Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XXVI
Dig. 7,1,55Pomponius libro vicensimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Si infantis usus tantummodo legatus sit, etiamsi nullus interim sit, cum tamen infantis aetatem excesserit, esse incipit.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXVI. If only the use of an infant slave should be bequeathed, even though in the meantime no employment be made of his services, still, as soon as the child passes the age of infancy, it begins to be operative.
Dig. 7,4,23Idem libro vicensimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Si ager, cuius usus fructus noster sit, flumine vel mari inundatus fuerit, amittitur usus fructus, cum etiam ipsa proprietas eo casu amittatur: ac ne piscando quidem retinere poterimus usum fructum. sed quemadmodum, si eodem impetu discesserit aqua, quo venit, restituitur proprietas, ita et usum fructum restituendum dicendum est.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXVI. Where a field whose usufruct is ours is flooded by a river or by the sea, the usufruct is extinguished, since even the ownership itself is lost in this instance; nor can we retain the usufruct even by fishing. But as the ownership is restored if the water recedes with the same rapidity with which it came, so also, it must be said that the usufruct is restored.
Dig. 8,2,7Pomponius libro vicensimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Quod autem aedificio meo me posse consequi, ut libertatem usucaperem, dicitur, idem me non consecuturum, si arborem eodem loco sitam habuissem, Mucius ait, et recte, quia non ita in suo statu et loco maneret arbor quemadmodum paries, propter motum naturalem arboris.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXVI. Mucius says, with reference to what is stated about my acquiring freedom for my building by usucaption, that I could not have acquired it by planting a tree in that same place; and this is correct, because the tree would not remain in the same condition and place as a wall would do, on account of the natural motion of the tree.
Dig. 11,7,36Pomponius libro vicensimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Cum loca capta sunt ab hostibus, omnia desinunt religiosa vel sacra esse, sicut homines liberi in servitutem perveniunt: quod si ab hac calamitate fuerint liberata, quasi quodam postliminio reversa pristino statui restituuntur.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXVI. Where a place is taken by the enemy it ceases to be either religious or sacred, just as freemen pass into slavery. Where, however, such places are freed from this calamity, they are restored to their former condition by a kind of postliminium, as it were.
Dig. 41,2,26Idem libro vicensimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Locus certus ex fundo et possideri et per longam possessionem capi potest et certa pars pro indiviso, quae introducitur vel ex emptione vel ex donatione vel qualibet alia ex causa. incerta autem pars nec tradi nec capi potest, veluti si ita tibi tradam: ‘quidquid mei iuris in eo fundo est’: nam qui ignorat, nec tradere nec accipere id, quod incertum est, potest.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXVI. A definite portion of a tract of land can be possessed and acquired by long possession, and also a certain portion which is. undivided and which is obtained by purchase, by donation, or by any other title whatsoever, can also be acquired in this manner. A portion, however, which is not specifically designated can neither be delivered nor received; as, for instance, if I transfer to you “all of such-and-such a tract of land that I am entitled to;” for anyone who is ignorant of the facts can neither transfer nor receive something which is uncertain.
Dig. 50,16,123Idem libro vicensimo sexto ad Quintum Mucium. Verbum ‘erit’ interdum etiam praeteritum nec solum futurum tempus demonstrat. quod est nobis necessarium scire et cum codicilli ita confirmati testamento fuerint: ‘quod in codicillis scriptum erit’, utrumne futuri temporis demonstratio fiat an etiam praeteriti, si ante scriptos codicillos quis relinquat. quod quidem ex voluntate scribentis interpretandum est. quemadmodum autem hoc verbum ‘est’ non solum praesens, sed et praeteritum tempus significat, ita et hoc verbum ‘erit’ non solum futurum, sed interdum etiam praeteritum tempus demonstrat. nam cum dicimus ‘Lucius Titius solutus est ab obligatione’, et praeteritum et praesens significamus: sicut hoc ‘Lucius Titius alligatus est’. et idem fit, cum ita loquimur ‘troia capta est’: non enim ad praesentis facti demonstrationem refertur is sermo, sed ad praeteritum.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXVI. The words “shall be” sometimes indicate past as well as future time; which is necessary for us to know. When a codicil is confirmed by a will in the following terms, “Whatever shall be included in my codicil,” do they refer to future, or to past time, if the testator had already drawn up a codicil? This must be determined by his intention; for as the word “is” relates not only to present, but to past time; so the words “shall be” not only indicate future, but sometimes, also, past time, for when we say “Lucius Titius is released from his obligation,” we refer to both past and present time; just as when we say, “Lucius Titius is bound.” The same rule applies when we say, “Troy is taken,” for this expression has no reference to the present time, but to something that has already occurred.