenders it, I refuse to accept it? It is clear that, in this instance I should be the one to suffer by the default. But if the default was caused by the purchaser, and then, while everything was intact, the vendor should be in default when he was able to make the delivery, it is only just that he should suffer by the later delay.
Dig. 19,1,14Pomponius libro trigesimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. (id est quo puteum operitur),
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. That is to say by means of which use of the well is obtained.
Dig. 19,1,16Pomponius libro trigesimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. non magis quam pulli aut cetera animalia, quae in fundo sunt.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. Any more than the chickens or other animals on the premises.
Dig. 19,1,40Pomponius libro trigesimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. Quintus Mucius scribit: dominus fundi de praedio arbores stantes vendiderat et pro his rebus pecuniam accepit et tradere nolebat: emptor quaerebat, quid se facere oporteret, et verebatur, ne hae arbores eius non viderentur factae. Pomponius: arborum, quae in fundo continentur, non est separatum corpus a fundo et ideo ut dominus suas specialiter arbores vindicare emptor non poterit: sed ex empto habet actionem.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. Quintus Mucius stated the following case. The owner of a tract of land sold the standing trees on the same, and, after having received the money for the property, refused to deliver it. The purchaser asked what course he should take, and feared that the said trees would not be considered to belong to him. Pomponius replied that the trees standing upon the land were not separate from the latter, and therefore the purchaser could not bring suit to recover the trees as the owner of the same, but he would be entitled to an action on purchase.
Dig. 19,2,52Pomponius libro trigesimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. Si decem tibi locem fundum, tu autem existimes quinque te conducere, nihil agitur: sed et si ego minoris me locare sensero, tu pluris te conducere, utique non pluris erit conductio, quam quanti ego putavi.
Ad Dig. 19,2,52ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 225: Ein Recht auf Theilung des Contractgegenstandes läßt sich aus dieser Bestimmung nicht herleiten.Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. If I lease you a tract of land for ten aurei, and you think that I am leasing it to you for five, the contract is void. If, however, I think that I am leasing it to you for less, and you think that you are leasing it for more, the lease will not be for a larger sum than I thought that it was.
Dig. 41,1,54Idem libro trigensimo primo ad Quintum Mucium. Homo liber hereditatem nobis adquirere non potest, qui bona fide nobis servit: adquiret, si tamen sponte sua sciens condicionem suam adierit: nam si iussu nostro adierit, neque sibi neque nobis adquiret, si non habuerit animum sibi adquirendi: quod si eam mentem habuit, sibi adquirit. 1Item promittendo nobis liber homo, qui bona fide nobis servit, ut et emendo vel vendendo, vel locando vel conducendo, obligari ipso iure poterit. 2Sed damnum dando damni iniuriae tenebitur, ut tamen culpam in damno dando exigere debeamus graviorem nec tamen levem quam ab extraneo. 3At si iussu nostro quid in re nostra gerant vel absentibus nobis quasi procuratores aliquid agant, danda erit in eos actio. 3aNon solum si eos emerimus, sed etiam si donati fuerint nobis aut ex dotis nomine aut ex legati pertinere ad nos coeperunt aut ex hereditate, idem praestabunt: nec solum si nostros putaverimus, sed et si communes aut fructuarios, ut tamen, quod adquisituri non essent, si re vera communes aut usuarii essent, id hodieque non adquirant. 4Quidquid tamen liber homo vel alienus quive bona fide nobis servit non adquirit nobis, id vel sibi liber vel alienus servus domino suo adquiret: excepto eo quod vix est, ut liber homo possidendo usucapere possit, quia nec possidere intellegitur, qui ipse possideretur. sed nec per servum alienum, quem nos bona fide possidemus, dominus peculiari nomine ignorans usucapere poterit, sicuti ne per fugitivum quidem, quem non possidet.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXXI. A freeman cannot acquire an estate for us. Anyone who is serving us in good faith as a slave can acquire one for us, if he enters upon it voluntarily, and is fully aware of his own condition. If, however, he should enter upon it by our order, he will neither acquire it for himself nor for us, if he did not have the intention of acquiring it for himself. But, if he had such an intention, he will acquire the estate for himself. 1Likewise, a freeman who is serving us in good faith as a slave can legally bind himself, by making a contract with us, which involves a purchase, a sale, or hiring, or leasing. 2If he wrongs us in any way, he will be liable to an action for injury, and, in this case, we can collect heavier damages from him than we can from a stranger. 3If persons of this kind transact any business with reference to our property, under our direction, or perform any acts as agents during our absence, an action should be granted against them, 3anot only when we have purchased them as slaves, but also if they have been given to us; or have been acquired as dowry, or through having been bequeathed to us; or are due to us from an estate; not only if we think that they are ours, but also where they are slaves owned in common, or are subject to usufruct; so that they do not acquire for us any more than they would have done if they had actually been slaves owned in common, or subject to the usufruct of others. 4Whatever a freeman, or a slave belonging to another, or one who serves us in good faith as a slave, cannot acquire for us, the freeman can acquire for hfmself, and the slave belonging to another can acquire for his master; except that a freeman who is serving in good faith can scarcely obtain property by usucaption based on possession, because he who is himself possessed is not understood to have possession. Nor can the owner of a slave of whom we have possession in good faith unconsciously acquire by usucaption what is included in the peculium of the slave, just as he cannot do this by means of a fugitive slave of whom he is not in possession.