Ad Quintum Mucium libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 1,16,13Pomponius libro decimo ad Quintum Mucium. Legati proconsulis nihil proprium habent, nisi a proconsule eis mandata fuerit iurisdictio.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book X. The Deputy of a Proconsul has no jurisdiction of his own where none has been conferred upon him by the Proconsul.
Dig. 38,16,11Pomponius libro decimo ad Quintum Mucium. Capitis deminutione pereunt legitimae hereditates, quae ex lege duodecim tabularum veniunt, sive vivo aliquo sive antequam adeatur hereditas eius capitis minutio intercessit, quoniam desinit suus heres vel adgnatus recte dici: quae autem ex legibus novis aut ex senatus consultis, non utique.
Pomponius, On Quintus Mucius, Book X. The rights of succession by law are extinguished by forfeiture of civil rights, where these are derived from the Twelve Tables, and the forfeiture takes place during the lifetime of anyone entitled to the estate, or before she enters upon it, as he can no longer correctly be styled either the proper heir or an agnate. This rule, however, is by no means applicable to successions regulated by new enactments, or decrees of the Senate.