Epistularum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 33,6,8Pomponius libro sexto epistularum. Si heres damnatus sit dare vinum, quod in doliis esset, et per legatarium stetit, quo minus accipiat, periculose heredem facturum, si id vinum effundet: sed legatarium petentem vinum ab herede doli mali exceptione placuit summoveri, si non praestet id, quod propter moram eius damnum passus sit heres.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book VI. When an heir is charged with the delivery of wine which is contained in casks, and it is the fault of the legatee that he did not receive it, the heir will assume the responsibility if he pours out the wine; and if the legatee should bring suit to recover the wine from the heir, it was held that he would be barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith, if he does not pay the amount of damage sustained by the heir on account of his delay.