Epistularum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 35,1,111Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Qui sub condicione rationum reddendarum liber esse iussus est, docere debet constare fidem omnibus, quae ab eo gesta sunt, ut neque subtraxerit quid ex his quae acceperit neque expensum rationibus praescripserit quod non dederat: sed et quod reliquum per contextum scriptum est remanere apud eum, solvere debet: neque enim aliter liber esse potest, quam si hoc modo condicioni, sub quam data est libertas, satisfecerit. ceterum debitores, cum quibus ipse contraxit, non utique in diem mortis domini sui fuisse idoneos praestare cogendus est, sed eo tempore, quo his creditum est, eius condicionis fuisse, ut diligens pater familias his crediturus fuerit.
Ad Dig. 35,1,111ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 49, S. 148: Umfang der Beweislast des Mandatars in Erfüllung seiner Obliegenheiten.The Same, Epistles, Book XI. A slave who is ordered to be free under the condition of rendering his accounts must show that he has been honest in all the business transacted by him, and that he has not embezzled anything of what he received, and has not included in his accounts any expenses which he did not incur. He must also pay over whatever his accounts show remains in his hands by way of balance, for he cannot become free unless he, in this way, complies with the condition under which freedom was granted to him. He will not, however, be obliged to prove that the solvency of the debtors with whom he made contracts existed at the time of the death of his master, but that when he lent them money, their credit was such as would have induced the diligent head of a family to trust them.
Dig. 40,4,61Pomponius libro undecimo epistularum. Scio quosdam efficere volentes, ne servi sui umquam ad libertatem perveniant, hactenus scribere solitos: ‘Stichus cum moreretur, liber esto’. sed et Iulianus ait libertatem, quae in ultimum vitae tempus conferatur, nullius momenti esse, cum testator impediendae magis quam dandae libertatis gratia ita scripsisse intellegitur. et ideo etiam si ita sit scriptum: ‘Stichus si in Capitolium non ascenderit, liber esto’, nullius momenti hoc esse, si apparet in ultimum vitae tempus conferri libertatem testatorem voluisse, nec Mucianae cautioni locum esse. 1Et si ita in testamento scriptum fuerit ‘Stichus, si Capuam ierit, liber esto’, aliter liberum non esse, quam si Capuam ierit. 2Hoc amplius Octavenus aiebat, si quis in testamento sub qualibet condicione libertate servo data ita scripsisset ‘ante condicionem nolo eum ab herede liberum fieri’, nihil valere hanc adiectionem.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book XI. I know that many persons, desiring that their slaves may never become free, are accustomed to insert the following clause in their wills, “Let Stichus be free when he dies.” Julianus, however, says that where freedom is granted at the last moment of life, it has no effect; as the testator is understood to have made a disposition of this kind for the purpose of preventing rather than of bestowing freedom. Hence, if the following should be inserted in a will, namely, “Let Stichus be free, if he should not ascend to the Capitol,” it will be of no force or effect, if it is evident that the testator intended to grant the slave his freedom at the last moment of his life, nor will there be ground for a Mucian Bond. 1If the following provision should be inserted in a will, “Let Stichus be free if he should go to Capua,” the slave will not be free unless he goes to Capua. 2Octavenus goes still further, for he holds that if a testator, having granted freedom to his slave under any condition whatsoever, should add, “I am unwilling that he be manumitted by my heir before the condition is fulfilled,” this, addition will be void.
Dig. 49,14,35Pomponius libro undecimo epistularum. Apud Iulianum scriptum est: si privatus ad se pertinere hereditatem Lucii Titii dicat, altero eandem hereditatem fisco vindicante: quaeritur, utrum ius fisci ante excutiendum sit et sustinendae actiones ceterorum, an nihilo minus inhibendae petitiones creditorum singulorum, ne publicae causae praeiudicetur. idque senatus consultis expressum est.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book XI. It is stated in Julianus that if a private individual should allege that the estate of Lucius Titius belongs to him, when the same estate is claimed by the Treasury, the question arises whether the right of the Treasury should be first inquired into, and the actions of the other parties be allowed; or whether collection of the claims of the individual creditors should be stopped, in order to prevent the case of the government from being prejudiced. This was set forth in the Decrees of the Senate.