Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Pomp. Ex variis lectionibus lib.Pomponii Ex variis lectionibus libri

Ex variis lectionibus libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 36,1,49Pomponius libro primo variarum lectionum. Si heredi eius, cui natura debuerit, aliquis solverit, ei, cui fideicommissa hereditas relicta sit, id reddendum.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book I. If anyone, bound to a person only by a natural obligation, should discharge a debt to his heir, the money must be paid over to him to whom the estate was left in trust.

Dig. 49,15,6Idem libro primo ex variis lectionibus. Mulier in opus salinarum ob maleficium data et deinde a latrunculis exterae gentis capta et iure commercii vendita ac redempta in causam suam reccidit. Cocceio autem Firmo centurioni pretium ex fisco reddendum est.

The Same, Various Passages, Book I. Where a woman who, on account of some offence, had been sentenced to labor in the salt-pits, was afterwards captured by thieves belonging to a foreign nation, sold by the right of commerce, and then ransomed, was restored to her former condition, the price of her ransom should be paid by the Treasury to the Centurion Coccius Firmus.

Ex libro II

Dig. 1,8,11Pomponius libro secundo ex variis lectionibus. Si quis violaverit muros, capite punitur, sicuti si quis transcendet scalis admotis vel alia qualibet ratione. nam cives Romanos alia quam per portas egredi non licet, cum illud hostile et abominandum sit: nam et Romuli frater remus occisus traditur ob id, quod murum transcendere voluerit.

Pomponius, From Various Passages, Book II. Where anyone trespasses upon the walls, he is punished with death; just as where anyone climbs over them by means of ladders, or in any other manner; since Roman citizens are not permitted to leave a city except by the gates; as the former is an act of hostility and abominable. It is said that Remus, the brother of Romulus, was killed because he wished to scale the wall.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 24,1,18Pomponius libro quarto ex variis lectionibus. Si vir uxoris aut uxor viri servis aut vestimentis usus vel usa fuerit vel in aedibus eius gratis habitaverit, valet donatio.

Pomponius, On Various Extracts, Book IV. Where either a husband or a wife uses the slaves or the clothing belonging to the other, or lives gratuitously in the house of the other, such a donation is valid.

Dig. 40,9,23Idem libro quarto ex variis lectionibus. Semper in fraudem creditorum libertas datur ab eo, qui sciret se solvendo non esse, quamvis bene dedisset merenti hoc.

The Same, Various Passages, Book IV. Freedom is always considered to have been granted fraudulently with respect to creditors, when this is done by a person who knows that he is not solvent, even though it was granted to a slave who deserved it.

Ex libro VII

Dig. 14,6,19Pomponius libro septimo ex variis lectionibus. Iulianus scribit exceptionem senatus consulti Macedoniani nulli obstare, nisi qui sciret aut scire potuisset filium familias esse eum cui credebat.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book VII. Julianus states that an exception based on the Macedonian Decree of the Senate offers no hindrance to anyone except to a party who knew, or could have known, that he to whom he made the loan was a son under paternal control.

Dig. 40,4,46Pomponius libro septimo ex variis lectionibus. Aristo Neratio Appiano rescripsit, testamento liber esse iussus, cum annorum triginta esset, antequam ad eam aetatem perveniret si in metallum damnatus sit ac postea revocetur, sine dubitatione cum libertate legatum ad eum pertinere neque metallorum poena ius eius mutari: nec aliud, si heres esset sub condicione institutus: futurum enim eum etiam necessarium.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book VII. Aristo replied to Neratius Appianus as follows: If a slave is directed to be free by will when he reaches the age of thirty years, and, before doing so, he is sentenced to the mines, and afterwards is released, there is no doubt that he will be entitled to the legacy left with his freedom, nor will his right be affected by his sentence to the mines. The rule is the same when the slave is appointed an heir under a condition, for he will become the necessary heir.

Dig. 40,7,30Idem libro septimo ex variis lectionibus. Si ita liber esse iussus sit ‘Stichus, si eum heres non alienaverit, liber esto’, etiamsi statuliber est, alienari tamen poterit.

