Epistularum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 35,1,105Pomponius libro quinto epistularum. Si fundum a testatore sub condicione legatum heres alii pendente condicione legavit, post existentemaaDie Großausgabe liest exsistentem statt existentem. condicionem, quae priori testamento praeposita fuerat, neque proprietas a priore legatario recedit nec locum religiosum in eo fundo heres facere nec servitutem imponere poterit: sed et imposita servitus finietur exsistente condicione.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book V. Where, while the condition was pending, an heir left to a third party land devised by the testator under a condition, after the condition imposed by the first will has been complied with, the ownership of the property will not be lost by the prior legatee; nor can the heir render any part of the land religious, or impose a servitude upon the same, and if he does impose a servitude, it will be extinguished when the condition is fulfilled.