Epistularum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 40,5,20Pomponius libro septimo epistularum. Apud Iulianum ita scriptum est: ‘si heres rogatus servum manumittere ex Trebelliano senatus consulto hereditatem restituerit, cogi debebit manumittere, et, si latitabit vel si iusta ex causa aberit, praetor causa cognita secundum senatus consulta ad eas causas pertinentia pronuntiare debebit. si vero servum usuceperit is, cui hereditas restituta fuerit, ipsum competit manumittere et eadem in personam eius observari conveniet, quae circa emptores custodiri solent’. an haec vera putes? nam ego discendi cupiditate, quam solam vivendi rationem optimam in octavum et septuagesimum annum aetatis duxi, memor sum eius sententiae, qui dixisse fertur: κἄν τὸν ἕτερον πόδα ἐν τῇ σορῷ ἔχω, προσμαθεῖν τι βουλοίμην. bellissime Aristo et Octavenus putabant hunc servum, de quo quaereretur, fideicommissae hereditatis non esse, quia testator rogando heredem, ut eum manumitteret, non videtur de eo restituendo sensisse: si tamen per errorem ab herede datus fuerit, ea dicenda sunt quae Iulianus scribit.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book VII. It is stated by Julianus that, when an heir who is charged to manumit a slave transfers the estate under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, he can be compelled to manumit the slave; and if he should conceal himself, or be absent for some good reason, the Prætor, after proper cause is shown, must render a decision in accordance with the decrees of the Senate which relate to cases of this kind. If, however, the beneficiary to whom the estate was transferred should have the custody of said slave, he himself can manumit him; and it is proper that the same formalities should be observed with reference to him, as is usually done with reference to purchasers in general. Do you think that this is true? I, myself, actuated by the desire to acquire knowledge, have for seventy-eight years considered the following saying, which I have always in mind, as the best rule of life, “When I have one foot in the grave I shall still be glad to learn something.” Aristo and Octavenus very properly hold that the slave in question does not form part of the estate subject to the trust, because the testator, by asking the heir to manumit him, does not seem to have had in view that he should be delivered to the beneficiary of the same. If, however, he should be delivered through a mistake of the heir, the opinion of Julianus should be adopted.