Ex variis lectionibus libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 36,1,49Pomponius libro primo variarum lectionum. Si heredi eius, cui natura debuerit, aliquis solverit, ei, cui fideicommissa hereditas relicta sit, id reddendum.
Pomponius, Various Passages, Book I. If anyone, bound to a person only by a natural obligation, should discharge a debt to his heir, the money must be paid over to him to whom the estate was left in trust.
Dig. 49,15,6Idem libro primo ex variis lectionibus. Mulier in opus salinarum ob maleficium data et deinde a latrunculis exterae gentis capta et iure commercii vendita ac redempta in causam suam reccidit. Cocceio autem Firmo centurioni pretium ex fisco reddendum est.
The Same, Various Passages, Book I. Where a woman who, on account of some offence, had been sentenced to labor in the salt-pits, was afterwards captured by thieves belonging to a foreign nation, sold by the right of commerce, and then ransomed, was restored to her former condition, the price of her ransom should be paid by the Treasury to the Centurion Coccius Firmus.