Epistularum libri
Ex libro XX
Dig. 24,3,67Pomponius libro vicesimo epistularum. In partem dotis reddendae erit id, quod mulieri ex periculo servi restitui debebit: et ideo et dolum et culpam in eo peculio vel adquirendo vel conservando maritus praestare debet et fructus ex eo percepti quomodo cuiuslibet rei dotalis ad maritum pertinebunt.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book XX. Whatever a husband must restore to his wife out of the peculium of a slave will form part of the dowry which is to be given up, and therefore the husband will be liable for fraud and negligence in the acquisition or preservation of the said peculium; and the profits obtained from the same, just as those of any other dotal property will belong to the husband.
Dig. 26,7,61Idem libro vicesimo epistularum. Apud Aristonem ita scriptum est: quod culpa tutoris pupillus ex hereditate desiit possidere, eius aestimatio in petitione hereditatis sine ulla dubitatione fieri debebit ita, si pupillo de hereditate cautum sit: cautum autem esse videtur etiam si tutor erit idoneus, a quo servari possit id, quod pupillus ex litis aestimatione subierit. sed si tutor solvendo non est, videndum erit, utrum calamitas pupilli an detrimentum petitoris esse debeat perindeque haberi debet, ac si res fortuito casu interisset, similiter atque ipse pupillus expers culpae quid ex hereditate deminuisset corrupisset perdidisset. de possessore quoque furioso quaeri potest, si quid ne in rerum natura esset, per furorem eius accidisset. tu quid putas? Pomponius: puto eum vere dicere. sed quare cunctatus es, si solvendo non sit tutor, cuius damnum esse debeat? cum alioquin elegantius dicere poterit actiones dumtaxat, quas haberet cum tutore pupillus, venditori hereditatis praestandas esse, sicuti heres vel bonorum possessor si nihil culpa eius factum sit (veluti si fundo hereditario vi deiectus sit aut servus hereditarius vulneratus ab aliquo sit sine culpa possessoris), nihil plus quam actiones, quas eo nomine habet, praestare debeat. idem dicendum est et si per curatorem furiosi culpa vel dolo quid amissum fuerit, quemadmodum si quid stipulatus tutor vel curator fuisset aut vendidisset rem hereditariam. impune autem puto admittendum, quod per furorem alicuius accidit, quo modo si casu aliquo sine facto personae id accidisset.
The Same, Epistles, Book XX. It is stated by Aristo that, where a ward loses possession of any part of an estate through the fault of his guardian, there is no doubt that he will be liable for the amount in an action on the estate, if security has been given to the ward. Moreover, security is held to have been given, even if the guardian is solvent, so that the ward can recover from him the amount for which judgment is rendered against him in an action. Where, however, the guardian is not solvent, it should be considered whether the damage will be sustained by the ward or by the claimant of the estate; hence it must be held to be just as if the property was lost by accident, and just as if the ward himself who is free from blame had diminished, destroyed, or lost any property belonging to the estate. The inquiry can also be made with reference to a possessor who is insane, where any of the property is lost on account of his insanity. What is your opinion on this point? Pomponius says, “I think that the opinion of Aristo is correct. But why are you in doubt as to who should suffer the loss, if the guardian should prove insolvent; for as it can very properly be said that the ward can only be compelled to transfer the rights of action which he has against the guardian to the vendor of the property, so also the heir or the possessor of the estate, if through no fault of his (for instance, if he should be forcibly ejected from land belonging to the estate, or a slave forming part of it should be wounded by anyone without the fault of the possessor), he would only be obliged to assign the rights of action to which he was entitled on this ground. It must be said that the same rule will apply where any loss takes place through the negligence or fraud of the guardian of an insane person, just as in the case where a guardian or a curator entered into a stipulation, or sold property belonging to an estate. I also think that it should be admitted that anything which happens through the insanity of anyone, should remain unpunished; just as if it had been caused by some accident, and without the act of the party sued.”