Ex variis lectionibus libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 20,2,7Pomponius libro tertio decimo ex variis lectionibus. In praediis rusticis fructus qui ibi nascuntur tacite intelleguntur pignori esse domino fundi locati, etiamsi nominatim id non convenerit. 1Videndum est, ne non omnia illata vel inducta, sed ea sola, quae, ut ibi sint, illata fuerint, pignori sint: quod magis est.
Pomponius, Various Extracts, Book XIII. The crops produced upon rustic estates are understood to be tacitly pledged to the owner of the land which is leased, even if there is no express agreement to that effect. 1Ad Dig. 20,2,7,1ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 281: Pfandrecht des Vermiethers an den eingebrachten zum Verkaufe bestimmten Waaren des Miethers. Zeitweise und dauernde Bestimmung der Verwendung.Let us consider whether everything that has been brought or placed in a house is pledged, or only such property as has been brought to be kept there. The latter is the better opinion.
Dig. 47,2,78Idem libro tertio decimo ex variis lectionibus. Qui saccum habentem pecuniam subripit, furti etiam sacci nomine tenetur, quamvis non sit ei animus sacci subripiendi.
The Same, On Various Passages, Book XIII. Where anyone steals a bag containing money, he is also liable for stealing the bag, although he may not have had the intention of doing so.