The Same, On Various Lessons, Book VII. Where a slave is ordered to be free as follows, “Let Stichus be free, if my heir does not alienate him,” even if he is to be free conditionally, he can, nevertheless, be alienated.

Dig. 42,1,30Pomponius libro septimo variarum lectionum. Cum ex causa donationis promissa pecunia est, si dubium sit, an ea res eo usque donatoris facultates exhaurire possit, ut vix quicquam ei in bonis relictum sit, actio in id quod facere possit danda est, ita ut et ipsi donatori aliquid sufficiens relinquatur. quod maxime inter liberos et parentes observandum est.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book VII. Where a certain sum of money is promised as a donation, and it is probable that the resources of the donor will be exhausted to such an extent that he will have almost nothing left, an action should be granted against him for what he is able to pay, so that enough may remain in his hands to enable him to live. This rule ought, by all means, to be observed between children and parents.

Dig. 46,1,43Pomponius libro septimo ex variis lectionibus. Si a Titio stipulatus fideiussorem te acceperim, deinde eandem pecuniam ab alio stipulatus alium fideiussorem accipiam, confideiussores non erunt, quia diversarum stipulationum fideiussores sunt.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book VII. If, having stipulated with Titius, I accept you as surety, and afterwards I stipulate with another for the same money, and receive another surety, they will not be joint-sureties, for the reason that they are sureties in two different stipulations.

Ex libro IX

Dig. 50,17,206Idem libro nono ex variis lectionibus. Iure naturae aequum est neminem cum alterius detrimento et iniuria fieri locupletiorem.

The Same, On Various Passages, Book IX. It is but just, and in accordance with the Law of Nations that no one, by the commission of an injury, can be enriched at the expense of another.

Ex libro X

Dig. 35,1,58Idem libro decimo ex variis lectionibus. Si ancillae alienae, cum ea nubsisset, legatum sit, Proculus ait utile legatum esse, quia possit manumissa nubere.

The Same, On Various Passages, Book X. Where a legacy is left to a female slave belonging to another, “provided she should marry,” Proculus says that the legacy is valid, because she can marry after having been manumitted.

Dig. 39,3,22Idem libro decimo ex variis lectionibus. Si usus fructus fundi legatus fuerit, aquae pluviae arcendae actio heredi et cum herede est, cuius praedium fuerit. quod si ex opere incommodum aliquod patitur fructuarius, poterit quidem interdum vel interdicto experiri quod vi aut clam. quod si ei non competet, quaerendum est, an utilis ei quasi domino actio aquae pluviae arcendae dari debeat an vero etiam contendat ius sibi esse uti frui: sed magis est utilem aquae pluviae arcendae ei actionem accommodare. 1Non aliter restituisse rem videtur is qui opus fecit, quam si aquam coerceat. 2Sed et si fructuarius opus fecerit, per quod aqua pluvia alicui noceat, erit quidem actio legitima cum domino proprietatis: an vero etiam utilis in fructuarium actio aquae pluviae arcendae danda sit, quaesitum est: et magis est ut detur.

The Same, Various Passages, Book X. If the usufruct of land is bequeathed, the action to compel care to be taken of the rain-water will lie for, as well as against the heir of him to whom the property belonged. If the usufructuary should suffer any inconvenience on account of some work which has been performed, he can sometimes avail himself of the interdict Quod vi aut clam. If the action cannot be brought by the usufructuary, the question arises whether equitable action should be granted him, as the owner, to compel the water to be taken care of; or whether he can also maintain that he has the right to enjoy the property. The better opinion, however, is that an equitable action to compel care to be taken of the rain-water should be granted. 1He who constructs a new work will not be considered to have restored the property to its former condition, unless he intercepts the course of the water of which complaint is made. 2But even if the usufructuary should construct the work by which the rain-water may cause damage to anyone, the legal action against the owner of the property will lie; but the question arises whether an equitable action to compel the water to be taken care of should not be granted against the usufructuary. The better opinion is that it should be granted.

