Epistularum et variarum lectionum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 40,13,3Pomponius libro undecimo epistularum et variarum lectionum. Eis, qui se passi sint venire, ad libertatem proclamandi licentiam denegari. quaero, an et ad eos, qui ex mulieribus, quae se passae sint venire, nascuntur, ita senatus consulta pertinent? dubitari non potest, quin ei quoque, quae maior annis viginti venire se passa est, ad libertatem proclamandi licentia fuerit deneganda. his quoque danda non est, qui ex ea nati tempore servitutis eius erunt.
Pomponius, Letters and Various Passages, Book XI. Permission to demand their freedom is denied those who have suffered themselves to be sold. I ask whether these decrees of the Senate also apply to children born of women who have suffered themselves to be sold. There can be no doubt that a woman of over twenty years of age, who has suffered herself to be sold, will be refused permission to demand her freedom. Nor should it be granted to those children born to her during the time of her servitude.