Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 32,16Pomponius libro primo fideicommissorum. Saepe legatum plenius restituetur fideicommissario quam esset relictum, veluti si alluvione ager auctus esset vel etiam insulae natae.
Ad Dig. 32,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 188, Note 2.Pomponius, Trusts, Book I. The property left under a trust is very frequently delivered to the beneficiary in a better condition than it was when bequeathed; as for instance, where a field has been increased by alluvial deposit, or where an island has arisen.
Dig. 32,18Pomponius libro primo fideicommissorum. Si iure testamento facto fideicommissum tibi reliquero, deinde postea aliud fecero non iure, in quo fideicommissum relictum tibi vel aliud quam quod priore testamento vel omnino non sit relictum, videndum est, mens mea haec fuerit facientis postea testamentum, ut nolim ratum tibi sit priore testamento relictum, quia nuda voluntate fideicommissa infirmarentur. sed vix id optinere potest, fortassis ideo, quod ita demum a priore testamento velim recedi, si posterius valiturum sit et nunc ex posteriore testamento fideicommissum ei non debetur, etiamsi idem heredes utroque testamento instituti ex priore exstiterunt.
Pomponius, Trusts, Book I. If, having executed a will according to law, I leave you a trust, and then afterwards I make another will without observing the required formalities, by which I do not leave you a trust, or if I do, I leave you one entirely different from that included in the first will; it must be considered whether it was my intention, when I made my second will, to deprive you of what was bequeathed by the first, because trusts are annulled by the mere intention. This, however, is difficult to establish as perhaps I may not have intended to revoke the first will, unless the second should be valid, and now the trust in the second will will not be valid, even though the same heirs were appointed by both wills, and entered upon the estate under the first one.
Dig. 33,7,21Pomponius libro primo fideicommissorum. Cum fundus sine instrumento legatus sit, dolia molae olivariae et praelum et quaecumque infixa inaedificataque sunt fundo legato continentur, nulla autem ex his rebus quae moveri possunt paucis exceptis fundi appellatione continentur. de molis tum quaeri solet, cum ita adfixae itave inaedificatae sint, ut partes aedificiorum esse videantur.
Pomponius, Trusts, Book I. Where a tract of land is devised without its equipment, the casks, olive-mills, presses, and everything else fastened to or built upon the land, are included in the devise; but none of these things which can be moved are, with very few exceptions, included under the designation real-property. Where any question arises concerning mills attached to the land, or erected upon it, they are considered as parts of the buildings.