Ex Plautio libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 21,2,22Pomponius libro primo ex Plautio. Si pro re pupilli quam emit litis aestimationem tutor non ex pecunia pupilli, sed ex suo praestiterit, stipulatio de evictione pupillo adversus venditorem committitur. 1Si pro evictione fundi quem emit mulier satis accepisset et eundem fundum in dotem dedisset, deinde aliquis eum a marito per iudicium abstulisset, potest mulier statim agere adversus fideiussores emptionis nomine, quasi minorem dotem habere coepisset vel etiam nullam, si tantum maritus optulisset, quanti fundus esset.
Pomponius, On Plautius, Book I. Where a guardian pays damages assessed on account of property purchased for his ward, not out of the money belonging to the latter, but out of his own property; a stipulation against eviction becomes operative in favor of the ward as against the vendor. 1Where a woman takes security against eviction from a tract of land which she purchased, and gives the same land by way of dowry, and someone afterwards deprives her husband of it by means of an action; the woman can immediately proceed against the surety on the ground of purchase, as having reduced the amount of her dowry, or rendered it worthless; provided the husband tendered to the claimant the value of the said property.
Dig. 40,1,13Pomponius libro primo ex Plautio. Servus furiosi ab adgnato curatore manumitti non potest, quia in administratione patrimonii manumissio non est. si autem ex fideicommissi causa deberet libertatem furiosus, dubitationis tollendae causa ab adgnato tradendum servum, ut ab eo cui traditus esset manumittatur, Octavenus ait.
Pomponius, On Plautius, Book I. The slave of an insane person cannot be manumitted by a relative of the latter who has been appointed his curator, because the manumission of a slave is not included in the administration of the property. If, however, the insane person should owe the slave his freedom on account of a trust, Octavenus says that, in order to remove all doubt, the slave should be delivered by the curator to the person to whom he is to be transferred in order to be manumitted by him.
Dig. 46,2,21Pomponius libro primo ex Plautio. Si debitorem meum iussero tibi solvere, non statim tu etiam stipulando id novare possis, quamvis debitor solvendo tibi liberaretur.
Pomponius, On Plautius, Book I. If I order my debtor to pay you, you cannot immediately, while you are stipulating, make a novation, although the debtor, by paying you, will be released.
Dig. 46,3,65Pomponius libro primo ex Plautio. Si filia furiosi a viro divorterit, dictum est vel adgnato curatori voluntate filiae vel filiae consentiente adgnato solvi dotem.
Pomponius, On Plautius, Book I. If the daughter of an insane person should be divorced from her husband, it has been decided that the dowry can be paid to the agnate curator, with the consent of the daughter, or to the daughter with the consent of the agnate.