Ex libro XI

Dig. 4,8,40Pomponius libro undecimo ex variis lectionibus. Arbiter calendis Ianuariis adesse iussit et ante eum diem decessit: alter ex litigatoribus non adfuit. procul dubio poena minime commissa est: nam et Cassium audisse se dicentem Aristo ait in eo arbitro, qui ipse non venisset, non esse commissam: quemadmodum Servius ait, si per stipulatorem stet, quo minus accipiat, non committi poenam.

Pomponius, Various Extracts, Book XI. An arbiter ordered the parties to appear on the Kalends of January, but died before that day, and one of the parties failed to be present. In this instance there is no question that the penalty was not incurred, for Aristo says that he heard Cassius state that where an arbiter did not himself appear, there was no ground for the payment of the penalty, and Servius also says that if the stipulator is to blame for not receiving the money, no penalty is incurred.

Dig. 7,4,25Pomponius libro undecimo ex variis lectionibus. Placet vel certae partis vel pro indiviso usum fructum non utendo amitti.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book XI. It is established that an usufruct may be lost by want of use, whether it is that of a share or is undivided.

Dig. 8,6,17Pomponius libro undecimo ex variis lectionibus. Labeo ait, si is, qui haustum habet, per tempus, quo servitus amittitur, ierit ad fontem nec aquam hauserit, iter quoque eum amississe.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book XI. Labeo says that if anyone who has a right to draw water should, during the time by the lapse of which a servitude is lost, go to a spring but not draw any water, he will lose the right of way also.

Ex libro XII

Dig. 1,9,4Pomponius libro duodecimo ex variis lectionibus. Qui indignus est inferiore ordine, indignior est superiore.

Pomponius, From Various Passages, Book XII. Whoever is unworthy of a lower rank is still more unworthy of a higher one.

Dig. 15,1,34Pomponius libro duodecimo ex variis lectionibus. non penes quem res peculiaris sit.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book XII. And not in the hands of him who holds the property constituting the peculium.

Dig. 28,5,42Pomponius libro duodecimo ex variis lectionibus. et hoc Tiberius Caesar constituit in persona Parthenii, qui tamquam ingenuus heres scriptus adierat hereditatem, cum esset Caesaris servus: nam divisa hereditas est inter Tiberium et eum qui Parthenio substitutus erat, ut refert Sextus Pomponius.

Ad Dig. 28,5,42Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 548, Note 16.Pomponius, Various Passages, Book XII. Tiberius Cæsar rendered this decision with reference to Parthenius, who had been appointed heir, as being freeborn, and who entered upon an estate while he was the slave of the Emperor; for, as Sextus Pomponius relates, the estate was divided between Tiberius and the person who had been substituted for Parthenius.

Ex libro XIII

Dig. 20,2,7Pomponius libro tertio decimo ex variis lectionibus. In praediis rusticis fructus qui ibi nascuntur tacite intelleguntur pignori esse domino fundi locati, etiamsi nominatim id non convenerit. 1Videndum est, ne non omnia illata vel inducta, sed ea sola, quae, ut ibi sint, illata fuerint, pignori sint: quod magis est.

Pomponius, Various Extracts, Book XIII. The crops produced upon rustic estates are understood to be tacitly pledged to the owner of the land which is leased, even if there is no express agreement to that effect. 1Ad Dig. 20,2,7,1ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 281: Pfandrecht des Vermiethers an den eingebrachten zum Verkaufe bestimmten Waaren des Miethers. Zeitweise und dauernde Bestimmung der Verwendung.Let us consider whether everything that has been brought or placed in a house is pledged, or only such property as has been brought to be kept there. The latter is the better opinion.

Dig. 47,2,78Idem libro tertio decimo ex variis lectionibus. Qui saccum habentem pecuniam subripit, furti etiam sacci nomine tenetur, quamvis non sit ei animus sacci subripiendi.

The Same, On Various Passages, Book XIII. Where anyone steals a bag containing money, he is also liable for stealing the bag, although he may not have had the intention of doing so.

Ex libro XIV

Dig. 46,3,83Pomponius libro quarto decimo ex variis lectionibus. Si tuo servo credidero eumque redemero et is manumissus mihi solverit, non repetet.

Pomponius, Various Passages, Book XIV. If I lend money to your slave, and then purchase him, and, after having been manumitted, he pays me, he cannot recover the money.