Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XXIV
Dig. 41,3,24Pomponius libro vicensimo quarto ad Quintum Mucium. Ubi lex inhibet usucapionem, bona fides possidenti nihil prodest. 1Interdum etiamsi non fuerit inchoata usucapio a defuncto, procedit heredi eius: veluti si vitium, quod obstabat non ex persona, sed ex re, purgatum fuerit, ut puta si fisci res esse desierit aut furtiva aut vi possessa.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXIV. When the law forbids usucaption, the good faith of the possessor is of no advantage to him. 1Sometimes usucaption is an advantage to the heir, even though it was not begun to be acquired by the deceased: as, for instance, where the defect, which does not arise from the person but from the property itself, has been remedied. It arises from the property, for example, where it has ceased to belong to the Treasury, or possession of it has been obtained through theft or violence.
Dig. 41,6,3Pomponius libro vigensimo quarto ad Quintum Mucium. Si vir uxori vel uxor viro donaverit, si aliena res donata fuerit, verum est, quod Trebatius putabat, si pauperior is qui donasset non fieret, usucapionem possidenti procedere.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XXIV. When a husband makes a donation to his wife, or a wife to her husband, and the property donated belongs to another, the opinion of Trebatius is, if the party who made the donation does not become any poorer by doing so, the possessor can acquire the property by usucaption, is correct.