Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 28,2,21Pomponius libro secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Si filium nominatim exheredavero et eum postea heredem instituero, heres erit.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book II. If I should disinherit my son by name and afterwards appoint him my heir, he will be my heir.
Dig. 28,3,16Pomponius libro secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Cum in secundo testamento heredem eum qui vivit instituimus sive pure sive sub condicione (si tamen condicio existere potuit, licet non exstiterit), superius testamentum erit ruptum. multum autem interest, qualis condicio posita fuerit: nam aut in praeteritum concepta ponitur aut in praesens aut in futurum: in praeteritum concepta ponitur veluti ‘si Titius consul fuit’: quae condicio si vera est, id est si Titius consul fuit, ita est institutus heres, ut superius testamentum rumpataraaDie Großausgabe liest rumpatur statt rumpatar.: tum enim ex hoc heres esset. si vero Titius consul non fuit, superius testamentum non est ruptum. quod si ad praesens tempus condicio adscripta est herede instituto, veluti ‘si Titius consul est’, eundem exitum habet, ut, si sit, possit heres esse et superius testamentum rumpatur, si non sit, nec possit heres esse nec superius testamentum rumpatur. in futurum autem collatae condiciones si possibiles sunt, existere potuerunt, licet non exstiterint, efficiunt, ut superius testamentum rumpatur, etiamsi non extiterint: si vero impossibiles sunt, veluti ‘Titius si digito caelum tetigerit, heres esto’, placet perinde esse, quasi condicio adscripta non sit, quae est impossibilis.
Ad Dig. 28,3,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 89, Note 2.Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book II. When in the second will we appoint an heir who is living, whether this is done either absolutely or conditionally, and the condition can be fulfilled even though this may not take place, the first will is broken. It makes a great deal of difference, however, what the imposed condition was; for everyone that can be conceived has reference either to the past, the present, or the future. One is imposed with reference to the past, for instance: “If Titius has been consul”; and if this condition is true (that is to say if Titius has actually been consul), the heir will be appointed in such a way that the first testament will be broken, for he becomes the heir for this reason. If, however, Titius has not been consul, the former testament will not be broken. Where the condition imposed with reference to the appointment of an heir relates to the present time, as for instance: “If Titius is consul”; the result will be the same, so that, if he is consul, the party can become the heir, and the former testament will be broken. But if he is not consul, the party cannot become the heir, and the former testament will not be broken. If conditions are imposed with reference to a future time, and they are possible and can be fulfilled, even though they may not take place, they cause the former will to be broken. Where, however, they are impossible, as, for example, “Let Titius be my heir if he has touched the sky with his finger”, it is held that this condition is just as if it had not been prescribed, as it is impossible.
Dig. 28,5,68Idem libro secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Si ita scriptum fuerit: ‘Thitasus si in Capitolium ascenderit, heres esto: Thitasus heres esto’, secunda scriptura potior erit: plenior est enim quam prior.
The Same, On Quintus Mucius, Book II. Where the following was inserted in a will: “Let Tithasus be my heir if he ascends to the Capitol; let Tithasus be my heir”; the second clause will have the greater effect, for it is more complete than the first one.
Dig. 28,7,26Pomponius libro secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Si pupillus sub condicione heres institutus fuerit, condicioni etiam sine tutoris auctoritate parere potest. idemque est et si legatum ei sub condicione relictum fuerit, quia condicione expleta pro eo est, quasi pure ei hereditas vel legatum relictum sit.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book II. If a minor should be appointed an heir under some condition, he can comply with the condition, even without the authority of his guardian. The same rule applies where a legacy has been bequeathed to him under some condition, because when the condition has been fulfilled, he is in the same position as if the estate or the legacy had been left to him unconditionally.
Dig. 32,85Pomponius libro secundo ad Quintum Mucium. Nuper constitutum est a principe, ut et non adiecto hoc ‘meum’ si quis corpus alicui leget et ita sentiat, ut ita demum praestetur, si suum sit, ita valere legatum, ut appareat magis sententiam legantis, non hoc verbum ‘meum’ respiciendum esse. et ideo elegans est illa distinctio, ut, quotiens certum corpus legatur, ad praesens tempus adiectum hoc verbum ‘meum’ non faciat condicionem, si vero incertum corpus legetur, veluti ita ‘vina mea’ ‘vestem meam’, videatur pro condicione hoc verbum esse ‘mea’, ut ea demum, quae illius sint, videantur legata. quod non puto fortiter posse defendi, sed potius et hic vestem vel vinum, quod suorum numero habuerit, hoc legatum esse: sic enim responsum est etiam quod coacuerit vinum legato cedere, si id vini numero testator habuisset. plane in mortis tempore collatum hunc sermonem ‘vestem, quae mea erit’ sine dubio pro condicione accipiendum puto: sed et ‘Stichum qui meus erit’ puto pro condicione accipiendum nec interesse, utrum ita ‘qui meus erit’ an ita ‘si meus erit’: utrubique condicionem eam esse. Labeo tamen scribit etiam in futurum tempus collatum hunc sermonem ‘qui meus erit’ pro demonstratione accipiendum, sed alio iure utimur.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book II. It has recently been decided by the Emperor, that where a testator left property to anyone, but did not add the term “my,” and did not intend to leave the said property unless it was his, the legacy would be valid only where it was necessary to pay more attention to the wishes of the testator than to the word “my.” Wherefore this nice distinction arises, that whenever a certain article is bequeathed to be delivered immediately, the term “my” does not create the condition. If, however, property which is not expressly designated, as, for example, “My wines, my clothing,” the term “my” is held to be conditional, so that only that is left which belonged to the testator. Still, I do not think the above-mentioned opinion can be strongly maintained, but rather that, in this instance, any clothing or wine which the testator considered to be his, is bequeathed; and hence it was held that even wine which had become sour was included in the legacy, if the testator had always considered it to be wine. It is clear that where the testator used language relating to the time of his death, for instance, “the clothing which shall be mine,” I think that this undoubtedly should be understood as implying a condition. I also think that, where the testator says, “Stichus, who will be mine,” the sentence ought likewise to be considered as conditional; nor does it make any difference if he should say, “Who will be mine,” or “If he should be mine,” in both cases the bequest will be contingent. Labeo is of the opinion that the following clause, “Who shall be mine,” should only be considered by way of designation. We, however, make use of another rule.
Dig. 50,16,118Pomponius libro secundo ad Quintum Mucium. ‘Hostes’ hi sunt, qui nobis aut quibus nos publice bellum decrevimus: ceteri ‘latrones’ aut ‘praedones’ sunt.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book II. Those are enemies who declare war against us, or against whom we publicly declare war; others are robbers or brigands.