Epistularum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 19,1,55Pomponius libro decimo epistularum. Si servus, qui emeretur vel promitteretur, in hostium potestate sit, Octavenus magis putabat valere emptionem et stipulationem, quia inter ementem et vendentem esset commercium: potius enim difficultatem in praestando eo inesse, quam in natura, etiamsi officio iudicis sustinenda esset eius praestatio, donec praestari possit.
Ad Dig. 19,1,55Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 315, Note 3.Pomponius, Epistles, Book X. Where a slave who has been purchased or promised is in the power of the enemy, Octavenus thinks that the better opinion is that the sale and stipulation are valid, because it is a transaction entered into between the purchaser and the vendor; for the difficulty exists rather in furnishing what was agreed upon, than in the nature of the transaction, for even if the delivery of the slave should be ordered by the judge, it should be deferred until it can take place.
Dig. 50,16,245Pomponius libro decimo epistularum. Statuae adfixae basibus structilibus aut tabulae religatae catenis aut erga parietem adfixae aut si similiter cohaerent lychni, non sunt aedium: ornatus enim aedium causa parantur, non quo aedes perficiantur. idem Labeo ait. 1Prothyrum, quod in aedibus iterum qui fieri solet, aedium est.
Pomponius, Epistles, Book X. Statues attached to their pedestals, pictures hung by chains or fastened to the walls, and lamps similarly affixed, do not form part of a house; for they are rather placed there as ornaments than as constituting parts of buildings. 1Labeo also says that the wall usually placed in front of a house constitutes a part of it.