Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro XX
Dig. 1,7,43Pomponius libro vicensimo ad Quintum Mucium. Adoptiones non solum filiorum, sed et quasi nepotum fiunt, ut aliquis nepos noster esse videatur perinde quasi ex filio vel incerto natus sit.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XX. Adoption of sons as well as grandsons can take place so that anyone may seem to be our grandson as through a son, although his birth may be uncertain.
Dig. 44,7,56Pomponius libro vicesimo ad Quintum Mucium. Quaecumque actiones servi mei nomine mihi coeperunt competere vel ex duodecim tabulis vel ex lege Aquilia vel iniuriarum vel furti, eaedem durant, etiamsi servus postea vel manumissus vel alienatus vel mortuus fuerit. sed et condictio ex furtiva causa competit, nisi si nactus possessionem servi aut alienavero aut manumissero eum.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book XX. Any actions to which I may be entitled through the agency of my slave, whether they are derived from the Law of the Twelve Tables, or from the Aquilian Law, or can be brought on account of injury or theft committed, will continue to exist, even if the slave should afterwards be either manumitted or alienated, or should die. A personal action for the recovery of property which has been stolen by the said slave will also lie, unless I, having obtained possession of him, should either alienate or manumit him.