Epistularum et variarum lectionum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 50,12,14Pomponius libro sexto epistularum et variarum lectionum. Si quis sui alienive honoris causa opus facturum se in aliqua civitate promiserit, ad perficiendum tam ipse quam heres eius ex constitutione divi Traiani obligatus est. sed si quis ob honorem opus facturum se civitate aliqua promiserit atque inchoaverit et priusquam perficeret, decesserit: heres eius extraneus quidem necesse habet aut perficere id aut partem quintam patrimonii relicti sibi ab eo, qui id opus facere instituerat, si ita mallet, civitati, in qua id opus fieri coeptum est, dare: is autem, qui ex numero liberorum est, si heres exstitit, non quintae partis, sed decimae concedendae necessitate adficitur. et haec divus Antoninus constituit.
Ad Dig. 50,12,14Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 304, Note 8.Pomponius, Epistles and Various Passages, Book VI. When anyone, in consideration of an honor to be conferred upon him, or upon someone else, promises that he will construct a public work in a certain city, he, as well as his heir, will be bound by a Constitution of the Divine Trajan to complete it. If anyone, in consideration of an honor to be conferred, should promise that he will construct some work, and begins it and dies before completing it, and leaves a foreign heir, the latter will either be compelled to complete the work, or, if he prefers to do so, he can set aside the fifth part of the estate which was left to him, for the purpose of furnishing it, and transfer it to the city in which the work has been begun. Where, however, the heir is one of the children, he will be required to contribute, not the fifth, but the tenth part of the estate. This was decided by the Divine Antoninus.
Ex libro IX
Dig. 4,4,50Pomponius libro nono epistularum et variarum lectionum. Iunius Diophantus Pomponio suo salutem. Minor viginti quinque annis novandi animo intercessit pro eo, qui temporali actione tenebatur, tunc cum adhuc supererant decem dies, et postea in integrum restitutus est: utrum restitutio, quae creditori adversus priorem debitorem datur, decem dierum sit an plenior? ego didici ex tempore in integrum restitutionis tantundem temporis praestandum, quantum supererat: tu quid de eo putas velim rescribas. respondit: sine dubio, quod de temporali actione, in qua intercessit minor, sensisti, puto verius esse: ideoque et pignus, quod dederat prior debitor, manet obligatum.
Pomponius, Letters and Various Passages, Book IX. “Julius Diophantus, to his friend Pomponius, Greeting. A minor under twenty-five years of age, with the intention of renewing a contract, intervened in behalf of the party who was liable in an action which would be barred by lapse of time, while ten days of said time still remained, and he afterwards obtained complete restitution. Should the right of restitution be granted to the creditor against the former debtor, for ten days, or for a longer period? I held that so much time should be granted from the day of complete restitution as remained, and I wish that you would write to me what you think about it.” I answered, I undoubtedly think that your opinion with respect to the right of action dependent upon the time in which the minor intervened, is the more correct one; and therefore that the pledge which the former gave will still remain encumbered.
Ex libro XI
Dig. 40,13,3Pomponius libro undecimo epistularum et variarum lectionum. Eis, qui se passi sint venire, ad libertatem proclamandi licentiam denegari. quaero, an et ad eos, qui ex mulieribus, quae se passae sint venire, nascuntur, ita senatus consulta pertinent? dubitari non potest, quin ei quoque, quae maior annis viginti venire se passa est, ad libertatem proclamandi licentia fuerit deneganda. his quoque danda non est, qui ex ea nati tempore servitutis eius erunt.
Pomponius, Letters and Various Passages, Book XI. Permission to demand their freedom is denied those who have suffered themselves to be sold. I ask whether these decrees of the Senate also apply to children born of women who have suffered themselves to be sold. There can be no doubt that a woman of over twenty years of age, who has suffered herself to be sold, will be refused permission to demand her freedom. Nor should it be granted to those children born to her during the time of her servitude.
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 4,8,18Pomponius libro septimo decimo epistularum et variarum lectionum. sicuti tribus iudicibus datis quod duo ex consensu absente tertio iudicaverunt, nihil valet, quia tumaaDie Großausgabe liest id statt tum. demum, quod maior pars omnium iudicavit, ratum est, cum et omnes iudicasse palam est.
Ad Dig. 4,8,18ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 311: Die Separatvota der Schiedsrichter stellen keinen Schiedsspruch dar.Pomponius, Epistles and Various Passages, Book XVII. Just as where three judges are appointed, and two of them render a decision by agreement, during the absence of the third, it is void; for the reason that a judgment is only valid where rendered by a majority, when it is evident that all have rendered some decision.