Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 26,2,9Pomponius libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Si nemo hereditatem adierit, nihil valet ex his, quae testamento scripta sunt: si vero unus ex pluribus adierit, tutelae statim valent nec exspectandum erit, ut omnes hereditatem adeant.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. Where no one enters upon the estate, nothing stated in the will is valid. If, however, one out of several heirs enters upon it, the appointment of a guardian will be valid, and it will not be necessary to wait for all the heirs to accept the estate.
Dig. 31,43Pomponius libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Si ita relictum fuerit: ‘quantum heres meus habebit, tantum Tithaso dari volo’, pro eo est, quasi ita sit scriptum: ‘quantum omnes heredes habebunt’. 1Quod si ita fuerit: ‘quantum unus heres habebit, tantum Tithaso heredes meos dare volo’, minor pars erit accipienda, quae venit in legato. 2Pegasus solitus fuerat distinguere, si in diem fideicommissum relictum sit, veluti post annos decem, interesse, cuius causa tempus dilatum sit, utrumne heredis, quo casu heredem fructum retinere debere, an legatarii, veluti si in tempus pubertatis ei qui impubes sit fideicommissum relictum sit, tunc enim fructus praestandos et antecedentis temporis. et haec ita intellegenda sunt, si non nominatim adiectum est, ut cum incremento heres fideicommissum praestet. 3Si ita scriptum sit: ‘decem aut quindecim heres dato’, pro eo est ac si decem sola legata sint: aut si ita sit: ‘post annum aut post biennium, quam ego decessero, heres dato’, post biennium videtur legatum, quia heredis esset potestas in eligendo.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows, “I wish that as much be given to Tithasus as my heir will have,” it is the same as if it had been said: “As much as all my heirs will have.” 1If, however, the bequest was made in the following terms, “I wish my heirs to give as much to Tithasus as one of them will have,” the smallest amount included in the legacy is understood to be intended. 2Pegasus was accustomed to make a distinction where a trust was bequeathed for a certain time, for instance, after ten years; and he held that it made a difference for whose benefit this time had been fixed, whether in favor of the heir, in which case he was entitled to retain the profits of the property, or in favor of the legatee, for example, where the trust was left to take effect at the time of puberty, when the beneficiary was under that age; for in this case the profits of the preceding period must be delivered. These principles are understood to apply where it was specifically added by the testator that the heir must deliver the property subject to the trust, together with all its increase. 3Where the following provision was inserted in a will, “Let my heir pay ten or fifteen aurei,” it is the same as if only ten aurei had been bequeathed. But if he had left the legacy as follows, “Let my heir pay such-and-such a sum of money one year, or two years, after I die,” the legacy is considered to be due after the lapse of two years, because it is in the power of the heir to select the time for payment.
Dig. 35,1,1Pomponius libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Legatis quae relinquuntur aut dies incertus aut condicio adscribitur aut, si nihil horum factum sit, praesentia sunt, nisi si vi ipsa condicio insit. 1Cum dies certus adscriptus est, quamvis dies nondum venerit, solvi tamen possunt, quia certum est ea debitu iri. 2Dies autem incertus est, cum ita scribitur ‘heres meus cum morietur, decem dato’: nam diem incertum mors habet eius. et ideo si legatarius ante decesserit, ad heredem eius legatum non transit, quia non cessit dies vivo eaaaDie Großausgabe liest eo statt ea., quamvis certum fuerit moriturum heredem. 3Inest autem condicio legati, veluti cum ita legamus: ‘quod ex Arescusa natum fuerit, heres dato’ aut ‘fructus, qui ex eo fundo percepti fuerint, heres dato’ aut ‘servum, quem alii non legavero, Seio dato’.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. Either uncertain times or conditions are imposed upon legacies which are bequeathed; and if this is not done, they take effect at once, unless, by their very character, they are dependent upon some condition. 1Where a certain date is prescribed for the payment of a legacy, even though the time has not yet arrived, the heirs can, nevertheless, pay it, because it is certain that it will be due. 2When the time is uncertain, as in the following instance, “Let my heir pay ten aurei when he dies,” as the date of his death is uncertain, hence, if the legatee should die before him the legacy will not pass to his heir, for the reason that the time did not arrive during his lifetime, although it is certain that the heir will die some time or other. 3A condition is inserted in a legacy for example, where we make a bequest as follows, “Let my heir give the child born of Arescusa the slave,” or “Let my heir give the crops which may be collected from such-and-such an estate,” or “Let my heir give to Seius the slave whom I may have not bequeathed to anyone else.”
Dig. 37,7,4Pomponius libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Si pater pro filia dotem promiserit, deinde exheredatae vel etiam emancipatae et praeteritae legatum dederit, habebit filia etiam dotem praecipuam et legatum.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. Where a father promised a dowry for his daughter whom he afterwards disinherited, or if he bequeathed her a legacy after she had been emancipated, and passed her over in his will, she will be entitled to the dowry as a preferred legacy, as well as to the legacy.
Dig. 45,1,109Pomponius libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Si ita stipulatus fuero: ‘decem aut quindecim dabis?’, decem debentur. item si ita: ‘post annum aut biennium dabis?’, post biennium debentur, quia in stipulationibus id servatur, ut quod minus esset quodque longius, esse videretur in obligationem deductum.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. If I stipulate as follows, “Will you pay me ten, or fifteen aurei?” ten will be due. Again if I stipulate as follows, “Will you pay after one, or two years?” the money will be due after two years; because in stipulations, the smallest amount of money, and the longest period of time are considered to be inserted in the obligation.
Dig. 45,3,37Pomponius libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. Si communis servus ita stipularetur: ‘Lucio Titio et Gaio Seio dari spondes?’, qui sunt domini illius, pro virilibus partibus eis ex stipulatione debetur: si vero ita: ‘dominis meis dare spondes?’, pro parte, qua domini essent: si vero ita: ‘Lucio Titio et Gaio Seio dominis meis dare spondes?’, dubitaretur, utrumne viriles partes an pro dominica portione eis deberetur. et interesset, quid cuius demonstrandi gratia esset adiectum et quae pars eius stipulationis principalem causam haberet: sed cum ad nomina prius decursum est, rationabilius esse videtur pro virili parte stipulationem eis adquiri, quod dominorum vocabula pro demonstratione habeantur.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. When a slave owned in common stipulates as follows, “Do you promise to pay Lucius Titius, and Gaius Seius?” (who are his masters), they will be entitled to equal shares under the terms of the agreement. If, however, he should stipulate as follows, “Do you promise to pay my master?” they will be entitled to share in proportion to their respective ownership. But when he stipulates as follows, “Do you promise to pay Lucius Titius, and Gaius Seius?” it may be doubted whether they will be entitled to equal shares, or only in proportion to the amount of the interest of each. It is also important to ascertain what was added merely for the purpose of explanation, and what the other part of the stipulation, which is the principal one, provides. But as the names are first mentioned, it seems to be more reasonable that the stipulation was acquired for their benefit equally, because the names of the masters are given for the purpose of designation.
Dig. 50,16,119Idem libro tertio ad Quintum Mucium. ‘Hereditatis’ appellatio sine dubio continet etiam damnosam hereditatem: iuris enim nomen est sicuti bonorum possessio.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book III. The term “estate” undoubtedly includes one which may be onerous; for the name is the same in law as prætorian possession of property.